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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Oh, I forgot! Non-spellcasting characters get a combat ability at this level (like Boregloaf in Selos). Nikki and Rowen, if you have ideas for what you'd like, PM them to me.
  2. Originally Posted By: Tirien Is it just me, or is everything on mote always trying to kill you? Also, first post! And get a the log up already or you dont get a cookie. Thanks for your interest! The log should be up sometime in the next couple of days, unless I get lazy. Either way, I will have a cookie by then. EDIT: I forgot to mention something before. Since you're in the middle of an army camp, the four PCs currently with the party could try to trade for stuff if they want. We'll do that via PM before the next session.
  3. Reminder: the next session of Dust Bowl is now, in SpidwebRP. Meaning it is not so much the next session as the current one, or at least it will be if the rest of you show up.
  4. Dantius, I don't know if you're really this obtuse or you just enjoy being a jackass, but either way, knock it off.
  5. Originally Posted By: boggle I posted the opening post on that Sunday, because like someone said, a little learning can be a dangerous thing; so I have two choices: to either completely forget everything I have learnt, or learn more. This is an excellent impulse, and the closer you get to the sources of what you want to learn, the better you're likely to do. Some of our more scientifically-inclined members can probably point you toward sources that will do a better job of teaching than they can themselves. As for our reluctance to deal with your Daily Telegraph friends, nobody who denigrates a minority to make himself look big is worth the attention of intelligent people. I get all the abuse I need in real life.
  6. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Sarachim I wish this was a real thing so I could join it. as far as i am aware you are not a lesbian That is not the main reason I can't join the secret lesbian anarchist conspiracy.
  7. Originally Posted By: Triumph Sarachim...is that reference to to Dust Bowl as the "most atmospheric of AIMHack campaigns," a lame weather pun? Yes, it is. Blame my long association with Lilith. Originally Posted By: Triumph Also: good quotes, and hilariously appropriate perk for Eva. Even with the extended quote section, it was tough to pick my favorites. Parts of this session played out as elegantly as if they'd been scripted. I felt like I was GMing The Magnificent Seven or something. Next time, though, I promise you get to fight something.
  8. Originally Posted By: izen It involved secret killings of the rich and powerful by lesbians. I wish this was a real thing so I could join it.
  9. Look out for my 2000th post sometime in 2019.
  10. The log of session 6 is here! Click to reveal.. (There are actually spoilers in here, read the log first unless you were there) Eric: "Someone needs to invent a faster and easier mode of transportation. All this running and walking around is getting old." Leitha: Then I mime Wybren singing, then being shot at and dying. Wybren: "Oh. I was thinking fire, seeing that's your thing and all." Xiriatl: "Oh, come on, cat, they're not going to eat you. Are they? Do elves eat cats?" Gramzon: "No one is hurting any one!" I call out from my tea. Eva: "...I love this plan. I'm glad to be a part of it..." Xiriatl: "You know, if there's anybody else present who might have a personal connection to our enemies, it would be nice if they could speak up sooner rather than later." Leitha: "I don't have any friends, but I can't promise you that somebody doesn't come along looking for me." Gramzon: "So you do work for him. Now why should I not kill you right here and right now?" Seela: "Well, you would make Wybie cry, for one thing. Not that you'd care." Wybren: "Hey, I never cried. Well, not often. But I certainly don't now!" Gramzon: "If you don't like 'Clover', what is your name, then?" Clover: "Coloviristineit." Gramzon: "That is a lovely name." Xiriatl: "Yes. We'll make sure to put it on your grave." Eric: "I suggest that we take Clover with us and leave him under the care of Captain Doburn or Kheini while we are on our mission. After we are done with our mission, he can leave to do whatever he likes." Xiriatl: "That's all very well if he doesn't escape." Eric: "But only if he promises not to attempt to escape. And I'm warning you, Sliros does not like people who break their word. And so neither do I." Also, a little belated housekeeping. Eva has a new perk! Bookworm Eva starts flipping through her spellbook, only to notice it's still dark out. Constant study has made you an expert on all things magical. You gain three additional spell slots. Finally, don't forget the next session is this Friday, at the usual time. Hope to see you all there!
  11. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES ...I'm confused. Why did he even bring lesbians into the argument? Was it solely for the purpose of a slur and a bizarre analogy, or what? the environment is a leftist conspiracy. you get bonus points if you combo an attack on the environment with an attack on other progressive causes The rare environment/lesbian/postmodernism trifecta is worth a lot of points, but few can pull it off.
