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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. I am math challenged. Bother.


    On my archers, I usually have Fast on Feet and just a point or three in Quick Strike.


    With out actually being able to cough up the numbers, I would still say that that I can get 10 AP quite a bit of the time. Is it because I cast bless at the first sign of battle? I dunno. Sure, it's not always 10 AP, but a good bit of the time, I get lucky.


    Having the melee skill isn't a bad thing. Really. If an archer type does get involved in the thick of things, being able to hit, and hit hard is important. After all, the faster you kill whatever is in your face, the sooner you can go back to raining death at bow point.

  2. THE Ogre Battle. Part of the Tower quest.


    Right now, front liner is a Slith. He has six strength base, ten dex I believe, a smattering of pole arm skill, enough to get quick strike, still cranking gymnastics. A few points in parry. Hrm, seven or eight endurance. He has some bow and sharpshooter skill. Some in luck, some in hardiness, some in quick action. A purely defensive build.


    For traits, he has the elite warrior skill.




    Oh. He's in his twenties.

  3. THE Ogre Battle. Part of the Tower quest.


    Right now, front liner is a Slith. He has six strength base, ten dex I believe, a smattering of pole arm skill, enough to get quick strike, still cranking gymnastics. A few points in parry. Hrm, seven or eight endurance. He has some bow and sharpshooter skill. Some in luck, some in hardiness, some in quick action. A purely defensive build.


    For traits, he has the elite warrior skill.




    Oh. He's in his twenties.

  4. The front liner should be a tank yes, with damage as a secondary concern.


    Gymnastics is proving to be quite powerful actually. Stuff in the Great Cave area only has a 1% chance to hit my front liner. Anything that does hit is parried. Tanko has stopped drinking potions eons ago, and even mages are minor annoyances because most spells can't hit him either. Archers, bane of my existance because parry doesn't seem to work as well against arrows, are also only mildly annoying. 10 dexterity, 9 or 10 gymnastics I think, and I don't remember how much parry.


    All of the real damage comes from your mages and archer. Archer of course there to provide ancillary support through status effects if possible through the use of the elemental bows, switching to a high physical damage bow if needed.


    Torment has become quite bearable. Even the Ogre Battle was manageable... But barely.

  5. The front liner should be a tank yes, with damage as a secondary concern.


    Gymnastics is proving to be quite powerful actually. Stuff in the Great Cave area only has a 1% chance to hit my front liner. Anything that does hit is parried. Tanko has stopped drinking potions eons ago, and even mages are minor annoyances because most spells can't hit him either. Archers, bane of my existance because parry doesn't seem to work as well against arrows, are also only mildly annoying. 10 dexterity, 9 or 10 gymnastics I think, and I don't remember how much parry.


    All of the real damage comes from your mages and archer. Archer of course there to provide ancillary support through status effects if possible through the use of the elemental bows, switching to a high physical damage bow if needed.


    Torment has become quite bearable. Even the Ogre Battle was manageable... But barely.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Deaf- Will work for MP3s:
    I'm not convinced that archery rocks to the degree advertised. My nephil (specializing in archery & tool use) does a bit over 20 dmg with arrows to enemies my slith fighter does 40+ dmg to.

    Of course, I'm still under lvl 7, and the slith has a iron spear whereas the nephil has a yew bow.
    Sharpshooter and dexterity is what makes archery rock. It's more important to pump Sharpshooter and dexterity than it is to pump the bow skill.

    My nephil has a the longbow you can buy in Formello from Oliver and he does on average 50 to 65 damage with the 5 to 15 damage bow. When blessed, this number boosts considerably.

    The trick is getting your archer to at least 2 attacks a round most of the time. There is no need to rush forward and engage the enemy in toe to toe like your front line fighter... An archer can just start dishing out the pain in the first round, and this can end a battle before it starts. Two well placed shots can take an enemy mage to critical status, which allows the front line fighter which has rushed forward to take them out on the next round.
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Slartucker:
    There's a skill that gives you extre action points? Yow. Yes, that -does- sound useful...
    Yes. Look in the Hidden Skills thread for more details. With Fast on Feet, two attacks per round. Makes for a NASTY archer.
  8. I can't see any problem with an all kitty party.


    Except there are only two Nephil graphics.


    Archery is even better on Torment because it allows you to conserve much needed spell points for entrenched battles. A mage or a priest can fire a few pot shots, maybe make a kill, and get some good returns from first aid.


    You are going to want some melee skill though. If only to get quick action.

  9. Demonslayer isn't a bad sword... It is a lot better than how it was for A3.


    Defensively, it is still an exceptional weapon. Pair it up with some Gazerskin sandles and some boosted luck, and you have one very hardy warrior.

  10. This may sound silly, but in one of my games, Demonslayer wound up on my priest. The resists and such. He even poked a couple of things with it.


    Though it is somehow fitting that a priest hold the mighty Demonslayer.


    Oh. And on a personal note, I am still more than a little miffed that Demonslayer is nothing more than a common butterknife broadsword now, instead of the fabled two handed cleaver it has always been. I thought about firing off an angry email to Jeff during the beta, but decided that complaining would do me no good.

  11. Bugger. I was always, and I do mean always, broke. There was always something to save up and pay for. Training. Spells. Equipment. Something. Anything.


    It both pissed me off and kept me satisfied. On one hand, there is always something to work for and get, and on the other hand, you are always trying to scrounge a few coins, and being big famous adventurers, you should never be broke.



  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy:
    Will someone comment some more on how much Luck they think is worthwhile for what sort of PC's? I always give my PC's one Luck to start with, but rarely wind up giving them more than 2-3 Luck by the end of the game, as something else always seems more pressing. But maybe more luck for the meat shield up front would be worthwhile, as already discussed recently, and leaving him with the Clover Boots for this reason.
    Those absurd little boots are quite possibly the most powerful item in this game... But they are far to subtle for a majority of players to appreciate.
  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy:
    Will someone comment some more on how much Luck they think is worthwhile for what sort of PC's? I always give my PC's one Luck to start with, but rarely wind up giving them more than 2-3 Luck by the end of the game, as something else always seems more pressing. But maybe more luck for the meat shield up front would be worthwhile, as already discussed recently, and leaving him with the Clover Boots for this reason.
    Those absurd little boots are quite possibly the most powerful item in this game... But they are far to subtle for a majority of players to appreciate.
  14. I begged Jeff to fix thrown weapons... So that after you throw them you might find a few here and there on the ground after a battle, like you would in previous games. I never got an answer.


    I must say, I was slightly bummed out after that. Scrounging missiles appealed to my nature for some reason.

  15. I use thrown missiles.


    Nephils, in particular, gain enough free levels in thrown weapons that if you have a spare stack of razordisks or lances, you can swap them in and throw them.


    And I have made more than one Slith Lancer... Specialising in both melee and thrown spears. Fun, strictly from a roleplaying sense, and not a munchkin red wizard gaming sense.

  16. I use thrown missiles.


    Nephils, in particular, gain enough free levels in thrown weapons that if you have a spare stack of razordisks or lances, you can swap them in and throw them.


    And I have made more than one Slith Lancer... Specialising in both melee and thrown spears. Fun, strictly from a roleplaying sense, and not a munchkin red wizard gaming sense.

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