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Posts posted by Luca

  1. Yes, Obama probably brought this about by not establishing a Kurdish state...or Bush, for that matter. It would have acted like a buffer zone of a free society other than Israel. It is sad that Turkey hates the Kurds who are the only ones fighting for land and their right to make money. (a) I think most religions are bad. Christianity has forgotten its roots and turned from the way the truth and the life. Islam has become the war religion of terror since World War One as the West divided the land in a way that fostered the war. (consider relocating to point (a)) It is also sad that people in the Middle East cannot seem to get along; however, I do believe Jihad is a part of the Islamic faith and only needs fuel for the fire burning in the Middle East. Without moderators and voices of reason and good people who could bring knowledge and peace to Muslim nations and others just out right hating the west there is outright war just because one Sunni or Shia group hates the other and both groups have killed many Christians. There is a focus on destroying Israel from all Islamic groups blaming them from the point of their religion or past divisions from world war one that divided the Ottoman Empire to gain control over oil. Oil is the other catalyst that has fostered and fueled wars in the Middle East other than Islam and Christianity being opposite religions of each other. Some of the smaller nations in addition to Iran have funded terrorist groups vying for control or defense against larger nations. If Iran gets nukes it could start an arms race that could lead to serious loss of life. This is my opinion though so please feel free to disagree or agree with it of your own free will.


    It's too early in the morning for me to work on your political/social/historical/religious education. So, foregoing the response to the racism, I thought the best thing for me to do was to start with grammar. Alas, my coffee is depleted. But hey, welcome to Spiderweb. I...don't think this site is about...what you think it's about.

  2. It should be no surprise that Ebola can or could theoretically leave the body via the air in the most limited sense of the idea, but it has an extremely short lifespan when it has no host. So, yes, if your experiment includes placing two animals in separate cages immediately next to each other, chances are it will spread without body fluid exposure. I would expect that of any virus.


    As far as it being "the next big plague", for the record, swine flu was made out to be the new apocalypse disease and it killed, what, less than ten people? Ebola is one that would certainly be unfortunate to contract, but I doubt will ever become an epidemic in a country that isn't poverty stricken with extremely limited health care.

  3. Internet, No. It's just a toy that isn't necessary for anything.


    This is unspeakably foolish. The internet is more than flash games and web forums. It contains the entirety of the knowledge of mankind. Everything we have learned and discovered has been uploaded to the internet by now. Its ability to allow rapid access to that knowledge in order to provide the power to do research, both today and in the future, is one of the foundations/pillars of how we've had explosive technological advancement in the last twenty years.


    Why shouldn't the Internet be considered a right?

    The knowledge contained within the internet is a right; however, the ultimate reason I didn't select that the internet, itself, should be considered a right is because it isn't realistic at the moment. Whether the idea includes wiring up sub-Saharan Africa or having so many satellite requests shooting across the sky that you can actually watch your cancer develop, there doesn't seem to be a way to grant access to everyone without moving heaven and earth. So, at this point, I'd say it should be considered a luxury.

  4. There was a discussion about demonstrating the bomb to the Japanese on a deserted location, but that ended quickly when it was pointed out that after the Trinity test there were only 2 bombs available and one couldn't be wasted for a demonstration if the Japanese refused.


    If the destructive capacity of the bombs were unknown, we can probably safely say that the quantity of those bombs at the disposal of the US was also known. I cannot be convinced that the US couldn't have bluffed that they had a dozen more. Additionally, the two bombings took place within such a short time, and the Japanese had very limited information about the full extent of the damage from this new kind of weapon. I cannot be convinced that a reasonable attempt to evaluate surrender could take place in three days. We look at it from a modern perspective of knowing all the stats, but just hours after the bombing, no one even knew what happened, immediate thinking was the loss of a communications was probably a technical fault, not the obliteration of every life and structure.

    Finally, yes we're talking about WWII, but we're not talking about a regime that had executed eleven million people in the holocaust alone. I'm not sure I could, as well, be convinced that destruction on this scale was called for, when it seems far more likely that the US used them because they thought it would be cool to have a decisive victory at this level. It saved the lives of American soldiers, but it certainly didn't spare suffering.

  5. Neb, your bit about "essentially doomed" is very first world of you. The most economically disadvantaged child in our Western nations (where abortion is legal) has far more economic opportunities than the vast majority of children in many African and some Asian countries.

    If you cannot afford food, you starve and die no matter what country you live in. Asian and African cultures are typically more collectivist. I would venture to say the likelihood of one disadvantaged child being shouldered by the community is far greater in third would countries than in western societies that take pride in self-interest and, for the most part, abstain from charity.

  6. Healthcare, yes.

    Education, yes.

    Internet, yes.

    Reproduction, yes.

    Torture, prohibited always.

    Suicide, yes always.

    Death penalty, other. The death penalty should be applied not for any particular crime, but when its application would have positive effects on the future. I have no interest in purely punitive justice.

    Abortion, on request.

    Rights acquisition, other. People gain rights when they can be trusted with those rights. That's different times for everyone.

    Nukes, yes. If you've decided to kill a lot of people anyways, the method doesn't really make it any more or less ethical.


