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Posts posted by Ephesos

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Nephil Archer:
    Why are the towns tiny? It says in the game that Fort Draco is the biggest battle town. It says Formello is the biggest trading/goods town. Yet there tiny. There's probaly like 12 people including guards in Fort Draco. Formello kind of has an exuse because of everyone dead from the shade thing. Where did Fort Ganrick go? it's not there!
    Well, you've got to take into account that the farms and mines which surround the cities. Formello in particular is pretty big when you count the farms and mines. I mean, they're pretty close to what they were in A2. At least, it kind of feels like it, particularly since most of them finally have an upstairs/downstairs.

    And the citizens of Formello take insult at that remark about the shade.

    And we don't know where Fort Ganrick went. Assume it was converted into a mining operation, 'cause that's what's there now.
  2. No, I'm pretty sure you get it way before then... my rogue was wielding it well before getting Demonslayer last game (by which I mean somewhere early in the Great Cave).


    There are like three Blazing/Flaming/Whatever Swords in the game... kind of takes away the unique nature of a flaming sword.


    Anyway, the Radiant Soulblade beats them all.

  3. I find that slith mages work just fine... that way, when there's something that lunges at the back of your team (where the mage habitually is, in my case), they can whack it with a spear. Particularly if it resists magic damage... that's just nice, to have a versatile PC like that.


    In fact, my attempt at an all-magic-user party had a human priest-fighter (using a sword) as the offensive focus until the slith mage surpassed her damage limits.

  4. I find that slith mages work just fine... that way, when there's something that lunges at the back of your team (where the mage habitually is, in my case), they can whack it with a spear. Particularly if it resists magic damage... that's just nice, to have a versatile PC like that.


    In fact, my attempt at an all-magic-user party had a human priest-fighter (using a sword) as the offensive focus until the slith mage surpassed her damage limits.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy67:
    Maybe if he’d let some of us help him write the plot...I know I have some fresh ideas.
    If only... that would be simply amazing. But it would make sense, as we now have the best knowledge of A4's workings possible (well, in comparison to everyone else).

    And about the legendary items... that was odd. I did find a few that seemed like they should be, like that Eliavri's Bow. A bit of backstory would've been nice on that one. And who are the Klin and Khar whose shields and helms appear in to many games?
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy67:
    If you can get your TU to 25, you can open the L28 door. This is achievable. I know Ephesos was nearly there, but he didn't have both magical items to quite do it either. I don't know if the L35 door is possible. You'd have to get TU to 32.
    I really should've gone back to get some more knowledge brews before writing that one off...

    Actually, after finally getting my rogue to 28 levels of Tool Use (I think I used all of my herbs on Knowledge Brews from Craftmaster Shrine), I found that I can't get back in to (EDIT: major spoiler deleted) that one spot with the level 28 door. The wall just won't open. Anybody know of a way to get around this? I really want to get past that freakin' door.
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy67:
    If you can get your TU to 25, you can open the L28 door. This is achievable. I know Ephesos was nearly there, but he didn't have both magical items to quite do it either. I don't know if the L35 door is possible. You'd have to get TU to 32.
    I really should've gone back to get some more knowledge brews before writing that one off...

    Actually, after finally getting my rogue to 28 levels of Tool Use (I think I used all of my herbs on Knowledge Brews from Craftmaster Shrine), I found that I can't get back in to (EDIT: major spoiler deleted) that one spot with the level 28 door. The wall just won't open. Anybody know of a way to get around this? I really want to get past that freakin' door.
  8. Eh... simply put, I loved it. Still I'll try to be more specific as others have been... MAJOR SPOILERS:


    Movement/Areas: There was some serious hatred towards keypad movement in earlier betas, so I'm glad that Jeff fixed it. I think it's accurate just how long it takes to run between towns (running iron back to Monastery was annoying, though). And obviously, I loved the teleporter pylons (show me someone who didn't). The whole "everything's a town" approach was strange at first, but I got used to it. I do miss the elevation though... (looks longingly at BoA)


    And where'd Fort Ganrick go? Anybody else notice that?


    Villains: Rentar was done justice (this got better towards the end), and I particularly liked NOT killing her. It did my heart good to see UV so completely debunked, and to see a satisfying conclusion to the whole "the vahnatai did it" plotline. In fact, it was good how well Jeff balanced the elements of the vahnatai. Good to see that some of them sided with Bon-Ihrno after all those years. I wish I hadn't killed Vyvnas, though... he really didn't deserve it.


    On the other hand, killing Garzahd was a lot of fun (I love how he came back).


    Dorikas was... well, annoying (in that you can't kill him). His unstoppable fear is really stupid. And which other game was he from, because I want to say A3.


    Assorted bandits were interesting. Occasionally they'd be truly difficult, but not very often. For instance, Skunky Joe was a piece of cake to me.


    Allies: Starrus was an interesting character, much better than I'd expected. And it was good to see the old A2 crew back at last... Rone again, Solberg (where's Cheeseball?), Kelner, Crisper even, and of course X (still going with the anvil theory). I even recognised Townsend in Formello, and Mayor Bevan.


    And your allies AI... impressive. The escort mission that wasn't (with Ghall-Ihrno) was completely doable, in that he could fend for himself. Every vahnatai who fought alongside you was intelligent (except at the end... they ran back and attacked the pylons in my game).


    Combat: Enemy AI: good. The challenges were diverse enough (like the monsters that discourage melee... all of them) to keep me on my feet for my first time through. I did die a fair amount in my first game, even on Normal.


    Pylons... I hate them. Them and Submission Fungi. But still, having to stealthily sneak by the pylons west of Fort Remote was a welcome change of tempo.


    No more arrows is good.


    Magic: I love A4's spells. Daze is awesome, and I think it'll be underrated. Divine Retribution is good again. Acid does damage for once, Forcecage is gone at last, and group shielding is better (Arcane Shield, anyone?). Even Terror had its uses... as a wand. I do miss group Haste, though...


    Items: So many good items, so little time. Jade Halberd has been restored to its former glory! Even the potion system was well-done, along with the item-crafting system. But swords aren't as good as pole weapons until late in the game (yay Demonslayer).


    Conclusion and Ambience: Plotlines from older games were resolved a bit, thankfully (like the Spiral freakin' Crypt). Good to visit the final resting places of Patrick and such folks. Also, very nice to see the ruins of old places (like Erika's Tower, which seemed too small).


    I like having an influence on the ending, and for once the "you can't continue" thing from A3 works. As I said, I liked not having to kill Rentar, and the first time through I actually missed Dorikas completely... so a variable ending is good.


    Overall impression: It feels like Avernum, and that's good.

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