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Posts posted by Harehunter

  1. My Version I Scenario editor in Windows Visual Basic has a few features I find useful, especially when trying to document someone elses scenario such as when I wrote the walkthrough for The Adventurers Club.


    I have made the VB source code available for anyone who wants use those features.

  2. And while I still do not understand bender neutral, I will do my best to avoid offending; However, I cannot guarantee that I won't slip up, Ok, Please understand that I do not, nor ever will, do so with intent to offend.

  3. Well met Slarty, Long time since we got into a head to head. Although I'm not sure if your response to my post is sarcasm, it matters not.

    As for misinterpretation, or worse, misuse of a word, I debate that continuously on Linked In.


    I don't need that here, This forum is to relax, not to get all worked up over nothing. I have noticed a bit of edginess here, though. It is as though some people are expecting to be slighted. That was the past, this is rte present. Let's look toward a better future than what we had in the past. That process begins in the present.

  4. When I first started with Exile I, I always liked pairing up my characters into fire teams. I could do more with six PCs because I then had a choice of two fire teams of three or three teams of two. I really missed that flexibility while playing Avernum.

  5. As a redneck male living in a family full of redneck women, let me assure you I have no problem with the idea of a strong female character that can hold her own in almost any circumstance. And any circumstance she cannot handle alone would be equally insurmountable by the male character as well. But together, they complement each other and form a team that is greater than the sum of their strengths.

  6. It was funny when Hawkeye Pierce ( Alan Alda ) said on that one MASH episode "We who are about to dye salute you" just before he had his head dunked info red hair dye. But, Please, have some respect, for crying out loud.

  7. What a wicked thought, to start a punnic war on social networks, forcing people back to sites like this. But I think that such use of chemical weapons has been banned by the Geneva Convention.


    And another question; why is Spam so maligned? That is one of my favorite snacks, since I am forbidden from bringing kim-chee into the house.

  8. I am considering...

    Does this thread merit preservation on Harehaunter's Hutch of Horrid Humor?

    That the incantation has summoned the Harehunter .....


    Dikiyoba, You know too well that the only good pun is the one unspoken. But if it is unspoken, then it has never come into existence, and is therefore not a pun. Or is it? And I'm still trying to make sense of this


    "Dikiyoba is nostalgic for the days when this thread was not full of godawful puns."

  9. Lillith,

    I never had trouble with left and right, I had trouble with port and starboard . It was not until I learned the origin of the word Starboard came from the contraction of Steering Board. In older sailing vessels, there was no centerline rudder. just a board on the right side of the vessel near the stern. OK, Starboard means Right. But why Port for the Left? Well that was the side always brought up to the port. Why ? Because you couldn't do that on the right side because the steering board was in the way.


    Then there were the Latin words for right and left.....

  10. Thank you Dikiyoba, but seriously, when puns fly at work, I don't even have to be in the same room.

    When asked, "Who threw the first punnch?" everybody points at me.

  11. Student of Trinity.

    I find your remark about quantifying interest to be very amusing.

    Because on the Harvard Business Review group on LinkedIn there currently a lengthy discussion on How to measure Behavior.

    Not so far out into the ozone as you might have thought.

  12. Or they were made to feel unwelcome here. and went elsewhere.

    My level of activity is greater on more forums with more people. a few curmudgeons converted to friends.

    Disagreements galore, but all done at a professional level.

    Here I feel shunned, there I am respected.

    Go figure.

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