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Everything posted by SapientCrow

  1. oh man... I am ... meh... I kept trying to talk to mayor instead of reading the actual quest more closely and talking to the secretary. thanks ShieTar
  2. I think I did the nephilim encampment one too early. there are no more camps of nephilims in the gallery. I got them all before reading the board.
  3. Is it possible to kill something too early then get the quest and never be able to finish it? If so is there a way to respawn the quest target?
  4. great thanks again for the help. I assume the wisdom crystal is not needed for the quest then? I been holding onto it as well as the blue purple and other crystals just because...
  5. I have a question regarding how the crystals go into the inventory. So far I have found 2 locations where it says crystal taken but it does not show in the inventory. Are these items invisibly logged for the quest? thanks
  6. I am running the newest version I believe 1.0 on a windows 7 system. Things move so fast I have run into enemies before I even saw them on screen out in the overworld. There has to be a slomo way to do this. It is like I am cheating not adventuring. Entire eastern gallery in 10 seconds...
  7. The forced tutorial is bad and so is the every ten or so moves auto save which pops up a message on screen. I wanted to immerse myself in these games and the constant pop ups and tutorial info is making it very difficult. each time something new occurs I get a pop up. I had to get myself killed so I would not see that message again. Is there any way at all to hack into the game and at least find the config for the pop up messages or on screen window messages?
  8. I meant like messages like you have received a medal... they seem to stay on screen for a random amount of time and often times very long. And that's it for speed? things move so fast I can scarcely read what npcs in towns are even saying. Is there any external program that would slow things down more? I feel like I am perma hasted... Oh and is it possible to disable auto save?
  9. Is it possible to slow movement down and stop the messages from popping up on screen?
  10. much better thank you. now how do I disable on screen message like getting medals or hints?
  11. I just received a medal now how do I get rid of the message? Navigation of the UI is not very clear
  12. Is there a cfg file I can tweak to turn of the automap or a key in game or a way to hack it so the automap does not show?
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