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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Death Twisted:
    Well, Tully's editor used the two destined-to-die prospectives in the first area, so it was either all-or-nothing at the start.
    No, mine uses the signpost. I think Sarasaphilia's might use the prospectives.

    Edit: Oh, probably should have read Micawber's post more carefully.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Stillness:
    They are not violent for the sake of being violent. They are violent because their existence is banned by a very powerful foe. It's hard to pursue your dream of making beautiful sculptures while you're being hunted.
    What, like tons of freeborn serviles haven't done just that? There are plenty examples of serviles living on their own, avoiding warfare, practicing whatever trade they've gotten into. Drakons enjoy battle and little else. They were created to shape and fight by Barzahl, and, unlike serviles, they seem unable to move beyond those parameters. I would say even serviles are superior to drakons.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Waylander:
    I have seen not one jot of sympathy from the humans in regards to the plight of the Drakons.
    Are you serious? Are you saying there are no rebel humans? What is wrong with you?
    It proves my point because even though not all humans are shapers, shapers are humans. It shows that humans are not superior.
    Now you see, this makes me think the opposite. All drakons, every single one, either serves the cause of the Rebellion without question (they never question the violence and the hatred, as if they are born knowing only those things), or they are one of the few exceptions that live on their own gathering wealth. I would say that humans are superior because they don't all have to be shapers, or soldiers, or politicians, or pawns. They can be anything, anything at all. The question is, are drakons superior because they all have to be warriors or shapers, or are humans superior because they don't have to be?
  4. Stillness: You are right, this conversation has been drifting away from its original topic. Surely, though, you are not saying I am the only one to blame? You took the 'bait' by the way. Just as I did, you're confusing the Shapers with humanity as a whole. We should probably not do that.


    Now, what other arguments have I been making that you see as contrary to the evidence from the games?

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by BLACK HAZE.:
    You wingboltsss do not fly actually...you just...hover,or levitate,you cannot fly into the sky like a bird.
    The game often says that the rebels hide in caves so as not to be spotted by creations that fly through the skies. They are probably refering to wingbolts.

    If I absolutely had to be a worthless creation, I'd probably go with servant mind, one of the minds with Shaftoe. They make creations and put up a fairly good fight.
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Stillness:
    The Shaper empire is based off of lack of compassion.
    Yes, and so they can't be blamed for their cruelty. The Rebellion, on the other hand, claims to fight for freedom and equality. They have a lot more to live up to than the Shapers do, and they are failing miserably.
  7. Quote:
    There is only one Drakon with such characteristics
    Is this a joke? Ever been to the Taker Toll Road in Geneforge 2? A female drakon stands there, surrounded on all sides by her gathered wealth. That's just one, and there are more as well, mostly unnamed ones with piles of treasure in their lairs.

    No matter how you look at it, everything drakons do is motivated directly by either greed or pure aggression.
  8. Well, I can't let the Rebellion have all the fun. Here is one for the Shapers, set to the music of "God Save the Queen" of course.


    All hail out sacred laws,

    Uphold them one and all.

    Order prevails.

    May peace and justice rise,

    and the Council's all-seeing eyes,

    Watch us for the rest of time.

    All hail our laws.


    Gifts of the great craft see,

    in every rock and tree.

    Shaping prevails.

    Creations roam the land,

    but by our guiding hand,

    we may together stand.

    All hail our laws.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Student of Trinity:
    I sort of wish, now, that G2 could have had more scripting and plotting, like G4. Maybe then Barzahl himself wouldn't be stuck in my memory as this idiot who just stood there glowing while you gradually destroyed his empire, and finally him. Thinking back now, it seems he deserved better.
    If I can convince more people of this, all the time I've wasted here will have been worth it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Waylander:
    And Emp, you point out the existence of Gazer canisters when the the hero arrives in Drypeak. May I point out that all these canisters were in Taker lands? This seems to suggest that the Gazer canisters were a product of the Takers.
    When did I say that? No, I said 'no canisters required.' The Barzites know how to create gazers well enough to teach your character two levels of it. That seems like skill to me.
  11. He's probably assuming it, a reasonable assumtion, I think. If the Barzites created the first ones, they would have noted their resistance to control, destroyed them, and stopped making them. That's probably why the gazers you speak to say only the Takers make them, because even though the Barzites clearly can, they don't anymore. That's also why the Takers are better at making them, because the Barzites gave up on them, probably seeing them as a failure.

  12. Quote:
    Thot-Tha: Only the mighty Takers can make Gazers.
    Tessera Eye: The drakons are the only ones who can make us now,
    Ha! Liars! Tricky little creations, aren't they? Anyone who says this is lying. If you are a loyal Barzite, the instructor at the Radiant College will be kind enough to teach you how to make a gazer for a small fee. No canisters required.
    Me: Drakons know only two things: warfare and greed.
    Stillness: Where do you get this from?
    Name one drakon that did not fit into one of these catagories.
    You watch, horrified, as Greta crumples to the ground. The drakons note her passing without the slightest bit of emotion. One of the heroes of the rebellion has been cut down simply to test one of their creations.
    Ooo, I like that quote. I never had Greta die on me so this is the first time I've seen it. Nice.
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