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Everything posted by tehpineapple

  1. thanks for that. and now I'd like to take this soon-to-be-locked thread and use it as a soapbox. 1) Damn you JV! It's almost thursday of my reading week, and I've done ZERO work! And I have soooo much due monday. 2) Every time my Shaman gets in a good cleave with her primary attack, I instinctively want to say "Nice Cleave-age!", but then I don't.
  2. Step One: Place enchantment on anvil Step Two: ??? Step Three: Profit!!!
  3. Originally Posted By: Clocknova Perhaps if the rate of heal were slowed a bit. It's ridiculously unrealistic. More unrealistic than talking dragons, and the most powerful person on the planet being a ?
  4. Remember that this is a completely new product. it's not supposed to be an Avernum 7, even though I think we all really want one. It's hip, it's modern, and it's on Steam, baby. Auto-regen is the new model, its just how they do it now. I definitely get the feeling that this game is mostly targeted at new players, with a bare minimum of what Jeff thinks it will take to hold on to his old fan-base. You can NOT say this is a bad game though, it's super polished and has all the greatness I expect from story, characters, quests, etc. But am I pissed off that it's impossible to screw up my character build? Or that I don't have to care how much health I lose or PCs die during battle? A little. But I'll get used to it. [/rant, back to playing]
  5. That's it for collection quests? Hmm, I guess I'll eat my cake then. And I don't need an extra pair of pants to leave on a rune at the end or anything like that?
  6. Click to reveal.. 1) I don't know about collection quests, as I haven't hit any yet, but I've held on to my drake skins (because of the descrip), and a cake I found (because its a spidweb game) 2) Things you can buy: training (yes, there are some places to buy training, or at least one in my playthrough so far). Scarabs, yes. I've also bought some equipment from under castle Vebeaux (Titansteel stuff)
  7. my first real complaint thus far: is there any way to enter a map from a different entrance? because if there is, I haven't figured out how to do it, and if there isn't, why not? It makes getting to certain places really annoying, almost like a downgrade from Geneforge.
  8. the demo was noticably not "big and huge" this time. But I'm hoping that doesn't reflect on the length of the full game. As for it being too easy, that's exactly what I thought until I played just a little bit further and my characters started dying. Is it possible to Click to reveal.. kill that blue dragon?
  9. agreed, you should always know where your towel is.
  10. And another thing, how come I can't play as Redbeard? Or a giant spider? Or Buffy the vampire slayer? so much for immersion...
  11. Originally Posted By: Triumph +1 +2
  12. Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam son of Godo Originally Posted By: tehpineapple Anyone else shocked, shocked to see "Medals" in a Spidweb game? Are they non-negotiable? not only are they non-negotiable, they pop up IN GAME, as you achieve them, presumably for that extra serotonin kick.
  13. If I may add my 2 cents, I've had a big problem with every map system JV has done since A4. This map system... is great. I'm so very, very impressed. I like that you can easily tell where you've explored and where you haven't. I also like the 'easy' quest markers, because they tell me where to go last, since I also relish exploring. And as for the town/buildings/world dichotomy, I like that too. The world seems big, but not overwhelmingly so. One last thing Quote: I hope that the rest of Avadon hasn't been dumbed down like this. Sorry, it kind of has. But I wouldn't say dumbed down, I'd say... streamlined, or simplified perhaps.
  14. Anyone else shocked, shocked to see "Medals" in a Spidweb game?
  15. ^ Nobody knows, all anyone can do is guess. However, it would be decidedly unjeff-like for him to even intimate a February release and then release in March. In either case, it will be soon enough, and we'll all be here when it happens.
  16. Originally Posted By: yarrmateys and since it's all open to the public viewing, you can find some interesting things to read in one of the links. things that probably shouldn't be placed just like that in a public folder. Ah, interesting indeed. But I wouldn't want to ruin anything for myself.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Mystic That's okay, I declared the world officially insane when this happened. "Joe, there's nothing sadder than a sad Japanese man" - Choda Boy (Orgazmo)
  18. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Also Jeff places the game on the servers to test if the game can be downloaded before announcing that it's available. So you will see players posting that they downloaded it hours before the announcement and this page getting updated. The real hardcores have a string of tabs open in firefox, each a different guess of the address for the ftp download of the demo, all of which contantly auto-refreshing. (possibly also a macro to flush DNS cache every few minutes) Now I ask you, does JV really need help drumming up excitement? Edit: "Baby Gaga" LOL
  19. all cities need planetariums, just like all starships need arboretums.
  20. If anyone here shelled out the $40,000 for the Lisa when it came out, I tip my hat to you.
  21. *shouts at up at the sky* Redbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeard!
  22. Originally Posted By: Master1 I'm not sure what you're saying here... To clarify, I want a week of from school, but I don't actually get one. I do get a week off at the end of April, but I shan't be waiting that long! Sadness to you, friend. My week off starts Feb 28th.
  23. Originally Posted By: Master1 Now just gimme Avadon and a week off from school! Every single event in the universe that has happened up until now has been leading to this: the release of Avadon coinciding with reading week (or whatever you call it).
  24. Originally Posted By: Tirien http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=30763#Post30763 http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=32153#Post32153 Sooooooo confused. I wish I had not clicked those links. My brain is now esplode.
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