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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. Jeff insisted that all of those were placeholder graphics.


    I wonder what happened.


    For a brief shining moment, it looked as though the game was going to be utterly brilliant... And then at the last moment, crushing disapointment.


    Captain Matos, and most of those other soldiers, look like melted candles. They have no faces. They look bloody awful. All splotchy looking. And the priestess in Fort Monastary... A female using the male priest graphic.


    It's little touches like these that could have been easily fixed but were not that bug me.


    And the blond haired duo of humans... You know the ones... Blond haired priest and priestess, when I mentioned that the in game graphic had black hair and the portait had blond hair, the portrait was changed to poopy brown hair.


    Little things like this can sour me on a game. :

  2. Heh. Good luck with that.


    I wonder though, just how much mage skill would a singleton need... Enough to cast Dispel Barrier and Unlock Doors I think, along with 15 tool use to pop locks.


    I am not saying a Singleton is possible or not... But for damage spells, he would be better off advancing his priest skill levels for Divine Fire and being able to cast a few shades.


    Dispel Barrier takes, what, 8 in mage skill? I don't remember off of the top of my head.




    How would a Singleton get the level of nature lore and arcane lore required to learn spells? That is a really good question... You need what, 20 in each? Plus tool use, mage skills, priest skills, physical stats?


    Sounds like it would become spread thin very quickly.

  3. Heh. Good luck with that.


    I wonder though, just how much mage skill would a singleton need... Enough to cast Dispel Barrier and Unlock Doors I think, along with 15 tool use to pop locks.


    I am not saying a Singleton is possible or not... But for damage spells, he would be better off advancing his priest skill levels for Divine Fire and being able to cast a few shades.


    Dispel Barrier takes, what, 8 in mage skill? I don't remember off of the top of my head.




    How would a Singleton get the level of nature lore and arcane lore required to learn spells? That is a really good question... You need what, 20 in each? Plus tool use, mage skills, priest skills, physical stats?


    Sounds like it would become spread thin very quickly.

  4. You know, it strikes me as being stupid to give a character a trait that includes magery, and then not give them any mage or priest spells at all.


    Really... All that magery really adds up, and just a few points in to mage skills or priest skills would pay off. Smite can easily top out at 100 damage with a little work.

  5. You know, it strikes me as being stupid to give a character a trait that includes magery, and then not give them any mage or priest spells at all.


    Really... All that magery really adds up, and just a few points in to mage skills or priest skills would pay off. Smite can easily top out at 100 damage with a little work.

  6. A human archer is a terrible idea, considering that Nephils gain bow skills.


    A priest thief is useless. Completely useless. Now that Jeff has confirmed that tool use does in fact work with unlock doors, a mage makes sense.


    And as we found out, humans are the very worst. Nephils are a far better race for everything, and the only thing that Sliths have going for them is the steep experience penalty, which keeps the monster level curve from biting you in your hind end.

  7. I could be totally wrong, but I seem to recall in Exile some place that the Nephar were Nephils that were a demonic crossbreed. But this changed, I think in Avernum.


    Could be wrong. A lot of things were changed from Exile to Avernum, and not all of them good. Like Sliths for example, being magical creatures with a bonus to their int score.


    And on the subject of role playing... Purely from a role playing view... I have considered a party with two sliths and two nephils. Since their are of course, two of each kind of graphic.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Slartucker:
    Cranking every spell to the max may not be min/maxing, but your mages certainly sound a little bit munchkin themselves smile

    ...anyway, isn't the whole point of Torment that you HAVE to try and optimize as much as possible? If I were really going for RP I think I'd have to start pulling out the disadvantages. Brittle Bones = golden RP opportunity.
    Well duh... It is every mage's desire to be munchkin, the whole thirst for power thing. Just look at Erika... A red mage.

    Coinkidinky? I think not.
  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Slartucker:
    Cranking every spell to the max may not be min/maxing, but your mages certainly sound a little bit munchkin themselves smile

    ...anyway, isn't the whole point of Torment that you HAVE to try and optimize as much as possible? If I were really going for RP I think I'd have to start pulling out the disadvantages. Brittle Bones = golden RP opportunity.
    Well duh... It is every mage's desire to be munchkin, the whole thirst for power thing. Just look at Erika... A red mage.

    Coinkidinky? I think not.
  10. Daze and Strong Daze suck.




    Daze fizzles out early. Highly unreliable. And it's a long wait to Strong Daze. And then that fizzles out quickly too. Plus, you can't daze pylons.


    That said... When I make a mage, a role play a mage. And my mages are not happy till they have every spell completely cranked to show mastery as an Archmage.


    Sigh. Stupid role playing keeps getting in the way of being munchkin.

  11. Daze and Strong Daze suck.




    Daze fizzles out early. Highly unreliable. And it's a long wait to Strong Daze. And then that fizzles out quickly too. Plus, you can't daze pylons.


    That said... When I make a mage, a role play a mage. And my mages are not happy till they have every spell completely cranked to show mastery as an Archmage.


    Sigh. Stupid role playing keeps getting in the way of being munchkin.

  12. Well the one that wears bright pink...


    Question. The Divine Blood trait implies that greater beings walk freely through the world.


    I see plenty of demons to kill.


    Where are all of the "good" beings?


    Or would the Divine Blood type be half demons? That would certainly be interesting to think about, Cambions running around Avernum. But those are always male.

  13. I know how one could justify an all Nephil party. (Though not four Nephils with the Divine Blood trait.)


    You could be proud honourable Nephils, offered up to serve Avernum, all the while also hunting for a place to start a new clan on your own lands.


    After all, what better way to scout for a new home than to join the army and be sent to all of the remote places of Avernum? Bound to find a suitable home sooner or later...


    Ok. Resume being munchkin now.

  14. Yes, but two levels of a spell can add considerable damage.


    Case in point. Lightning Spray. One point, learned from the spell book behind Skunky Joe. (Who is now pukingly pink, argh) You get maybe 50 to 75 damage per shot. Buy two levels and that damage shoots up in to the hundreds.


    The heal all spell. One point learned from a book with get you maybe 20 to 30 points of healing for your group, which is sad and pathetic. Learn two levels and BAM! 100 point healings are now possible.

  15. Yes, but two levels of a spell can add considerable damage.


    Case in point. Lightning Spray. One point, learned from the spell book behind Skunky Joe. (Who is now pukingly pink, argh) You get maybe 50 to 75 damage per shot. Buy two levels and that damage shoots up in to the hundreds.


    The heal all spell. One point learned from a book with get you maybe 20 to 30 points of healing for your group, which is sad and pathetic. Learn two levels and BAM! 100 point healings are now possible.

  16. One wee problem here that nobody else has seemed to notice.


    All this talk of buying training.


    Not bloody possible.


    As it is, you stay broke just saving up your coppers to buy spells and the occasional bit of training here and there. There is simply not enough gold available to do a game where you flat out depend on training in every little thing. I compulsively pick up and sell everything when I start heading back to town, picking up everything that might have dropped along the way, and even with me picking up things like javelins and sacks of meal to trade, I STAY BROKE. Heck, I even pick up and sell every last cotton picking little green crystals.


    There is no barter. Many items dropped are junk. I mean, it's going to take many thousands of gold pieces just to aquire basic skills, many of which are not available till the mid game or the end game.


    Sorry, but I simply do not see this working.

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