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Everything posted by *i

  1. I don't understand why this is such an emotionally charged issue at the moment. I want to have this discussion now before we get into a situation that *is* emotionally charged. So what happens if I (or another moderator) don't/doesn't like someone else's review? How do we decide whether to strike it or not? What are the standards we should employ? Clearly, just a moderator just arbitrarily deciding is not the way to go because we can get into a lot of trouble here. I'm not asking for a rigorous set of criteria, just some guidelines.
  2. We can do whatever we want with TM's review; however, I want there to be a process in place that we can (mostly) agree upon for deciding which reviews are "good" and which ones are "bad". So yeah, we can strike this review or leave it without too much fuss except that it sets a precedent. The real question I want to resolve via debate is what happens when (and it will happen) we have this where the scenario belongs to an active designer. What is the protocol we should follow? Remember, what we do sets a precedent for future decisions. Thoughts?
  3. Of course, 100 words plus is a good thing. Also, having people put something down is good as well. I'm willing to consider some remedy here in terms of recourse an author can take in the event of a review lacking in detail. The trouble is coming up with something where it is clear that a review was inadequate. Perhaps a good guideline is this: at the request of the scenario author, a review may be not counted or stricken. This request is only honored if absolutely no detail is given as to why the ranking was assigned. Examples of reviews that may be stricken: "It's very bad." "I did not enjoy this scenario." Examples of reviews that cannot be stricken: "The combat was tedious." "There was no plot." So in other words, if any attempt is made to describe some element of the scenario, the review will be counted no matter what. How does this sound?
  4. Nephilim Mystery Mac/Windows Author: Selentine Levels: Version: [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6Ik5lcGhpbGltIE15c3RlcnkiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjM5MCIsInRhZ3MiOltdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0IjowLCIzIjoxLCIyIjozLCIxIjo4fX0=] Composite Score: 1.4/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/12) Good: 0.00% (0/12) Average: 8.33% (1/12) Substandard: 25.00% (3/12) Poor: 66.67% (8/12) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  5. Foul Hordes Mac/Windows Author: Sam Harada Levels: 50-75 Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkZvdWwgSG9yZGVzIiwidGlkIjoiMTIzODkiLCJ0YWdzIjpbXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MCwiNCI6MCwiMyI6MCwiMiI6MCwiMSI6MTB9fQ==] Composite Score: 1.0/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/10) Good: 0.00% (0/10) Average: 0.00% (0/10) Substandard: 0.00% (0/10) Poor: 100.00% (10/10) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  6. Twilight Valley Mac/Windows Author: Nikki Levels: 1-100 Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlR3aWxpZ2h0IFZhbGxleSIsInRpZCI6IjEyMzg4IiwidGFncyI6WyJjdXRzY2VuZSBoZWF2eSIsImRhcmsiLCJkaWFsb2d1ZSBoZWF2eSIsImxpbmVhciIsInBsb3QgaGVhdnkiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0Ijo2LCIzIjo1LCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.5/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/11) Good: 54.55% (6/11) Average: 45.45% (5/11) Substandard: 0.00% (0/11) Poor: 0.00% (0/11) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Cutscene Heavy, Dark, Dialogue Heavy, Light/No combat, Linear, Plot Heavy, Short
  7. Tales has been added to the ratings. Lazarus is invited to provide keywords for his scenarios. Also, Echoes: Renegade has made our Top Scenarios list. Congrats TM!
  8. Tales From the Tabard Inn Mac/Windows Author: Lazarus Levels: Custom Version: 1.0.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRhbGVzIGZyb20gdGhlIFRhYmFyZCBJbm4iLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjM4NyIsInRhZ3MiOltdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1Ijo1LCI0Ijo3LCIzIjoyLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 4.2/5.0 Best: 35.71% (5/14) Good: 50.00% (7/14) Average: 14.29% (2/14) Substandard: 0.00% (0/14) Poor: 0.00% (0/14) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  9. That is the idea, to prevent bots that troll the internet from reading your e-mail address and putting you in a spam database. This may have been a good idea 5-10 years ago, and probably still is, but today I'm skeptical that doing it will really foil bots. It's not too much more difficult to look for various strings and to stitch an e-mail address together. That said, you will save yourself from the primitive ones, so probably still a practice to be encouraged. The real line of defense these days comes from spam filters.
  10. Like a lot of TM scenarios, it's always tough to give a final score. The problem is that I'm fragmented in how I feel. On one hand, I love the technical wizardry and want to reward it for that. On the other, I absolutely hated a lot of it. The TM philosophical-babble out of my own characters mouths, no less, was infuriating. The combat just hurt too. So I'm divided. I think I'll split the difference. This scenario contains numerous good examples of coding and a valuable thing for designers. On the other hand, as a player I would say use caution. Rating: [rating]Average[/rating]
  11. Just one more thing to all mods if you modify anything on the BoA Reviews forum. For everyone's benefit, the settings for posts/edits should be to exclude signatures but to include edit time stamps. The former is to keep things clean. The latter is so other mods know when the scores have been updated. Thanks!
  12. The Eternal has been added to the Quality Scenarios list. Thanks TM for the list of scenarios. I'm at a meeting this week, so I'm not online too much, but I'll try to add them when I get back. Oh and thanks for the reviews!
