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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. I am the one that really pushed the Missile Guardian through his paces in G3. On TORMENT.


    It works.


    I can see a couple of flaws.


    In short.


    I ignored magic and used items instead.


    I pumped my creations. I used every creation boosting item I could afford to use.


    I hit hard and faded away. In short, don't wake up to much. Creep forward in combat mode, shoot somebody, and run away, leading them back to your creations, who will mop them up. A pack of Fyoras or Cryoras are wonderful. As are Roamers. You are a huntsman... You must have a strong pack.


    Creations that use missile attacks and have strong melee are great. The idea is to burn the enemy down before they reach you. Step back as many steps as you can but still have enough action points to attack, and then unleash hell.


    Every spare point must go in to dex or missile skill.


    Grab every bit that you can, store every crystal, every little monster bit, and forge them in to items. Make wands of fire, icy crystals, submission wands, terror wands, etc, and use them wisely. Prepare your self for battle. Add some luck so items drop more often. Those little icy crystals start doing 60 or more damage quickly, and keep ramping up. Wands allow you to do just about as much damage as an Agent.


    You can safely ignore adding any points to melee. By the end of the game, it will have more than you need.


    Endurance isn't worth much. There are other means of boosting your hit points. Strength is good, but you don't need much. Store your excess weapons in caches. You WILL be stockpiling an obcene amount of weapons of mass distruction.


    Batons are your bread and butter. While crystals are fine and wonderful, save them for harder battles. When you are just mopping up cannon fodder, any old venom or acid baton will do. When dealing with something a bit more dangerous, break out the submission baton. When dealing with anything that first initiates dialog with you and then tries to kill you, break out the reapers and just keep shooting till nothing moves.


    If something gets in to melee range, you are probably doing something wrong. Do not do this. Do nothing wrong. Some times, it honestly can not be avoided. But most of the time, it can. I've said it once, and will say it again, hit hard and fade away. Once you have the enemy wanting to kill you, lead it away from the others and back to your pack. Fight on your own terms.


    And I did it with and with out using canisters. In some ways, the canister free Guardian was better. He was mortal. He played through pure tactics and was a joy to play.


    The canister crazy one on the other hand... At the end, he could just walk in to a room and start blowing stuff up with no real worry about the consequences. He was like the Terminator.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by The Lurker:
    Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
    Silly lesser life forms can not read.

    I said that we Vlish would not take to kindly to being merged with a lesser life form.

    That implies that the lesser life form is indeed human.

    **Lifts tentacle in obcene gesture and gurgles something profane**
    Well, had you not written something about tentacle porn, I might not have misunderstood your post. I just didn't know Vlish were into that sort of thing. eek
    Well, we have tentacles! What do you expect us to do with them?

    Well, except for those weirdo pervert submission vlish... They like to watch human appendage porn. Sickos.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Socane:
    What about, Say... A device in some sect, that is supposed to shape you and give you ultimate power, something like the Geneforge... but when you use it, it shapes you into some wierd half/creation half/shaper thing and you get locked up as an experiement, and you then get the option of quiting and trying again on a previous save, or trying to escape from jail.

    I mean... A half/human vlish thing that can shape? It scare the crap out of anything and be better at throwing spells, yet really really really easy to kill with a good melee hit.
    I find the idea of being merged with a lesser life form highly disagreeable.

    In short, YUCK.

    However, if it were female, it could be a one stop shop for all your tentacle porn needs. Hrm?
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Shine123:
    1) Things or spells that make you fly or levitate, as in Avernum

    2) Gear for creations, like levitation device that adds AP to vlish, or brass knuckles for Alphas, or little doggie sweaters to keep the roamers warm.

    3) Bags or pouches so I can carry more stuff.
    (idea, must create an orink (sp??) to serve as a pack animal, therefore using up one of the creations slots)

    4) Being able to control "guest" creations (the ones you find, rather than make yourself). The big roamer I picked up in G2 keeps blocking the way in narrow passages because he's such a wuss and won't run into a fight. I'd dismiss him but he's really good at fetching slippers.

    Just a thought
    You would think that a 20 foot tall Battle Alpha might bend over and help you carry stuff.

    But no.

  5. Well, if Jeff didn't have to port his games to that crummy no good Windows OS, he could churn out Mac games so much faster. Instead of working on AVIV for Windows, he could have already started on G4. So we have to wait for OUR games and it is all the Windows users fault. Because Jeff is porting Avernum over, we have to just keep waiting and waiting. Which sucks. And blows. Etc.



  6. I keep thinking about it.


    Teenage Drakon? :rolleyes:


    That has to be the most insipid mind numbing idea I have ever encountered.




    "It's like, omigod, like, you know, I have to go out and change the world and stuff. Like, you know? But I got this pimple and my girlfriend dumped me because she said I was like, you know, some whiny emo loser. And I was like, so are like so totally like wrong and stuff. And it's like I have all this peer pressure and my body keeps changing and like my voice keeps cracking. Like, omigod and stuff. It's like so hard to be like a teenager right now. And I so gotta go and work my shift at the food court at the mall. It's like, life sucks you know. If only I could rebel and be different just like everybody else and stuff, and change the world. Omigod."

  7. As cool as Drakons might be, if I start up G4 and see a Drakon as a playable race, I am going to quit the game and toss it in my desktop trashcan.


    Wouldn't be much of a game. Unless of course the first area was populated by Reaper Turrents, and upper level hostile creations by the swarm.


    That said, I do believe that if done properly, playing as some sort of rebel creation of some sort would be nice. Perhaps a hatchling Dryak. But even that might be iffy.


    All things considered though, Dryaks can have their genes forged to become Drakons. And for this one reason alone, this is a bad idea.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    "I respectfully call this a strawman argument for several reasons:"

    It wasn't a strawman argument. It was a joke. Thus the smiley.

    The real argument, such as it was, buried within had already been stated in a previous paragraph. Simply, I am far more interested in what the characters do than how they are told to do it.

    I have been thinking of someday writing a whole new humorous rpg series. And, when I do, there will be a chain of quests given by Ambrose The Talking Brick. This I promise you.

    As for interactivity, changing world, and so on, I love this stuff, and put in as much as I can stand. However, for me, the most time-consuming, exhausting part of writing the games is dialogue and prose. Every bit of world-changing is a straight shot of the hardest stuff to do. I WANT to do that stuff. But I can only do so much.

    Kelandon makes an excellent point about the evolving world of Exile 3. But it mostly evolved in a way that was very easy to code (crumbling buildings) and didn't manifest itself in dialogue very much. I may try doing something like that in the future. It was neat. But I have to have a game where the plot, etc. lends itself well to it.

    - Jeff Vogel
    I'm totally in for beta testing that game when it happens. I really do NEED a good humourous RPG.
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