    Basically this except 'no' to the use of nuclear weapons. Ethical is probably not what I'm answering to, however. It's more along the lines of "responsible" or "a reasonable way to wage war". Notwithstanding the oxymoron, the proper way to have war is to not annihilate the entire species.



    Surprised by how many people support Euthanasia in any case, as opposed to just terminal illness.


    That's basically advocating that doctors aid otherwise healthy depressed people in killing themselves, which is pretty extreme.


    That's a matter of perspective. If you are in the business of trying to kill yourself, it's probably safe to assume that you aren't exactly 'healthy'. Depression hurts both mentally and physically and moves along a spectrum just like any disease does. At the extreme end, it can be unfathomably painful to endure. And believe it or not, you can't just tell people "now, get over it and be healed".

    So here's a hypothetical to test your position: Which is better? A controlled death, meaning on your own terms in a relatively painless way rather than however you would have ended up while trying it yourself, ie paralyzed or suffering excruciatingly for hours. OR being forced into, basically, a drug-induced numb state similar to severe Alzheimers?


    Is that situation still considered living? Are we, collectively, now morally superior because that organism is still an ongoing chemical reaction? Because it's certainly not a person anymore. I will be on the side of the individual's dignity and happiness. Does that mean every person who feels suicidal should be handed syringe with lethal drugs in it? Hardly. All reasonable efforts should be made to help the individual. However, if you are 85 years old and/or have been battling depression for the last twenty years, chances are that there's not a lot that a third party can accomplish for you. And, gosh, didn't we just agree that torture is never morally permissible? Or was that just for interrogation.


    I find it interesting that a fair amount of the world is willing to consider a fetus an inconvenience that the mother can destroy at will past the point of viability, but is totally against executing murderers. The fetus (while a drain on resources initially) is likely to grow up and become a net benefit to society, the murderer has harmed society and is going to be a drain on society. I am perfectly willing to execute murders, rapists and child molesters, but am not willing to destroy a fetus that can be viable outside of the womb, but has not happened to be born yet (with some very small exceptions).


    The problem with this argument is when it isn't central to the mother. Let's first take out the idea that the parents were irresponsible by realizing that no birth control short of mutilation is 100% effective. Life happens, literally. Now if you were in a position where life did happen, but knew most certainly that your child would be essentially doomed due to your own economic conditions, security conditions, educational prospects, and more, what is better? Do you want that child growing up in the notoriously horrendous foster care system? Would you have it and raise it yourself anyway despite slim chances for survival and absent chances or prosperity? Once again, are we collectively now morally superior because we've enabled another lifetime of suffering? I mean, if pregnancy had a pause button, my argument would be totally shot, but I'm reasonably sure it doesn't work that way.

  7. Sure, I'll do one in the name of science.


    1. What is your age? (Be approximate, if you'd like.



    2. What part of the world do you live in? In which part of the world were you born? What countries have you lived in.

    Denver metro area.

    Detroit, Michigan.

    Just the US.


    3. What is your native language? In what languages are you proficient?


    Depending on what you mean by 'proficient', Spanish, Arabic, and learning Irish Gaelic.


    4. Describe your ancestry.



    5. Describe your gender identity and sexual orientation.

    Gay male.


    6. Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs? If so, describe them. In what religious tradition(s) were you raised, if any?

    Difficult question to adequately describe my religious beliefs here, as I have never been able to do so in the past. Consequently, I will refrain from even trying.

    My family is Catholic with pockets of Presbyterianism.


    7. What is your relationship status? Do you have any children?

    In a relationship.

    Not the last time I checked, but now that you mention it, it's always worth checking again. Just in case.


    8. Describe your social class. Have you always been in this class?

    Middle class - two months :p


    9. Have you ever served in the military? If so, what division?

    Not myself, no.


    10. What is your occupation (or former occupation)? What is your highest level of education (and your degree, if applicable)?

    Housekeeping, five years. Clerical, two years.

    High school (completed), Associates of Arts (75%), Bachelor of Linguistics (not started).

  8. Steam allows Jeff to set his own prices and do his own sales. He's talked about that being a perk many times. Despite the age and seemingly undying support of this community, the fact is that Steam has been the most profitable decision he's made since dropping out of grad school. Similarly, Avadon (though receiving EXTREMELY mixed reviews) has been the most profitable for the same reason.


    This is a fun read for talking about indie gamer profits from Steam and Android markets.


    Steam's definitely not a bad thing. Indie devs in particular like Steam because Steam focuses on their games, specifically. That's why the majority of their games are from small-name studios and why Greenlight exists in the first place.

  9. This is kind of a labeling error with Steam. This "Spiderweb Software Complete Pack" includes the package "Geneforge Saga", which lists the individual games as not having prices. As a result, the Complete Pack doesn't seem to show them either. In reality, though, you can buy them separately, and their respective prices can be found here.


    Hopefully, they will make sense after the summer sale prices change back.

  10. Also some questions get asked repeatedly even if there is a similar thread with the correct answer. For example Avernum 4 and Lark's quest has at least 3 threads with an answer.


