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Everything posted by Luca

  1. Since there is/was no topic doesn't mind getting off it. There is nothing wrong with puzzles, not even the kind of puzzles that make you think for days, cursing the game and wondering what the rewards are for solving it only to find that they weren't that good. There's nothing wrong with those as long as they are not apart of your "primary" quests that you need to solve to win the game. No, those make people cheat or loose interest in the game altogether. But don't tell game creators not to put puzzles into games because people are too ignorant to handle them. We need some level of thinking in games, rather than mindless killing of mutant creatures that are, of course, evil. *Shudders with his Doom reference.* That is all.
  2. Aside from this, does anyone recall the note 'm referencing? Tia.
  3. Originally Posted By: *i Another cause could be a war or internal revolution could have called the Shapers of Sucia back to the mainland. Interesting perhaps, but a note in...Kaz..ak? Whatever the Taker town was seems to show this is not what happened. That is all.
  4. Originally Posted By: feo takahari On the other hand, if they came up with this thing, what's to say some other Shaper researchers wouldn't develop it independently. Independently? The shapers are one, if someone develops something new you would most probably be required to send the information back. Else you would appear to be withholding information. That would most probably result in death. Originally Posted By: Alorael The problems that started in G1 were all due to insufficient destruction of documentation and equipment Yes, it was also unbelievably stupid to leave serviles behind. After hundreds of years even the lowest of single-celled forms of life would have shown some signs of advancement. It is surprising to think that as tight as the shapers were before the rebellion they let something like several hundred serviles slip to become rogue. No wonder they created the dryak. That is all.
  5. If they are spaced out the same all you have to do is copy the shaper graphics into the G4 data folder and name them what the lifecrafter pics are now. Unless they are not spaced the same, then you'll have to edit the pics and count the pixels (to get the model in the same place every 'frame'), but that's only if your really eager. Haven't checked recently, never really thought about this. Will check soon. This will however, not be the same on a Mac, from what hears it's slightly different. All though never really had a Mac so, who knows. That is all.
  6. If it's G1 Shaper records are intended to go to Learned Diana, or whatever her name is, in Pentil, or whatever that town was named. Really is not good with game spelling, but gets the point across. That is all.
  7. Luckily the new shaper graphics and the old shaper graphics are spaced out the same. If you wanted to change it all you would have to do is copy all the shaper graphics from the G1 or 2 data folders and paste them in the 3 or 4 data folders. Switching out the old servile graphics would be a bit trickier since they are spaced differently, last checked. That is all.
  8. Shall PM since it is off topic. Not that it matters, after today this thread is pointless. tia.
  9. Neb takes pride in knowing in half a year 8 people will care. How many people post on geneforge 1-3 again? Look at a month ago. That is all.
  10. Dumbledor returns as a spirit. *hisses through teeth.* That is all.
  11. Neb does enjoy the non-turn based travel, more realistic he thinks. Neb also found travel in 5 difficult regarding long distances. Neb of course, would use a new stat combination before cheating his life away.
  12. Pitchblack would rather have a virtual reality where people actually die. Awesome, That is all.
  13. Originally Posted By: Shaper Andrace 1.Andrace doesn't think there is a company named bob international, if there is andrace will do a facepalm HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHA, oh lordy. AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH That is all.
  14. Originally Posted By: Hecate So, hmm, is this game not for me? Or am I missing something helpful? Geneforge is for everyone. Originally Posted By: Hecate If I move quickly I get walk into ambushes; if I move slowly I'm prone to being attacked and killed before I can get into action. Isn't that how it would be if you were he? *shudders from the rhyme*. Use a speed in-between and your life will be more pristine. *spasms from more rhyming*. Originally Posted By: Hecate the caravan is stuck because the patrol kills me immediately Lower difficulties were made for people who die frequently. Neb notes that when he started playing G2 he had extreme difficulty getting through...what was it...crag....valley? Never mind that, it had clawbugs everywhere and at Neb's level he died often. He survived by making numerous trips to the area and taking out one or two then retreating back to Drypeak. Over time his level increased and so did his knowledge with the game. You class, attributes, skill settings, and combat methods could all effect how you character performs in the field of battle. As painful as it sounds, starting over with different skill settings may help you greatly. Of course if you are quite desperate throw a few *shudders* cheats *shudders* in. That is all.
  15. Originally Posted By: pitchblack Ok... a poem? Wow... That sounded less than flattering... Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Well, now Dikiyoba is curious. Mind doing a search for it? Dikiyoba couldn't find it, but Dikiyoba doesn't really know what Dikiyoba is looking for. Only last paragraph eh? That is all.
  16. No spoilers people. *Feels a chill as a ripple in the dark abysmal void as another forum approaches from the nether realm.* That is all.
  17. Neb will remember to make a note of this and reinsert it in the year 5679 A.C. That is all.
  18. Originally Posted By: Shaper Andrace Sharon is his favorite character next to khyryek or what ever his name is Khyrik? Lordy, why can't we just have important characters named Bob? That is all.
  19. Why shouldn't she be? She made her contribution, when she was done she moved to the woods. Sounds awesome to Neb. That is all.
  20. *points to Dikiyobia's sig* That's the best we've got. Neb's book isn't made of leaves. That is all.
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