  13. Incorruptible has been upgraded to the Quality Scenarios list. Keep the reviews coming!
  14. HIM: The Wolf at the Door Mac/Windows Author: Thralni Levels: 23-27 Version: 1.1.3 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkhJTTogVGhlIFdvbGYgYXQgdGhlIERvb3IiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjMxNiIsInRhZ3MiOltdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjoxLCI0Ijo0LCIzIjozLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.8/5.0 Best: 12.50% (1/8) Good: 50.00% (4/8) Average: 37.50% (3/8) Substandard: 0.00% (0/8) Poor: 0.00% (0/8) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  15. Shades of Gray Mac/Windows Author: Ephesos Levels: 20-25 Version: 1.1.2 (3-2-10) [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlNoYWRlcyBvZiBHcmF5IiwidGlkIjoiMTIzMTAiLCJ0YWdzIjpbImF2ZXJudW0gdW5pdmVyc2UiLCJjdXRzY2VuZSBoZWF2eSIsIm11bHRpcGxlIGVuZGluZ3MiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjozLCI0Ijo4LCIzIjoxLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 4.2/5.0 Best: 25.00% (3/12) Good: 66.67% (8/12) Average: 8.33% (1/12) Substandard: 0.00% (0/12) Poor: 0.00% (0/12) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Multiple Endings, Cutscene Heavy, Short
  16. Embers of Rebellion Mac/Windows Author: Ephesos Difficulty: 10-15 Version: 1.1.0 (4-30-09) [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkVtYmVycyBvZiBSZWJlbGxpb24iLCJ0aWQiOiIxMjMwOSIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYXZlcm51bSB1bml2ZXJzZSIsImJyYW5jaGluZyBwbG90IiwiZGlhbG9ndWUgaGVhdnkiXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MiwiNCI6MTAsIjMiOjAsIjIiOjAsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 4.2/5.0 Best: 16.67% (2/12) Good: 83.33% (10/12) Average: 0.00% (0/12) Substandard: 0.00% (0/12) Poor: 0.00% (0/12) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Branching Plot, Dialogue Heavy
  17. Darkness Mac/Windows Author: Ephesos Difficulty: 20-30 Version: 1.1.0 (7-29-07) [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkRhcmtuZXNzIiwidGlkIjoiMTIzMDgiLCJ0YWdzIjpbIjI0LWhvdXIiLCJhdmVybnVtIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwiY29tYmF0IGhlYXZ5IiwiZHVuZ2VvbiBjcmF3bCIsInNob3J0Il0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjAsIjQiOjAsIjMiOjcsIjIiOjEsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 2.9/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/8) Good: 0.00% (0/8) Average: 87.50% (7/8) Substandard: 12.50% (1/8) Poor: 0.00% (0/8) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Dark, Combat Heavy, Dungeon Crawl, Short, 24-Hour Scenario
  18. Adrift Mac/Windows Author: Ephesos Difficulty: 1-5 Version: 1.1.0 (4-30-09) [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkFkcmlmdCIsInRpZCI6IjEyMzA3IiwidGFncyI6WyJhdmVybnVtIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwiYmVnaW5uZXIiLCJjb21iYXQgaGVhdnkiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjoxLCI0IjoxMywiMyI6MiwiMiI6MCwiMSI6MH19] Composite Score: 3.9/5.0 Best: 6.25% (1/16) Good: 81.25% (13/16) Average: 12.50% (2/16) Substandard: 0.00% (0/16) Poor: 0.00% (0/16) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Beginner, Short, Combat Heavy
  19. I did ask in general if you had any objections on AIM a while ago and you didn't say anything. Also, you did help me write the forum rules and did not seem to push that authorization is needed first. If you want it removed, I'll do that. Right now I want to start adding all publicly available scenarios to the reviews as my time permits.
  20. Frostbite and Druids of Krell have been added to the Reviews. Authors are welcome to provide keywords or correct inaccuracies.
  21. Druids of Krell Mac/Windows Author: Ephesos Difficulty: 20-30 Version: 3.1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkRydWlkcyBvZiBLcmVsbCIsInRpZCI6IjEyMzAxIiwidGFncyI6WyJhdmVybnVtIHVuaXZlcnNlIiwibGluZWFyIiwic2hvcnQiXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MCwiNCI6MTIsIjMiOjIsIjIiOjAsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 3.9/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/14) Good: 85.71% (12/14) Average: 14.29% (2/14) Substandard: 0.00% (0/14) Poor: 0.00% (0/14) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Linear, Short
  22. Frostbite Mac/Windows Author: Lazarus Difficulty: Custom Version: 1.0.2 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkZyb3N0Yml0ZSIsInRpZCI6IjEyMzAwIiwidGFncyI6W10sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjUsIjQiOjcsIjMiOjEsIjIiOjAsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 4.3/5.0 Best: 38.46% (5/13) Good: 53.85% (7/13) Average: 7.69% (1/13) Substandard: 0.00% (0/13) Poor: 0.00% (0/13) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  23. VoDT finally has five reviews and has placed in the Worthwhile Scenarios category. Let's see if we can get a few more scenarios rated (need five reviews). Sorry I've been sparse as of late, I'm in the midst of thesis writing and been quite busy with work as well.
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