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Posts posted by Xaiya

  1. Oh come on, I beat it with a singleton/torment.

    It didn't take that long for me to get to the golem part, I beat golems, beat Tower of Magi when the demons came, and beat the game.


    I also got a few legendary items on the singleton/torment.


    Edit -and since the demons technicaly weren't defeated, the two didn't show up and since you can't vist the Tower of Magi you are out of luck with that I'm afraid.

  2. I just laughed and laughed...

    ...and laughed...

    Oh and Muffins n' Hell will not be my first scenario, it is too complicated.


    Unless I suddenly know how to make custum terrain, monsters, cut scenes...

    The laughing part was of the conversation about eating muffins...and my mind is more sick and twisted than ever before. :p


    Oh, and the graphics for muffins would look like normal ones, but when they attack yellow eyes show and they open up huge mouths.

  3. Well, Infernal Flamming Muffin is included in it.


    And you get to explore a certain section of Hell.


    Edit -and I am not evil, the muffins are. And if you don't mind spoilers, look below






    The muffin lord demon is the final boss, starting with a cutscene with Infernal Flamming Muffin teleporting in. He deals much damage, and weakens him alot but he is blasted. The boss is still hard, but you will have to wait to see what happens next...

  4. Hmm, I shall try this scenario.

    Also, I have many ideas for a scenario, but the one I want to create the most would be called "Muffins n' Hell".


    Unfortunatly, my idea would require complex scripts, so I will do something different.


    Also, thank you! (And my favorite idea is not as stupid as it sounds, sort of)

  5. The question just wasn't completly answered.

    But I will go with a drayk (though kyshakk is apparenly higher).


    Edit -(reads again) yes.


    And I tryed a drayk with puting 2 for each of the stat things (cost more essense). Left me with the same amount of essense as the fyora did, but he had more HP and did much more damage. Seems better than a kyshakk.

  6. I have a fyora but I can also shape a kyshakk if I absorb the fyora. But the fyora appears to have better stats but the kyshakk has more HP and it is a kyshakk.


    The fyora leaves me with 93 essense left. The kyshakk leaves me with 61 essense.


    An alternative would be to shape a drayk.


    Which should I choose?

  7. I really want to be able to design scenarios.

    Unfortunatly, I haven't done this before and the instructions confuse me in some ways.


    I really want to create a scenario that includes cutscenes, custum monsters, custum terrain, and outdoor/in town scripts, etc for my scenario idea.


    Is there something that can help me understand this better?

  8. Quote:
    Originaly by Emperor Tullegolar
    Originally written by Slarty
    A4 saw more whining and moaning and general uselessness.
    I don't get it, you guys should totally relate to the guy.
    Right! wink

    They whine at points...and...I..."used" to whine here. And all of us, at one point or another, were useless.

    Anyway, anything else about this game Jeff?
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