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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. One wee problem here that nobody else has seemed to notice.


    All this talk of buying training.


    Not bloody possible.


    As it is, you stay broke just saving up your coppers to buy spells and the occasional bit of training here and there. There is simply not enough gold available to do a game where you flat out depend on training in every little thing. I compulsively pick up and sell everything when I start heading back to town, picking up everything that might have dropped along the way, and even with me picking up things like javelins and sacks of meal to trade, I STAY BROKE. Heck, I even pick up and sell every last cotton picking little green crystals.


    There is no barter. Many items dropped are junk. I mean, it's going to take many thousands of gold pieces just to aquire basic skills, many of which are not available till the mid game or the end game.


    Sorry, but I simply do not see this working.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by SNM:
    Originally written by Akai Hoshi:
    I agree with Thuryl- my biggest challenge with wiping out the chitraches was figuring out where the queen actually *was*.
    Yeah, but with those you just had to take your time in moving through each section. The honeycomb has routes on top of each other that don't connect unless you move through half of the neighboring map.
    When I first decided to tackle the Honeycomb, I spent probably about 10 hours of gameplay just trying to map the whole area.

    It was awful.
  3. Well, it has been my own conclusion that Nephils are, in fact, as a race, grossly overpowered. Gymnastics is turning out to be one of those uber powered sleeper skills that somehow seemed to fly under the radar during the beta... And I don't think much can be done about it now. Not that Nephils get much of it, but every last point helps and they do get it for free. They also gain free levels in archery, which is rapidly proving to be the most reliable physical skill in the game. (For many reasons, how parry works, how damage is boosted, and that you can punish foes with physical damage and not worry about charm or ripost effects) For a mere 10% exp penalty, which really isn't a penalty at all, you are having your cake and eating it too, with some extra scoops of ice cream.


    The only thing that is really a downside to them is the horrid graphic issue... There are only two, and one of them looks like poo. Sorry, but the nephil in the breastplate graphic is so poorly done that I simply can not stand to look at it. And changing colours turns his fur odd shades of green, purple, or blue, causing him to look even worse... It's bloody awful.


    I really hate to say this, because I am a big fan of this game and most of Jeff's work... But like Geneforge III, this game feels only half done and then rushed out. Need I remind any one of the super pixilated GIII boats... BLARGH!


    And really, the Sliths got shafted, all things considered.

  4. Well, it has been my own conclusion that Nephils are, in fact, as a race, grossly overpowered. Gymnastics is turning out to be one of those uber powered sleeper skills that somehow seemed to fly under the radar during the beta... And I don't think much can be done about it now. Not that Nephils get much of it, but every last point helps and they do get it for free. They also gain free levels in archery, which is rapidly proving to be the most reliable physical skill in the game. (For many reasons, how parry works, how damage is boosted, and that you can punish foes with physical damage and not worry about charm or ripost effects) For a mere 10% exp penalty, which really isn't a penalty at all, you are having your cake and eating it too, with some extra scoops of ice cream.


    The only thing that is really a downside to them is the horrid graphic issue... There are only two, and one of them looks like poo. Sorry, but the nephil in the breastplate graphic is so poorly done that I simply can not stand to look at it. And changing colours turns his fur odd shades of green, purple, or blue, causing him to look even worse... It's bloody awful.


    I really hate to say this, because I am a big fan of this game and most of Jeff's work... But like Geneforge III, this game feels only half done and then rushed out. Need I remind any one of the super pixilated GIII boats... BLARGH!


    And really, the Sliths got shafted, all things considered.

  5. Ah, but tool use gives you +2 to tool use to start, plus a point every few levels. So I can start out of the gate with 8 points invested, which raises it to 10, which allows me to open all kinds of things. By the time I reach Fort Draco, it's up to 12 usually... Allowing me to open up all kinds of doors there. And I can easily gain a couple of levels before Formello... Usually, by Formello, it's 15, and I have only added maybe a point or two. It's a set it and forget it sort of skill. Which is nice really.

  6. Ah, but tool use gives you +2 to tool use to start, plus a point every few levels. So I can start out of the gate with 8 points invested, which raises it to 10, which allows me to open all kinds of things. By the time I reach Fort Draco, it's up to 12 usually... Allowing me to open up all kinds of doors there. And I can easily gain a couple of levels before Formello... Usually, by Formello, it's 15, and I have only added maybe a point or two. It's a set it and forget it sort of skill. Which is nice really.

  7. I asked Jeff several times during the beta why mages who had Natural Mage didn't get any Magery, considering their spells were going to be more powerful and more damaging. Magical Efficiency did absolutely nothing to live up to the skills description. Their spells only occasionally cost a single point less, but did no extra damage as advertised.


    Jeff would answer my emails and discuss other points, but he refused to offer an explaination on why Natural Mages don't get Magery.


    I was mildly annoyed to the say the least.

  8. I am math challenged. Bother.


    On my archers, I usually have Fast on Feet and just a point or three in Quick Strike.


    With out actually being able to cough up the numbers, I would still say that that I can get 10 AP quite a bit of the time. Is it because I cast bless at the first sign of battle? I dunno. Sure, it's not always 10 AP, but a good bit of the time, I get lucky.


    Having the melee skill isn't a bad thing. Really. If an archer type does get involved in the thick of things, being able to hit, and hit hard is important. After all, the faster you kill whatever is in your face, the sooner you can go back to raining death at bow point.

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