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Posts posted by Triumph

  1. Nope. Other than two spots playing as a rebel*, I finished* the game on both paths without ever personally hitting anything, relying on stealth / mechanics / leadership / AI friendlies for everything. I would sometimes need to buff or heal the friendlies, but they would do all the actual fighting. Note that this means some zones cannot be cleared, since they require you to kill something, but there's always another a path.

    *To kill Khyryk as a pacifist rebel, you must select the dialogue option saying you've come to kill him, which only appears the first time you talk to him. I didn't realize the option would disappear, so I ended up being forced to hit him once to start the fight, but it's possible to get through without personally hitting him. The other problem was at the very end of the game; I went to kill Rahul and Anjali, but the imprisoned drakon who is supposed to help you had disappeared (a glitch or bug, probably) leaving me no way to get the job done.

  2. 2 hours ago, Vardegras said:

    Wonder if that fourth faction (the one in the stretch-goals)  will be avernum-like. Mushroom eaters maybe ? Eager to bring mushroom beer to the ignorant surfacers ???

    Vahnatai! More evidence for the old Vahnatai creation theory! 😱


    21 hours ago, amurath said:

    Also, don't take this the wrong way, Jeff, but your Kickstarter pitch definitely needs some work - both in terms of content and presentation...Have you thought about getting some help from a social media person to get the word out? I suggest doing (more) interviews, use Twitter/Facebook/etc to get the word out and describe the pitch in more detail.


    That feeling when Jeff has been in business for decades and someone tells him to use social media and do interviews. 😂😂😂

  3. When you enter the chamber of the second creator monster, a scene will play where the creature talks to you and an NPC Shaper shows up. You'll need to click on some of the nearby machinery and select the dialogue option to repair it. Then you'll have to kill the Shaper.

    As best I can tell, no matter what you do, you will always lose one of either Greta or Alwan after the third island. Help the creature and lose Alwan, kill the creature and lose Greta.

  4. No one has posted in this thread in four years and the creator, Jerakeen, hasn't been around in a long time. You aren't likely to get any answers. Also, in the future, please consolidate your questions into one post rather than spamming posts in a row. Thanks.

  5. That John C. Calhoun ranking...ugh, I can't stand that man. Talented and successful politician, sure, but plenty of awful people are successful politicians, so Calhoun has plenty of company.

    However, this ranking blunder :p does give me a convenient opportunity to share this delightful story about Mr. Calhoun that is unfortunately fictional but totally deserves to be true.


  6. Apparently I'm feeling silly, so I'll ask how the following stack up:

    Pride and Prejudice



    Sense and Sensibility

    Northanger Abbey

    Cinnamon rolls

    Casablanca (the film, not the city)

    Sparkling water


    Mr. Toad of Toad Hall
    Thomas the Tank Engine
    Sir Topham Hatt

    George Clooney
    Cluny the Scourge
    The Dalai Lama
    The aesthetic qualities of [hieroglyphics / the Greek alphabet / the Hebrew alphabet]

    Why am I even coming up with this nonsense? Slarty stop being a bad influence on me pls kthxbai :lol:

  7. This thread...LOL. Okay, I'll suggest the following for the list:

    Jeff Vogel

    Banyan trees

    Sock puppets


    Handlebar mustaches
    Good grammar



    Chrono Trigger

    (You'd BETTER like CT more than disco... :p)

  8. There's a cheat in most (all?) the Geneforge games that can reset the hostility of an individual zone (e.g. turning Icy End friendly after you made them angry). That's different from failing a quest so that an NPC will no longer hire you.

    I'm pretty sure it's technically still be possible to change you access to Taygen's quest line, but a bit more complicated than entering a cheat code. You'd need to dig in the scripts to identify the flag triggered by this Camp Dranir, then alter a zone script somewhere so you could change the flag to whatever Taygen's flag-check requires (e.g. add text so that when you, say, click on a sign, it sets the flag to the correct number). Disclaimer: I've never done this, nor played G5 (except the demo), I'm just going off what I've seen of various other posts on the Geneforge games.

  9. No, Randomizer's prognostication is accurate. :/ I want to teach college history, so that's what I'll be looking for. However, jobs are scarce and seem to be getting scarcer, so I'm open to other possibilities if an opportunity appears.

    In the short-term, besides looking for jobs, I plan to work on fixing up my dissertation and trying to get it published.

  10. I studied US history. It's not the most fashionable of topics in the historical profession, but it's what interested me.

    In my case, well, if I have any rich family members, then they are utterly unknown to me.  However, I got a pretty good score on the GRE that apparently was key to convincing two universities (one for my MA, and another for my PHD) to give me generous sums of money to come study there.


    And yes, a LOT of reading. I actually became a much better reader, I believe, thanks to grad school.

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