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Donald Hebb

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Everything posted by Donald Hebb

  1. Oh hey, you're right- I didn't see that node. Thanks.
  2. My next question is, how? And another call... void set_town_training(short can_train);
  3. You could use the icon shift- cheezy, I know, but there's just something neat about a fire/ice slith that never seems to get old, regardless of however many species it's applied to. Well, eh. A dark-red Slith Chief would be an interesting graphic.
  4. TextEdit. If you really WANT, I could post up some of my scenarios' SDF lists.
  5. A bit bare-bones right now (obviously), but I like the set-up. It does, however, assume that the player knows some things about the terrains they're dealing with before even opening it- why not make smaller captions or a "help" pop-up? Perhaps you could make a state-compiler where you have a selected group of "options" (ie. Display Message, Display Small Message, Set Flag, etc.), the designer chooses which he/she(/it?) wishes to add to the list of actions performed in the state, at which point it would be compiled into one handy state to be used in the editor.
  6. I want to call a state IMMEDIATELY after a monster dies, not at the end of the turn (using state 2). Is there any way that a creature's death can cause a node to be called instantaneously post-mortem? Thanks.
  7. void set_year(short year); I'd also like to see customizable scenario icons.
  8. I, personally, have a small tutorial scenario I made for myself to test the calls in. Avernumscript isn't easy, but if you bash your head for a long while (and you will), you'll get it eventually. Knowledge of basic algebra, booleans, and at least one other scripting language help here. (Walking into this I was vaguely familiar with Javascript, so it wasn't as difficult as it could have been.)
  9. (Big surprise! I have another stupid question...) 553 is the icon of a Scen Icon pic I want to be the label of my scenario. I insert 553 into the field for "Set Label Icon", but the game refuses to recognize it. Can one customize scenario icons, or are we all relatively screwed in that regard?
  10. I'm not sure why it would even have to have the description removed- in items clearly from other scenarios, every other trait works just fine. I have no idea what difference this would be. I'd like Jeff to include descriptions. Just imagine- "This sword, wrenched from the wrathful fists of Gal-nath the Haakai Lord in the seventh circle of hell, etc..." Now, scenarios can become even more self-important.
  11. I absolutely LOVE this call! But, can one use it and have the text be to the right of the picture, along the lines of the intro text in a scenario? I have good uses for this call regardless, but having paragraphs describing what's going on in the scenario next to a picture would be preferable.
  12. Boolean checks don't use semicolons. That aside, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at.
  13. I tried both Namothil's and Wizard's suggestions, but still couldn't make it work. Bah. (First, I tried calling this through state 2. Then, I tried calling it as a node. Both didn't work.)
  14. I have a guard who I want to stay put. How can I do this?
  15. This script does nothing: Code: beginstate 31;if(char_on_spot(19,36) == 0 || char_on_spot(19,36) == 1 || char_on_spot(19,36) == 2 || char_on_spot(19,36) == 3){print_str("You are standing on the mat.");}else{print_str("You are not standing on the mat.");}break; ---- If I'm merely making some stupid syntax error, then please alert me.
  16. I'm reading the docs closely, looking for some rhetoric I missed at midnight, but I have a good deal of trouble finding any difference between states 0 and 111- that is, the Loading Scenario and Starting Scenario states. Maybe I'm an archaic bugger, but could somebody provide examples of these "transposed" into Blades so I can have an easier time relating? EDIT: n/m on the second half of my problem, it's fixed.
  17. Amen to that. 100 outdoors sections is way too many for any scenario. With the 200 town limit, one could feasibly (dare I say it) make At the Gallows in all-towns. My scenarios take place in 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 and 1 sections respectively. I'm a reserved designer in that respect.
  18. Karma doesn't matter. Nobody really cares. That said, I disagree with you- there has only been one group effort (Wreck of the Slug), it wasn't partitioned as you said, and it sucks horribly. All others (and there have been a few) have been abandoned because of personal restraints or outright laziness. Has anyone here heard of the Blades Megasite...?
  19. I'm reading the docs... It sounds like we will only be able to have 21 creatures. I hope that either I'm misreading the docs, or this is some sort of cruel joke. (If this is true, I will end up needing to edit the core data files eventually. No offense, but take a look at Bandits 2- I stretched most aspects of the editor to their limits, items and creatures included.)
  20. *Lifts hands up into the air and proclaims the return of the Messiah*
  21. I notice that Stareye isn't a mod yet as well.
  22. ftp://spidweb.com/mac/ It's here, and it's not even four megabytes.
  23. I just downloaded the demo, but alas, there is no editor to be seen. Naturally, this makes me irritated- why the heck can't I start fiddling around with it immediately? Bah.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: TM is a little off. Doston was actually part of Aixo before the fall of the Empire. Aixo used to be much larger and somewhat more mountainous. At some point during or after the fall of the Empire, the continent split in half. Thuryl? Aizo is not spelled with an X. And yeah, Doston was its own island. Sorry. (I have a particular disdain for Arkanor's collapse of the Empire. I could write a more imaginative ending with less than .5k characters and 5 minutes.) Drakey- Anything with two brain cells together should be taken for more worth than the "ingenious" plotlines of Lord Arkanor. Christ, how low do you think of me? Don't waste my time with this rubbish.
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