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Prince of Persia

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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: You'd have to change the graphic files. Save the graphics you want to replace somewhere safe and then save the graphics you want in the Data folder under the same name as the graphic you were replacing. Be warned that this is untested and unsupported territory, so I don't know whether it would work perfectly or screw everything up. Dikiyoba. Tried that before. Doesn' seem to work. First, I also want to have the graphics of G1 replaced. I know G2 and G3 have almost the same graphics, but turrets for example look a lot different in G1. Worse, to my mind. Small changes like one death picture more or less aren't important for me. I just want to replace Graphics in G1 and G2, that are completly different in G3, for example the shapers and guardians, thads, turrets, ... Of course, I own registered versions of all three games and finished all at least three times.
  2. I am currently trying to change the look of shapers, guardians, agents, thads and all the other creatures in G1 and G2 into their counterparts in G3. I failed. Hell, could someone do that for me ? The game doesn't accept my changes !
  3. How can a servile hold Essence in his or her body ? Looking forward to fight battles in the shaper war. Wouldn't it be nice if your faction could take an enemy city and hold it ?
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