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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. You're probably thinking of the blue cave floor.
  2. Roots version 1.1 uploaded. If you downloaded the old version, you should probably redownload; this is a significant change. (The old version is 100% playable, though.) The change only affects a point near the end, so if you're not at the final battle yet you don't need to start over.
  3. There was a small error in the savefile provided with the Windows version of Roots. A fixed version has been uploaded. If you already downloaded the previous version, the error can be fixed by using the Character Editor to remove Sleep Cloud from Dirac's spell list (or just by not casting Sleep Cloud).
  4. TGM has been around constantly for years, and most cheeses contain little or no lactose.
  5. That's a lot of links. You a Wikipedia editor or something?
  6. Well, Nightfall was loosely based on a book, and that was pretty good for its time. On the other hand, Blade of the Jedi (although based on a movie, or rather, a series of movies, rather than a book) was really, really bad. But no, this scenario isn't based on anything specific; just a selection of everything that's filtered through my mind.
  7. In the version of Nethergate I've got, you can't start with more than the first 6 spells in a circle even if you start with a higher level than 6 in one of the circles.
  8. In case you're wondering, yes, this is the same scenario as Magician's Choice; it got a name change. Find it here: http://thuryl.desperance.net/rootsmac.zip for Mac users or http://thuryl.desperance.net/rootswin.zip for Windows users
  9. If you drop a huge number of items in one area then sometimes the less valuable ones will start disappearing. In general, though, items stay forever.
  10. The Minesweeper thing? Here: http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/R.W.Kaye/minesw/minesw.htm
  11. The challenge comes in doing things that seem as if they can't be done, or doing things that can be done in a new way. For example, alchemy in BoE kind of sucks, because potions can be bought and most of their effects can be duplicated with spells anyway. In designing my soon-to-be-released scenario, I wanted the player to be forced to use alchemy, and so found a way to make it useful and indeed necessary. Creator also created a scenario (Areni) based around alchemy, and implemented it in a completely different way. Basically, the fun is in making things do things they were never really meant to do. It's a little like those guys who proved Minesweeper was Turing complete by implementing Boolean logic gates in it.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Arenax: I'm trying to understand the mindset. If you're going to use buggy, outdated, inefficient, and clumsy tools--why are you trying to expand them to do things that fairly stable, up-to-date, (note I don't say anything about inefficient, JV's code frightens small children and gives passing dogs seizures), and pretty slick tools already do? Why do people climb Mt. Everest without oxygen? Why do people make robots out of junk? Why do people play RPGs without cheating?
  13. If you're on a Mac, try Command-H to hide GF2.
  14. Given that the guy posting on the GF2 boards about the trainer he made hasn't been banned yet, I don't think you should worry. Anyway, technically it's not hacking the game, it's just editing values in RAM. Yeah, Jeff can't help get the trainer working, but he CAN give you an unmodified copy of GF2.
  15. You can leave a sect and join another without cheating, but it takes a little more work.
  16. Yeah. It's a known (if bizarre) bug with summoning items.
  17. The ability to choose where to put a dropped item was removed because Jeff decided to make dropping items as simple as possible.
  18. Anyone ever read Frankenstein? Even monsters only want to be loved.
  19. Jeff doesn't read these boards much. You'd be better off emailing him, although he'll ignore you anyway.
  20. Were you actually standing next to the sign while looking at it? EDIT: Well, that's funny. I'm running v1.1.1 on OS X too, and outdoor signs don't work for me either! Must be a bug introduced in the new version.
  21. Good point. I'm not sure it does work for E2 either, come to think of it. But it never hurts to try.
  22. Maybe we can convince Brett to accept PNGs. They're pretty widely accessible by now.
  23. I think he means the debug shortcut. Which, if I recall correctly, is W (shift-w). But that's cheating.
  24. Yeah, but the only reasonable way to make the walls appear and disappear when walking in and out of houses is through Transform Rectangle nodes. That means you'll need a significant number of new floor terrains; one for every wall terrain.
  25. This is a known bug that nobody can pin down the cause of. If you leave through the portal, things should be okay. If they're still not, well, you've basically finished the scenario anyway, so it doesn't matter too much.
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