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Everything posted by MagmaDragoon

  1. Well, I would "pick" the first scenario. I don't think that magic is easy to learn. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: ...I'm still sticking with my first one, of Shapers as slow Takers... I think that they are more slow Barzites than Takers.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Major: Also, don't think I agree with the shapers on everything. Because I do disagree with them on allot of things. But killing every shaper is not the solution. So I'm forced too go with the shapers. And kill every Rebel?
  3. I understand that one full-power Leader is a risk, but I think is the only way. These are the same considerations of the Roman Council about Augustus. I know, a corrupted leader can destroy everything that the good leader did before him. This can avoided by electing the Leaders for their actions and not because they are sons of the deceased leader. With this I don't mean that the old Council must be destroyed. Simply, like Romans (again! ^_-), the Council will elect leaders and can solve others minor importance statal problems.
  4. I see. Then the Shaper's Empire cannot exist? Wait. (I'm thinking at the Romans Empire) Maybe the lack of the Shapers Empire is the lack of a strong and centralized power. Like an Emperor with great powers. In fact, there isn't King of Shapers, but a slow Council. (Exactly like Romans!) This can work; but the question is: for much time? I don't belive that a Empire like the Shaper's one can exist forever. So, the solution should be not definitive, but have to resolve the actually problems. This should be the ability of a Emperor. (Hope I'm clear and I haven't written foolishness. )
  5. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: ...Shaper empire produced the rebels in the first place; what makes you think they won't keep on producing more? So a solution can be the integration? Shapers and Rebels, working together? Or is only an utopia?
  6. Quote: Originally written by Rufus Rothgard: This thread formally sucks. Only formally? Well, now we have a member that use grammar well. Is not so useless.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Waylander: ...The Rebels want chaos... the Shapers want order. I cannot agree. The Rebels want a new order, not chaos. The want to destroy the previous order, though. But is not a news. Old order are rarely keeped alive when another comes (if they lose, of course). Diplomancy can be good, but not with Shapers. They held the power for too much time.
  8. I think I guessed a new spell: Lighting Bolt! EDIT1: Well, it wasn't so hard to find out... EDIT2: Quote: Originally written by Elijah: Quote: Originally written by MagmaDragoon: Can I ask why GF4 will cost more? You can ask, but you won't get an answer. >_<
  9. This would became Warlords... Ahem, noone have noticed that in the 3rd there are Living Tools in the Quick-Items Slots? This would mean that the opening-loked-door system may have changed. Another curious thing: the name of the new, lighting, creation (It's like a Kodo beast!)... Isn't similar at the name of a Shaper that hide in a tower in GF3?
  10. About this door... There isn't a way to editing scripts and open it?
  11. Kill. ZAAAP! This spell have to do more damage, though.
  12. If you want the full solution, is here. But I suggest to follow Turkeyking's advice. / / / / / / / / / / / / / I remember that you should go in the alchmist house, then go back to the quest-giver and telling her that the alchmist is dead, then she will give you a key or a hut in the docks. EDIT: Posted in the same time of Turkeyking.
  13. Well, but basically, Guardians aren't swordmen? They should have an advantage on meele, respect other character...
  14. Someone like me think that is impossible that a Shaper can do the same melee damage like a Guardian as well? I mean, I remeber that someone (Slarty, I think) tell me something like: "The Firebolt's damage of a Guardian that have 8 skill points on Battle Magic is the same of an Agent with the same skills". Well, I think this isn't fair. Guardians are soldiers! I think that they *should* have some natural attitude, or predisposition, or special training, or simply instinct on fighting with weapons... Like in Avernum with the "traits": for a fighter (Guardian), you can be able to choose, for example, "Elite Warrior"; for a mage (Agent). "Natural Mage". With this I don't mean that I want "traits" in GF4, simply a natural, invisible skill that for example allow Guardians to *always* do more meele damage than a Shaper with same skills. What do YOU think?
  15. Quote: Originally written by NowAndAgain: Shift D sdf 101 27 2 Another cheat that I don't know. There is one for Alwan too? EDIT: Take some stars.
  16. I don't think the save games get corrupted with script-editing.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Slarty: ...and there is exactly one where 15 leadership makes a difference -- with Litalia. Where?
  18. Well, most people here edit the scripts. If you are interested, this topic is an example. EDIT: But is for GF3.
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