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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. Quote:
    Make a note of the doors you can't open so you can come back later when you're more experienced and move on.
    Doing this sucks. I recommend cheating. Those Fort Avernum doors are nothing a little maxed out unlock spell can't cure. And those nephilim won't know what hit 'em if you beef yourself up a bit before attacking them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Yanga:
    But having not been satisfied with the state of RPG gaming for many years
    Elder Scrolls III and IV were amazing. Truly gaming has been taken to the next level with those two games. You must not have played them, otherwise I don't think you'd feel the way you do.
  3. Whether you start as one or not, I think being able to play as a villain would be a huge step for Spiderweb in general. One of the things that made Fallout and Knight of the Old Republic great was the fact that you could play the game as a total scumbag, screwing over good, often innocent people that you would normally be helping. It was awesome.

  4. Starting point betting odds:


    Adventurer: 3-2

    Explorers: 2-1

    Imperial Soldier: 3-1

    Brigand: 5-1

    Darkside Loyalist: 10-1

    Anama: 30-1

    Chitrach: 9,000-1

    Vahnatai: 500,000-1


    Yes, you are more likely to start as a chitrach than a vahnatai. And yes, even though Jeff said you would not be adventurers, they still have the smallest pay-off.


    I'd be happy to add more if you have suggestions.


    I'm banking on brigands.

  5. Hey Thuryl, would you like some bread with your whine?


    I've never really played a hybrid game before. Since you can just make the final decision whatever you want at the end of the game, I usually play as a purist. Playing as a Shaper loyalist seems the easiest, involving the least fighting, but then it's hard for me to tell since I always cheat.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    Placing them is a psychological need on my part.
    Good. You should know that the little things don't go unappreciated, at least not by me.

    As for the new starting point... maybe we'll be brigands? That would be such sweet irony.
  7. I don't think he can be any character that has already been named. After all, if he was, why not just call his by his name? I don't see how it adds to the plot to make it a mystery. Really, it would be better to just call him Goettch or Barzahl if it was one of those. It must be either the PC or maybe just nobody special.

  8. You see another party (with names and all) in Avernum 4. You also find dead bodies in various dungeons, or you might find people in towns reminicing about adventuring days.


    But it would be cool to meet heros from previous games. It's not like the game has multiple ending like Geneforge. We know for sure most of the things each PC is going to do, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

  9. I used to think Monarch was the PC. It says Monarch wears tattered shaper robes, which is pretty much identical to the description of the PC at the end of any Geneforge game. Both Greta and Alwan seem to know him personally, and the two of them have very little on common other than their time spend with him. Also, the PC founds an empire in various Geneforge endings as well.


    But now I know who Monarch really is. It's obvious. A crazy man taking over the world from his basement? It's Jeff Vogel!

  10. Quote:
    The beginning of Geneforge 5 will involve spectacular devasation.
    Should we assume this means the Rebels win Geneforge 4 and unleash the unbound? Good. I want the Rebels to be in power for a little while so people can see just how horrible life under drakons would really be. They will beg for the return of order. They might even turn to extremists like me to give it to them.
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