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Posts posted by Xaiya

  1. Please give more detail...I can barely understand.

    At least make it more clear. Then I can help you.


    Edit -and do you mean by level 19 as in you are a singleton? You don't just go and play your first time as a sington or any kind of chalenge. You play the game fully first. And I have heard that sington is impossible in A4.


    Or do you mean that is your average party level.

  2. Um, if your "admin" account works fine why wont you use it.


    If you don't want to, please state clearer information.

    What system you are using, etc.


    Edit- Oh! I think I know why. If your computer only lets you make files on the "admin" accout, you have to use it because when you save you make files.

  3. Quote:
    ...if you're to be using your melee weapon primarily as a melee weapon rather than a stat-booster...
    Well, I use the Guardian Clamore as a melee wepon because the stat boosts is better than just flat out attack power. For the Guardian Clamore.
  4. It would be funny to place muffins at the beginning of A5. Just watch a character get killed with one bite! After all, muffins are high level.



    "Hi. I am Imban, you are unlucky enough to cross this random event. Die."

    *You die*

    That would suck...

  5. Quote:
    How about Alwan and Greta getting married?

    No, they just respect eachother. In the final battle it is said that they look at eachother for a bit, knowing that one must die. After all, they did travel together.

    Either it is: Greta dead, Miranda dead, Alwan alive
    Or Greta alive, Miranda dead, Alwan dead after the final battle.

    I have a feeling that the Rebel ending will happen because the shaper ending basically devestates the Rebels. Or the trakovite...that has a possibility too.
  6. Quote:
    ...apparently everything in this thread that I've said has been open to misinterpretation...
    I have had that happen to me in most threads.

    Anyway, I am very annoyed that I won't be able to play A5 untill 2008...but probably every windows user is.
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