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Posts posted by Drakefyre

  1. If you want more detail about the origin of the Fluffy Turtles meme, the original Fluffy Turtle that started it is my plush tortoise, Inspector Peanut.



    I still have FluffyTurtle.jpg on my computer, along with "Vote for Alcritas" banners, that picture of Mariann shooting a gun, a dancing doomguard, desperance banners, and more.


    And something called rhapsody.exs

  2. Sports (either competitive or social or both), cooking, drinking, board games (Dominion is a favorite), reading, cultural experiences like museums, concerts, galleries, etc. And while it does involve a computer (or smartphone), meetup.com in populous areas is pretty good for meeting likeminded people or getting into new hobbies. DC also has things like Knowledge Commons DC, and your area might have something similar.



  3. I might not be so surprised if Thrun's Stanford course wasn't really that deep.


    One of the dirty secrets of elite schools is that selection is a bigger part of what they do than they'd like to admit. How much of the value of a Harvard or Stanford education accrues at admission, when you're marked as someone who got into that place? A lot more comes from hanging out with the other students, so how much is left to come from the actual courses taught by those big shot professors? Obviously people learn from them, but in most cases people at less prestigious institutions learn the same things from their smaller shot professors.


    Sometimes I think that the future of higher education will see universities withering away, while fraternities thrive.


    I was a CS grad student at Stanford - I took a lot of Artificial Intelligence classes, just not Thrun's. I took a class that covered everything in Thrun's Udacity course - but in way more depth and rigor. I mentioned that I had Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller as professors, the two founders of Coursera, and their Stanford classes were both incredibly difficult and incredibly rewarding.


    I think what you say definitely has merit, but the professors are Stanford are known for their teaching and their research (incidentally, not Thrun - who was recruited for his robot car skills, then left for Google and Udacity). The more common view is that it's just very hard to fail out of an elite university. There are a lot of resources and second chances. But in engineering specifically, the courses are difficult and challenge students, especially in the graduate-level classes.


    And yes, a lot of people leave a lot of schools with the same skills (and "earning potential" ... although like the article Kel linked, that's obviously not the best measure of measuring post-graduate "success"). But the low-income and racial differences are definitely worth noting (as well as the fact that super top tier schools have better financial aid than almost all state schools).


    For people interested in stuff like this, the Washington Post is in the middle of a 10-part series on higher ed and tuition.


    ETA: I don't think that online learning will ever replace brick and mortar institutions. But I do think that it can fill an important gap for ambitious high schoolers, people who can't afford college but want a college education (and plan to go later in life), nontraditional students who are looking for a way to ease back into education or can't go back to school, people in foreign countries with less access to higher ed, and hobbyists. And that's a lot of people.

  4. Honestly, it's not great. I took the Artificial Intelligence for Robotics course first, and it's a pretty cursory overview of the subject and labeled as an "advanced" course. I didn't have Sebastian Thrun at Stanford but he claimed it was at least as hard as his Stanford classes, which I give serious sideye to.


    I think Coursera is better for advanced subjects because it's mostly actual university classes (and I did have Ng and Koller as profs)


    But we'll see how the GPU course is - it could be very good!

  5. I always thought that Exile II took longer than Exile III when you're just trying to finish as quickly as possible - Exile III is huge and takes forever at first, but you really only need to stop a couple plagues and then be strong enough to survive the final battle. Singleton, combat mode, Avatar.

  6. Wizards also live a very, very long time.


    I chose to help Gladwell, and kill the Darkside Loyalists and the Scourgeleaders for Melanchion. This resulted in the standoff, with essentially many independent nations in the caves and Avernum ruled by Gladwell. Avernum, the Abyss, Melanchion, the sliths, and the Vahnatai. Not to mention the wilderness owned by no-one.


    I liked the long ending narrative - everything made sense, it was satisfying, and no one power has control over the caves.


    One thing that could have been made more clear was the degree of autonomy Upper Avernum (consisting of the surface colony in Valorim as well as "old Upper Avernum" still in the caves) has from the Kingdom of Avernum now ruled by Gladwell. It would make sense to me that Avernum and Upper Avernum become two separate entities once Gladwell takes over from Starrus.

