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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. In Geneforge 2, if you want the perfect Shaper ending, the best thing to do it to kill everyone on every map. The one man faction would not only be a great way to end the series (most people agree that they don't feel comfortable with any single faction) but it would also be a worthy challenge to play through without that extra help from a faction.

  2. I'll collect everything on at least one play through of each game. In a game of Avernum I just played, the only items I collected were skulls and bones. It doesn't get much better than a huge pile of skulls. There are a lot of them in Avernum 4. A lot.

  3. I think he meant that they can be used more than once, but not nessesarily by the same person.


    Strange that you can't use the Southforge geneforge more than once, yet you can go swimming in the one from Geneforge 1. You'd think that each one would only have so much power it can give you before your DNA is identical to the stuff in the pool. Of course, it makes sense that using two different geneforges would turn you to go, because that is twice the change, assuming that the two are not totally identicle.

  4. My idea wouldn't have all that base building nonsense. Just a room with a vat of essense. You bring components to it (found by defeating other factions), and by the end of the game it becomes a geneforge. You would be a one man faction, of course. After all, why would anyone want to help you build a geneforge?

  5. I've been saying for a while now that there should be a yourself faction, where you build your own geneforge from components collected throughout the game in your basement (Shaper Monarch style) and then use it to take over the world. What better way to end the series?

  6. It doesn't bother me that you can't choose wether or not to use the geneforge in Geneforge 4. You have to see what it's like to be that outsider at some point. Besides, the game is called Geneforge, so it makes sense the plot revolves around using it, unlike in Geneforge 2 and 3.


    I've been disappointed in the direction Jeff has been taking the geneforge itself. I'm not usually one to complain, but the geneforge should be something that grants impossible power, and is coveted. The drakon geneforges sucked, barely making them any better than they already were. And the rebel geneforge was the worst yet, being the equivalent of Tuldarics magic only weaker. Then there is the unused on in Northforge, which, while it's what I've come to expect of the drakons, it was sad to see the game's namesake in such a state.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Kalkin:
    1. Barzaite.
    It's good to see I'm not the only one that wants to see the Barzites come back.

    I like the idea of choosing the faction from the begining, it would make it more like Nethergate. It makes it seem more like multiple games in one, despite that not being the case. In each zone, your objectives would be determined by your faction, instead of you being able to work for multiple faction to almost no limit in a single game.
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Rebel Muffin in an Airplane:
    And ET, you lose!
    Impossible. How can I lose if I cheat? My 30 strength and 30 dexterity will smash your carefully planned stratagy and well placed spells any day.
  9. sdf 100 4 0


    This will make so that you have no consequences from canisters. I used it once or twice to get certain ending I'd never gotten before. I assume putting other numbers instead of "0" will make it so you've used that many canisters.

  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Nikki:
    Nalyd - you will get a part. It may not be a part you want, but you will be in there. As will Tully. So send me graphics or you will be cast as slimes/roaches.
    Well I can't have that.
    I'm pretty sure this is what people imagine me looking like at this point. Slith spear, feathery hat, shaperish robes, canister user death. Did I forget anything?
  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Micawber:
    Why exactly did the Shapers need to expand? Why do they have this impulsive need to impose their laws and ways of life on all living beings? Why can't they just keep to themselves, and leave everyone else alone?
    They certainly could, but they choose to go above and beyond the call of duty by regulating shaping to protect others. In the wrong hands, shaping causes much destruction (see Rebellion). They are taking a great burden upon themselves by regulating their craft and using it to govern the world. They should be commended.
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