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Posts posted by Drakefyre

  1. "You can turn off the character editor permanently. Should you have done this and want your character editor back, this is how to restore it: If using a Macintosh, throw away the "Avernum 3 Prefs " file in the Preferences folder. If using Windows, delete the "Avernum3" (or "Avernum3.dat" if you changed the settings to turn on file extensions) file in the Avernum 3 Data folder. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen)."

  2. Orb of Thralni is day 110 or when you finish the troglos/giants (whichever is sooner), Tower of Magi is day 160.


    I'm glad people are still enjoying Exile III. Along with BoE, this was the game that I sank the most time into, playing and replaying with endless enjoyment.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    It's funny, you know, because I'm coming at this from completely the opposite position to you. I grew up on the Exile series and loved it; that, at least, we can agree on, and I think that's all we can agree on. I found Avernum 1 through 3 pretty much unplayable -- the combat engine feels more restrictive than Exile's, and the brown stick-figure graphics just aren't anywhere near as pretty as the art in Exile. I like the idea of Blades of Avernum, but I happen to think it has possibly the worst engine Jeff's ever made. The Geneforge series started out okay and turned great by G4.

    As for Avernum 4? Eh, I liked it well enough to finish it, despite the occasional tedious parts and the, uh, problematic plot.
    Agree almost 100%
  4. My main complaint with the Avernum and Geneforge is how SLOW they are. Exile was my favorite engine and interface because it was quick and snappy and detailed. Avernum and Geneforge seem molasses-slow in comparison. They're nonresponsive and dumbed-down - also the clicking noises in Exile just seem snappier and crisper. I also hate that Geneforge gigantic cursor. And it's slow. Can we have a real cursor again?

  5. From Avernum 4 Instructions, page 27:

    Each turn, a character has a base of 8 action points (less if slowed or encumbered,

    more if hasted). Moving depletes action points depending on how far the character moves

    (1 action point per space). Attacking takes 5 action points. Using an item or drinking a

    potion takes 3. Using an object (like a lever or wheel) costs 5 action points. Equipping or

    dropping an item costs 1. Trying to attack when you have less than 5 action points ends

    your turn immediately. The number of action points you have left is indicated on the party roster. When all of the action points are gone, the next character gets to act.

  6. What game are you playing?


    In every single Spidweb game, you lose action points for moving, equipping items, using items, casting spells, and attacking. In the first three Geneforge games, you can't attack with fewer than 5 AP.

  7. For me (bad example, I know) it comes down to three things - town/outdoor design is much simpler, dialogue/monsters/items can be edited easier, and noding is *faster* than scripting. I don't know where you got some of the impressions you did - how in-depth merchants are has always been a designer decision and not a trend influenced by BoE/BoA.

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