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Posts posted by Xaiya

  1. Okay, I never meant any harm by it...I was just stating my point.


    Lets just forget about this and move on.


    I also say that double posts are not a crime if ubb/your computer is responsible. Or if you have a good reason.


    Edit -Am I the only one that likes the guardian/warrior class? I know it is pathetic...but I still like it.


    Edit2 -typo

  2. You should notice that he is very old.

    He would have died long ago if it weren't for magick.


    Does anyone know his age in Avernum 5?


    Edit -I would just like to comment on how the Avernum 4 forum could turn into the Second Avernum Trilogy forum. That way it could include 4, 5, and 6.

  3. I had no intention of being a know-it-all.

    I was just explaining it scientifically.


    I guess I did sound like a know-it-all.

    Oh well, non of us are perfect.

    But many of us here are intelligent.


    Edit -And I like the scientific definition. It is much more easy to understand. Yes, I do sort of have a religion, but I also use scientific facts.

  4. *COUGH*

    Animals aren't just those "other creatures".


    Everyone in the Animal Kingdom is an animal.

    For example, bugs are animals too.


    However, plants are plants.

    Bacteria is bacteria (There are two different kingdoms).

    And so on.


    Though I find it funny how when you say animal, little kids think of those in the phylum chordata.

  5. Quote:
    I said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm really looking forward to A5. To put things in perspective, A4 was a good game with some room for improvement. I got a lot of mileage out of it, even though I sorely missed elevation in particular. So much was new and reworked with the new engine and graphics for A4. A lot was improved. It had room to grow, and Jeff is very good at being attentive to the praise and criciticisms of his fans. A5 sounds highly intriguing and promising, and I really am amped to explore it. Jeff is really on a roll, as I think G4 well indicates. A5 should be, well, fantastic. It's great to have a designer you respect who continually improves his craft.

    I think it's important to remember than anyone thrives on appreciation, and there's a lot of whining that goes on here, and precious little appreciation by comparison, if you ask me. I don't know how Jeff endures it as well as he does. I am so glad there is one game designer who is accessible, tireless, responsive, and interactive with his fans. You actually have a good chance of helping shape or change the next game by being involved here.

    As I am fond of stating, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. I personally am ecstatic that elevations will be returned to the A5 engine. I am extremely grateful that requests like this are heard and accommodated. As is clear, much of what Jeff does is what it is possible and feasible at the present time. Complaining about graphics is pointless and unuseful, because we can trust Jeff will always employ the best he is able to afford and utilize as the tiny company of effectively three he heads. I personally am amazed how much he achieves and how consistently he produces new games.

    I want to say, thank you Jeff for being a responsive, creative human being in the process, rather than a faceless, cold corporation who has little interest in the ideas and concerns of his fans. Thank you for making so many great games from which I have derived countless hours of pleasure. Thanks for sticking with it all this time, despite so many of the thankless factors and gruelling challenges.

    May the games of Jeff continue to delight us for a long time to come.


    Not my words...but I think the same thing.

    Also, the return of cheeseball is interesting.
  6. Quote:
    I Would like to see some romance involved. I'm a dude, and alot of romance annoys me, but having some decent romance never hurt anyone. ANd it can add more dynamic to the game. Maybe a possible ending is if you went along with it, you get a child. Then that sets up the next game. The next game could be...an expansion after that. So, whatever ending you get, only a year passers by. It would be a a couple hours of gameplay, but ne would have had to create many different scenarios based on all the endings. Which could be too difficult for him. I dont care either way. I am a huge fan. And i am always pleased easily
    Wait, your serious?
    That wouldn't work.

    Also, turn based combat lets you use more strategy.
  7. Edit2 -I give up! I can't make a chain quote. I can, but for some reason I just can't right now. It is just pathetic.


    Edit -Also, I like the warrior class. I just do. I use a combination of my melee skills and creations.

    G4 encouraged (forced) me to use blessing magick which is...a blessing.

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