  12. Originally Posted By: boggle I don't know the arguments in depth myself, but think it is very important at this time when people are beginning to have doubts about the integrity of the scientific establishment that as many people as possible have access to the facts; and that these facts are explained and discussed in terms of the layman! Thanks for your responses so far! A little learning is a dangerous thing. Anyway, I'm not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure that anybody who includes a slur in the title of their post on global warming isn't one either.
  13. Hey, it's an inventory for Lephista! (pending approval, of course) Click to reveal.. (inventory) Bronze labrys (two-handed) Symbol of Mariona (worn around neck) Horse (named Balbus) with saddle and bridle 3 Healing potions 1 Curing potion 1 Antivenom First aid kit Tent and sleeping bag, 3 days' rations, waterskin.
  14. Sorry this has been so slow lately, I expect it to pick up soon. Anyway, the next session is on Friday, August 13th. I'm expecting a lot of fumbles.
  15. See, if I were your GM, helium is where I'd draw the line. The stuff wasn't even discovered until the 19th century, and that was in the sun. You'd need pretty high Conjuration or Transmutation to get any. Between that and the two crafting skills, you're looking at a character who's built around zeppelins, which will make you dead weight whenever the party goes indoors.
  16. As I understand it, the gun in question is very rare (possibly unique), doesn't offer any mechanical advantage over a bow, and will be hard to get ammo for. How would one person craft a zeppelin alone? Or fly it? Or get enough hydrogen to fill it? Or narrate dramatically as a level 1 wizard shoots it down with a single fireball?
  17. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Aww man. I was so tempted to make a character without any combat skills, but assumed the rest of the party would hate me for being dead weight in a fight. Never mind. In fairness, we totally would hate you for that.
  18. Sweeeet. I'm in. Character coming real soon.
  19. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Lilith it's not actually diminishing returns though, since the number of skill points you get with each levelup increases over time. so you can keep raising your best skill by 2 points each level if you really, really want to, but low-level skills become cheaper by comparison and at some point missing out on one point in Swords in order to distribute five points between other skills instead becomes attractive. the aim is to encourage people to diversify a little more, or rather, to not make them feel that they're compromising their character's effectiveness by doing so yo i already made this system don't steal my ideas >_> Anyone who wants to steal my ideas is welcome.
  20. Elephants' tendency to move in a straight line made Hannibal lose the battle of Zama.
  21. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Sarachim 3. Present the party with a variety of challenges, so that the characters who are weaker in combat get chances to shine outside of it. The Platonic ideal of a GM will find ways for History and Divination and Crafting (Pastry Chef) to be the difference between life and death. And if they just took a variety of combat traits...? And it's Knowledge (Decorative Cake Frosting):, by the way If that happened, I'd make the rest of the campaign combat-heavy, since that's what the players seem to want. It's not the kind of campaign I'd prefer to run, but I doubt that any players who wanted it would sign up for one of my campaigns, so I'm not too worried. If only some of the players focus exclusively on combat, then hanging around uselessly while the others do skill checks is the price they pay for dominating the battlefield. You can't shine all the time.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius This is a quandary. If the PC's aren't balanced, the DM gets a bad choice between 1. Letting the more powerful characters obliterate the setting with ease by scaling to the lower reaches of the party or 2. Screwing over the less optimized party members by scaling to keep the powerful characters engaged in the setting. 3. Present the party with a variety of challenges, so that the characters who are weaker in combat get chances to shine outside of it. The Platonic ideal of a GM will find ways for History and Divination and Crafting (Pastry Chef) to be the difference between life and death.
  23. I think we're losing sight of the fact that every GM is free to make all the houserules he wants, so nobody will ever be compelled to do something they don't want to. There's no need to get so acrimonious when it's possible for everyone to have what they want. In fact, encouraging diversity between GMs makes it easier to keep everyone happy. Personally, I don't see any appeal in making weapon damage more realistic at the expense of flavor, but others might feel differently. Having Dantius around to GM for those people saves me the trouble of catering to them.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith What I wouldn't like to see is a big list of different weapons with different damage ratings. I like the way things work now because there's no disadvantage in choosing a weapon pretty much purely for flavour reasons. QFT. There's no reason there couldn't be a weapon upgrade, I guess, but different weapon types ought to be about equally effective.
  25. ...or maybe not. You know how real life is. Log and quotes coming soon as of now. In the meantime, please fill out the calendar for session 7: http://whenisgood.net/sstfey Wow, seven sessions already? This thing is just flying by. Originally Posted By: Saro, explorer Observe the way the hull of a sailing ship disappears over the horizon before its masts. This is clear evidence that our world is round. What will we find off the edges of the map?
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