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Everything posted by Trenton.

  1. That's the one. Insubstantial Clawbugs were only seen once within the game. Insubstantial shades are better, because they appear multiple times. Guilty.
  2. Favorite Character? Insubstantial shade is best pony. Least favorite character? Any machines. I hate not finding the droids I'm looking for. Favorite Creation? Living tool. Will I ever post anything serious? Doubtful. Okay fine. Least favorite creation? Fyoras. They are too weak. Favorite Spell? Kill by far. Least favorite spell? Any and all healing spells :| Favorite sect? Rebels. Least favorite sect? Rawal. Favorite area? That one way over the mountains to the storm plains. You know, not Kratoa-kel, but the other one. With the gazer? Yeah. Least favorite area? Any with mines.
  3. Trenton.


    The cake is a lie. Congratulations Nightwatcher!
  4. De nada. I'm pretty sure I'm in the top five most frequent posters, if not top three. Most definitely top ten Or something like that. I spend way too much time on here.
  5. Try Exile. Exile III: Ruined World is pure greatness.
  6. Burning and replacing the evidence isn't going to help your case, Spiderweb.
  7. My opinion could change. Currently, I only own three spiderweb games. One that was bought for me by the generous Harehunter. Exile III, instant favorite game tie-placer. If not, then second place. Two is Geneforge 5, That I got for my birthday last year. Easily the funnest experience yet. I am still going through the Trakovites though, the only faction I have not completed. And then, finally, Avernum 4, which I got for my birthday only 20 days ago. I still have yet to finish it. If I had any of the other games, I might like those more. Geneforge 5 holds my heart currently though. Geneforge 5 gets way too little appreciation though. I'm half serious about making a new topic or something of who loves Geneforge and why. If, ofcourse, it isn't created yet. I have yet to see if these forums have a search feature
  8. It sucks because, really, Geneforge 5 is my favorite game of Spiderweb Software.
  9. Thank you so much x.x I was looking in every cache I could and couldn't find an ounce of GrayMold.
  10. Some of us arn't really cool and smart script moderators
  11. Geneforge 5 currently doesn't get many posts.
  12. Yay! Borer bugs were those at the top of the screen that attacked you as soon as you tried to walk past them to Perikila(SPELLING?) right? 2,200 POSTS.
  13. That was posted 5 months ago, Kittygazer. Check out the time stamps above peoples posts. Even though it wasn't bad necromancy, and not against the rules, since you were posting something useful, that person has probably solved this already. 5 months is a long time to wait without a response. My bet is that he already went at Gorash-kel and died, or succeeded.
  14. Aw. You didn't make him one of those awesome shredder bugs from the secret fort in the Shadow Road did you? He doesn't deserve something as nice as that. You should have made him a Town Guard. Town guards always get killed by the adventurers. No exceptions.
  15. It saves Essence and spell energy, doesn't it?
  16. Nope. I've learned my lesson. If I ever get more know how about computers, I might attempt it Besides. Jeff's games are perfect. Why would anyone want to modify them?
  17. I have back alley ways to get past security. Bring it, Spidweb You will see my face on the fourth of never. That, or when I learn how to transfer stuff from my DSi to the computer.
  18. Is it that picture option in our profile settings? Where we have to upload and crop it? Or somewhere else?
  19. It is not wise to tamper with un-known forces. {W-what? I asked for a god-mod sword D:< Not for the game to not load!} I will never forget that fateful day. I still have nightmares.
  20. Sylae? Becoming a Mod? This deserves a Pinkie Pie Parade! Congrats. I'm sure you will do a fine job The cake is a lie
  21. I was sort of sad when I saw it was white with a blue backround. But then I saw that today that the theme has changed to its normal maroon and white There are many changes, but as long as the theme is the same, it isn't so bad.
  22. Yes. Just yes. They would be self heating! Fyora marshmallow smores?
  23. Nah. Throw a Rhotdhizen in the mix and watch as Taygen not only succumbs to fire, but acid. Rhotdhizens spray acid when absorbed by the way.
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