    This is why posting is down in recent years; Every conceivable question has been answered. Even discussion of future politics and world crisis still yet to occur have already been given the mental once-over. All they need now is a wink and a head nod to send people down the path of omniscience.

  11. My family and I used to go to a small town in Illinois every year for the fourth of July before everyone there died of old age. One such person was a retired manufacturer for Caterpillar who required a nebulizer to breathe. He was also, incidentally, huge on computer games and one of his major hubs for such games was Real Arcade, a Steam-like program that we, as a civilized society have now collectively determined is horrible.


    On one particular trip, we brought along a psychopathic [woman] because she was a friend of a family. Anyway, we were renovating the guy’s house because he needed a new drop-ceiling put in and we had time to do it before we left. At one point that last night, he was explaining to me how Real Arcade worked and the like. Just about thirty seconds into the conversation, psychopathic [woman] storms in from out of nowhere and demands that I cease my conversation at that moment and go to bed (I was a deal younger back then). So, indeed, since she was so psychopathic I went to bed so I wouldn’t be shanked in my sleep. They finished up the renovations that night. All I had time for the next morning was to knock over the man’s drink before we left back for our all-day journey home.


    But I remembered the thirty seconds, got Real Arcade when I got back, and that’s how I discovered Geneforge 1. And then Geneforge 2 came out the next year or whatever it was and I decided to use this fancy website called Google to look up the name of the company whose name kept flashing before the splash screen whenever I played the game. After Geneforge 3 came out I registered an account here and became an irritating little [psychopath] before I left for CR and found my sanity.


    Anyway, kind of a slim-chance story. Especially since the people I met here largely determined whether or not I made it through high school, that I found the courage to move 1500 miles away, and heck now I’m even dating/living with one of them. So how about that.

  12. I submit, as always, that the best SW game is Geneforge 2 for no other reason than it was a game with a great feel. I liked the landscape, I liked the factions and their respective higher institutions built into the hills. It felt like real people doing real things if this situation was actually to happen. This is what they were able to build for themselves, and this is what it takes to keep it going. It was a great story and it had by far the best characters. The drawback is that it is, admittedly, more clunky than the newer Geneforges (although I still maintain that 1 & 2's inventory system was better for me, personally), and you miss even the small graphical changes like spell effects once you go without them, but it's still the best.


    That said, I can't condone just going off and buying Geneforge 2 without playing Geneforge 1. In any series, I have a hard time saying it's ever okay to start in the middle...because it's not. You can't just pick up Harry Potter at the sixth book because you're missing half the point of reading it. But for Geneforge, the first and second one are tied together and feature many of the same characters, just at different stages. Notwithstanding that Geneforge 2 takes place solely because of the reasons in Genefoge 1. Three and four are connected in a similar fashion. So the only reasonable starting points for the Geneforge series are 1, 3, or 5.


    If you've already played up to three, you should finish the story off, there's no reason not to. I'm not as big of a fan of four, but five is ace. At least play that one if nothing else. After that, I'm not entirely sure. I bought EftP, and I have to say, I kinda liked Avernum 1 better. It was just missing a quest log and a little more structure. I also bought Avadon, but in retrospect I have no idea why. It becomes rather difficult to tolerate and I'm pretty sure the reason for it being the best seller to date is because of visibility from Steam. I've been against continuing the Avernum/Exile and Geneforge series as long as Jeff has, but it seems like outside of those two series, the originality drops off sharply and you no longer have the powerful and unique themes you once did. But it's a business and there will always be twelve year olds who want to throw money at Seattle to learn more about Tamrieladon.

  13. If you have a good explanation for why 64 tropical drones were in your dwelling within your first five hours of gameplay the same day someone reported them missing, I'd be open to hearing it. Aside from that, you already admitted to theft once. And for god sake, you're arguing with people, one of whom, does nothing but have the console open all day. The text log of everything that occurs on the server. The console takes no sides, it only has information. So until revolutionary new information arises, this is closed.


    In any event, let's not set the tone for the server based on this incident. We have a dozen happy players, and space for many more. These other players are all open to helping you get started in the game and do whatever adventures you lot can come up with. Just be polite and don't take their stuff. Remember, the update thread might have some of the information you're looking for with regards to using the economy, for example.


    The nature of this server is primarily an aesthetic server. People build things for the architectural value, so their buildings are pretty important to them. Similarly, we've tried to incorporate a number of mods that helps that effort. Things around here aren't intended for intense competition (although we're working on a few minigames and we can schedule time for so it doesn't get dull). Games aren't supposed to stress you out after all, so let's chill out and move it on.


    That is all.

  14. I think you need to re-read my second post. I don't expect the admins to get together and use the sex of the candidate as if to be a tie breaker. I don't expect it to come up at all in the decision or interview process. My point is if you don't know something as basic as that, what else don't you know? You should be able to have seen that information come up once or twice in conversation, theoretically, after following ten to twenty posts from the user.


    And I wasn't saying you were accusing me of sexism. I was responding to Tyran and bracing myself for the accosiated comments soon to come from Dikiyoba, SoT, and a host of others as this thread descends into the gender roles argument as people continue to miss my point of "how well do you know the person you are giving control to?"

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