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Posts posted by Dintiradan

  1. Going the "what's weird for other ethnicities" route, I've had paardenrookvlees which is good but apparently taboo for most other people. Not a fan of maatjes. And of course giving dropjes to people always makes for good entertainment.


    Outside of that... I've had beef tongue? Alligator jambalaya? Maybe bison counts as weird for some people?

  2. For what it's worth, using te_move_block_* was my first instinct too. There are two ways of making terrains blockable/unblockable in BoA, and the only way to know which one to use is to look at corescendata.txt and corescendata2.txt in the Data folder and see how the terrain you're importing from is defined. In this case, you're importing from the pool terrain, which imports from the boulder terrain, which uses te_full_move_block instead of te_move_block_*.


    You'd think that changing te_full_move_block would change te_move_block_* as a side-effect, but such is BoA scripting.

  3. Hi Dracomancer!


    If your scenario's filename is `yggdrasil` (you have a `yggdrasil.bas` file and `yggdrasil.txt` file inside a `yggdrasil` folder), you need to create a `yggdrasildata.txt` text file. This will hold your terrain definitions, among other things.


    Chapter 2.5 of the documentation tells you how to create custom terrains, and the list of characteristics you can give terrains. The one you're interested in is `te_full_move_block`; if this is set to zero, players can walk through the terrain. What you want to do is create a copy of terrain 285 and change that characteristic. Here's what your `yggdrasildata.txt` file should look like:


    begindefineterrain 422;
     import = 285;
     te_full_move_block = 0;


    That's a start. You can of course add more to the definition (see if you can add a splashing sound effect whenever the puddle is stepped on).

  4. I, for one, prefer to believe that the forums are dead and that Lilith, Slarty, and I are all ghosts haunting the forum.

    It's worse than that, Triumph. There never was any "Spiderweb Software forums". You've dreamed the whole place up, imagining it for close to seven years.


    Your family misses you, Triumph. We've been arguing with the doctors, but they've lost all hope. It's been seven years. They're pulling the plug tomorrow. Triumph, can you hear us? Please Triumph, come back to us. We miss you.

  5. I agree with Owenrus and Necris Omega. Kingdoms may want to fight you, but empires want to take you over. I think the other factor is just taking narrative tropes to their logical extreme. You want to have underdogs fighting against a big bad, and what's bigger than an empire? Make it an empire that wants to take over everything, and you're in standard fantasy territory.


    (And if your protagonists are underdogs, the little guys fighting against the system, why not make them literally little? Boom, hobbits.)

  6. Much like Lilith succinctly states, it is Pretty Good. Of the previous films, it's most like Road Warrior, so if you liked that, you'll probably like Fury Road.

  7. I would rank the films I saw last year as follows:

    1. Max Max: Fury Road
    2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens



    Films I'll probably watch on DVD at some point:

    • Ex Machina
    • The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
    • Maaaaaybe The Imitation Game, but I can count the number of biopics I've enjoyed on the fingers of one hand, and from what I've heard they've taken way too many liberties with it.


  8. As a counterpoint to SylaeRant:


    Yes, it's a bit silly that metadata like styles and fonts are included in Word saves. That said, I'm willing to bet that multiple work years have been saved, both on the end user side and on the tech support side, because you're not required to have the same version of Word installed as the one which created the save file. Efficient disk usage is nice, as is efficient processor usage, but it's not nearly as important as efficient programmer usage and efficient tech support usage.

  9. Thanks to the magic of shoddily written Perl scripts, I've created a log for Team 2's Fiasco session. If your idea of a good wedding involves cultists, gangsters, LSD, and car chases, it's a must read. Intended for mature audiences.


    The first quarter or so is us semi-randomly creating our characters and the situation they find themselves in. Hopefully it should still be readable even without a copy of the playset, but if you want you can skip ahead to "*ACT ONE, SCENE ONE*" and get right into the action.


    Team 1, let me know if you want me to create a log file if/when you finish your game.

  10. Update: There's no time in the next two weeks that works for everyone. For TeamGame1, November 7th, 4:00PM to 9:00PM (Mountain) is the only time that works for all three players. As for TeamGame2, we're still waiting for a response from Nalyd, but in general any time after 3:00PM (Mountain) from Mondays to Thursdays works.

  11. For non-players wondering just what went down Friday, we ended up with two groups of three, both playing the Regina's Wedding playset. Both groups created their own very different setups (I'm assuming the other group doesn't feature two cultists and a drug dealing priest) and completed Act One. But Act Two still waits! How will our stories end? Even we don't know!


    I've taken the liberty of setting up a new schedule: http://whenisgood.net/fiasco2 If no time works works in the next two weeks, or if no time works for all six players, I can make new ones. But ideally we can play soon, while everything is still fresh in our minds, and together so we can swap stories afterwards.

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