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Posts posted by Xaiya

  1. Well, what items do you store?

    I usually store items that have a unique name.

    And usfull itmes.


    Well, maybe you can just go on. But if you really need one of those items, you can try editing them in...or try and find a new one.

    Oh, and congratulations on killing Monarch, he's tough.


    Edit -typo


    Edit2 -and if you can't stand to lose those items, you can always go back through the fen. It isn't that long anyway.

  2. No, you sent him off with the wrong answers!



    On the second island, if you aid the rebels then Alwan leaves. Greta stays. If you aided the Shaper, then both stay.


    On Dhonals Island (third island), if you repair the spawner than Alwan leaves (no duh). Greta stays. If you helped the Shapers, Alwan stays (unless he left already). Greta leaves.


    On the fourth island, if you kill Kyryk (spelling?) Alwan leaves (unless you didn't have him on that island to begin with). Greta stays (unless you didn't have her on that island to begin with).

    If you rescue the shapers, Alwan stays (unless you didn't have him on the island to begin with). Greta leaves...


    And there, but once on of them decide to go...they have left you forever.


    Also, you are only a "rebel/shaper" when you get to the fifth island. If you aid the shapers on the third, you can still switch sides on the fourth. I'm not sure whether you can switch from rebel to shaper there...but the decision of whether you are shaper or rebel is done once you enter the fifth island.


    Also, Alwan only tries to kill you since your in a hostile town :p .

  3. 1. (Try and calm down.)

    High canister usage-as you try to calm down, the fury worsens and everything turns red as you lash out at the ornks.


    Low canister usage-You successfully calm down, and at the same time the ornk looks up at you.


    2. Die, bacon, die!

    "You would try to kill me!!! Please consider!"


    1. Nevermind, I will just leave.

    *convernsation ends*


    2. No, I'm hungry.


    At that moment, you see that he is not ordinary...but very powerful. And behind you, you see ghost ornks.

    *it goes hostile*

  4. Well, I am not like the other muffins.


    Also, I don't think you could completely eat me...though I would be delisious (and kill you if your serious).


    Well, regenerating when I am resting is highly usefull, since muffins don't actually have organs.


    The only exception is that Infernal Flamming Muffin (for some reason) had a brain.

  5. I also find it hilarious that in A4, someone talks about how some people say that Adventures had to navigate on moving belts and that other people say that they fought their way through lazors.


    However, it is best to find them and see exactly what they say.

  6. Now that I think of it...the Infernal Flamming Muffin graphic is pretty good.


    Also, you could have just left the death part blank...since killing me would (besides extremely hard) be a bad idea.


    Then again, there could be a use...

  7. There are things on the bottem right corner to click on in the editor. One of them controls hieght. Also, when you click a different one to get terrain...and then click again you see numbers. That tells the height.


    I would use a screenshot if I could.

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