  7. Originally Posted By: Vicheron

    It's funny how neuroscience just reeks of legitimacy. People don't even question it when a scientist uses an fMRI to tell them something about the brain. I just wonder what will happen when a person says that he like Coke but an fMRI image of his brain says that he likes Pepsi. Are they going to believe the person or his brain?

    Depends - what happens when he tries them both? There's a lot of psychology that goes into something like brand loyalty - someone conditioned to think that they prefer Coke when 'chemically' he prefers the taste of Pepsi is an interesting case. There are a lot of things that go into a purchasing decision, and ultimately that's the only thing that really matters. Taste, price, corporate practices, advertising, image ... it's all considered.

    And there's obviously the need to make sure people aren't drawing spurious conclusions by reading the fMRI data backwards. If a certain area of the brain sees activity when shown "frightening" images, just because there is activity in that area of the brain some other time, it doesn't mean that person is frightened (although that is one possibility).

    There's a large disconnect in neuroscience between what can be seen and observed on a minuscule scale of neurotransmitters and axons, and any kind of resultant behavior. There are so many factors and so many unknowns that every connection from small to large scale or vice-versa is celebrated. We're getting more and more tools to draw these connections, and anything that is reproducible and statistically significant is worth exploring further.

    And then we get into fun, manipulative things like neuromarketing.
  8. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Drakefyre
    There's about to be an explosion of breakthrough research in the field of neuroeconomics, especially with increased fMRI time available for researchers at many of the big research universities.

    I'm sure there will be a lot of early adopters trying to make a buck based on their findings, and then we'll get to see how applicable these studies really are!

    whoa look who's back

    Oh hey there LRTDeM ... I've been finishing up Avernum 6 and decided to pop in and see wuz happenin'
  9. Install Avernum 6 on the second computer. Find out where this version's saved game folder is. Copy the individual save folders from the first computer (Save1, Save2, etc) and replace the corresponding saves in the second computer's Avernum 6 Saved Games folder. You should see the saved games appear in the second computer's Avernum 6.


    As for registration, just email Jeff for a new registration code rather than trying to copy over preference files. He's generally very good about this.

  10. Originally Posted By: The Impossible and I
    I would like to reassert an idea from the Shadow Vale discussion. In addition to whatever style of numbers ranking ends up being used, pick 5 or 10 prolific reviewers, write a 2-3 sentence summary of what they like and dislike in scenarios, and list their top 5 or even top 10 favourite scenarios for each one. This allows players to look for somebody who has similar taste in scenarios, and see what that person liked.


    IMHO, this is the best way to connect new players to scenarios they will enjoy quickly and without hassle. And IMHO, that's easily the best way for CSR to "expand the player base."


    This. Like a video store's employee picks. Back when people went to video stores before they knew what movie they were renting.

  11. I disagree. As long as reviewers try to be internally consistent, it should be fine. Wisdom of the crowds, law of large numbers, etc.


    We could also provide median scores in addition to mean scores.


    EDIT: And yes, specifying a 1-10 scale or 0-10 scale should be done. But aside from saying that a reviewer should "like" a scenario they rate 7 more than they "like" a scenario they rate 6.5, we don't need much. ("Like" or "think is better than" both work)


    Although we should discourage vindictive/adjusting ratings that are exaggerated to shift the mean.


    EDIT 2: Why couldn't we host CSR on these boards? A forum right next to the 3 Blades forums.

  12. I think that numbers are fine. It doesn't matter if people have different scales as long as their scales are internally consistent and they rate enough scenarios. The numbers provide a basis for what scenarios people read about - they choose the threads based on the scores, then choose scenarios based on the comments in the threads.


    Wisdom of the crowds and all.


    Move it to a "neutral" place, sure. But putting more rules/restrictions on reviewing isn't what is needed. Score and comments is the simplest effective method for reviewing scenarios.


    DON'T provide any guidance for what a score means. Everyone has their own ideas of what a "9" scenario is. The point of Community (sure Comprehensive works too) reviews is that everyone's views are averaged into a sense of what scenarios are best.

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