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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. I think the morality of Shapers is still quite underestimated here. Remember that one town, Valeya, I think. The guardian there was supposed to be infiltrating Rebel lands, sabotaging and spying and all that rot. But he isn't doing those things when you find him, he is patrolling the town, a town on the front, no, a town beyond enemy lines to protect its inhabitants. Where are these heartless, cruel people that are being spoken of?


    They take good care of creations, treating them just as well as drakons do, if not better, since they require more care than independant creations do. The drakons go so far as to aurthorize you (and help you, personally) to wipe out a nest of intellligent and independant ice drayks at one point. They even turn on their own kind whenever they get the chance.

  2. How are the Rebels any less autocratic than the Shapers? I would argue the opposite. Though it seems most of the nobility has taken up shaping, many smaller towns and even some larger ones are governed by non-shaper humans. Rebel lands, on the other hand, are, more often than not, lorded over directly be some kind of drakon overseer. You all seem to take for granted the many freedoms afforded by Shaper rule. People live in peace and prosperity under Shaper rule, creations are well taken care of. But even creations must grovel in the presence of drakon masters on the rebel side. The drakon's couldn't even be bothered when the human administrated Southforge fell.

  3. No! They are, in fact, polar opposites. Trakovites believe in no shaping, but they don't hate creations. Barzites are pro-canisters and pro-shaping even when it mean shaping things they can't control, but they are against creation rights. Total opposites.


    By the way, I sympathize with the Barzites, which is why I get defensive when they are confused with Trakovite scum.

  4. Quote:
    The third image looks an awful lot like an SCA drawing to me, maybe it is the helmet and baldric.
    I don't know what SCA is... but the characters clothes are based off the guardians from Geneforge 1 and 2. I suppose he could also pass as a regular human soldier from the games as well.
  5. Barzite. People need to realize that the only way to bring an end to the chaos is to take the great power unto ourselves. Only when someone finally reaches perfection can the stalemate end.


    As for the moderators, you can't group them all together for one opinion. Some are actually pretty cool... others are Stareye.

  6. The Barzites alone would be enough to make Geneforge 2 my favorite. People always say Geneforge 1 was good because it was a new concept at the time, and that is true, but relatively speaking Geneforge 2 has everything the first one did and more. 3 and 4 had only the two main factions, and though I still loved the story, I feel there is a great void left where the other factions used to be. Geneforge 5 can only be my favorite if I have the option of joining a faction I agree with.

  7. I don't see the linear game you are all describing. There I was trying to play through as a pure Shaper loyalist, I had made it all the way to the final island with every intent of smashing the geneforge and killing whatever drakon scum was guarding it, when all of the sudden Litalia appears with her last ditch attempt to 'save my life'. Now, I didn't exactly accept her offer... but I could have.

  8. Correct. However, your character in the game is very much not a Shaper. Anything that can be learned the hard way can be made into a canister. Canisters are available, the training simply is not.


    Edit: Now I wonder, how did the war trall ability find its way into canisters? To make a canister, someone who knows the skill must program it into the thing. Did a Shaper who knew how to make them join the Rebellion? Did the rebels steal the plans? Or can creations be reverse engineered somehow?

  9. Quote:
    ET, where ya been?
    More like, where has this community been... I probably could have been unbanned months ago, but there was simply nothing interesting going on. I might have stayed away, but I just love Geneforge a little bit more than I hate you guys.

    I like Coyote's art, clearly done with more skill than mine. Not so sure about the human drakon hybrid, but I think the built in thorn launchers are brilliant. The lifecrafter is perfect. She could easily be Shaila, which would explain the maniacal look.
  10. a) Jeff doesn't make the characters graphics.


    B) and c) This assumes that everyone plays with the same skill level. I hate that people always whine about overpowered characters. Such things really only matter in multiplayer games when the classes are pitted against each other. If someone want a challenge in a single player game, they can pick a different character. Not everyone is a masochist.

  11. I didn't like Garzahd's cameo only because I think it belittled what was once a great an mysterious character. Come on, exploding in a 'comical' spray of bones and dust? That was pretty funny, but he deserved better. I usually like returning characters, though, and I look forward to other Redmarks, and I still have hopes for even the smallest of Rentar cameos.


    I'm sad about the respawning monsters. I liked the fact that there were almost none of those in Avernum 4. It gave me a feeling of completeness when I totally cleared an area.

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by jamesmcm:
    That's why i like TES series so much btw, is because you can do anything right from the start.
    I'm not so sure this is a good thing. Something is just not right about becoming the Arena Grand Champion, the best fighter the land has ever seen, at level 1 using the rusty iron armor and sword you found in the tutorial dungeon. The leveling process is an important part Jeffs games, if not almost all RPGs.
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