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Posts posted by Ephesos

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Synergy67:
    but the latter only if you are willing to steal out from under someone's nose.
    I think I was able to finish that graymold one without stealing. And before I got past the registration barrier (or where it would've been). I just can't remember where... maybe in that cave that Potionmaster Hrank tells you about (the one with a hellhound problem).
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Hawk King:
    Originally written by kuc:
    I'm going to miss going into rooms and doing the following;


    Me to frown
    Funny, I thought walking into a room and doing that was a sign of skribbane addiction...

    Personally, I won't miss that at all.
  3. Yeah, there have been many places where the walls don't quite look normal (like one spot of bricks on a cave wall), and you honestly expect a secret passage in the traditional Avernum sense.


    And Vlish... nevermind then. I just prefer to edit older posts over adding another. Otherwise, it tends to come across as spam.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
    I believe I was wearing the clover boots.
    Those are awesome... I believe I kept them until the end of the game.

    And Far Sight is finally gone! Huzzah! No more cheating and finding passages before you're supposed to!

    Wait... Vlish. A double post? I expected better from a mod...
  5. (looks around suspiciously)


    Okay, since it appears that the game has been released, I guess I can tell you what I know about this.


    In short, no. There are no secret passages like in A1/2/3/BoA, where you have to run into walls nonstop to find one measly passage.


    Any extant secret passages look like perfectly normal walls, and only open if you've done some quest, or happen to notice it as you walk by. So don't sweat it... if you're supposed to find it, the game will make sure that you get in.

  6. I'm deeply sorry for your operating system's inadequacies... but that's for another discussion in another time.


    Anyway, it'll be out soon (at least for us Mac users), and then all of us can finally share our boundless wisdom about the workings of Avernum IV. And believe me, we've amassed quite a bit.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by CPeters:
    But for the record, my favourite Spiderweb game is Avernum 2; (hardly) suprising, 'eh?
    I agree. A2 was the best of the trilogy by far, and it's the only one I ever gave a dedicated replay to. Of course, A4 is good, it just can't really be compared to the first three (and BoA, fine).

    Actually, I think A4 > A3. But that shouldn't be a surprise.

    And lastly, this forum is thoroughly deserving of this topic. Whenever a new game comes out, it sparks this controversy. And besides, General is... well, too general. How often do you see actual discussions of the games in General? I do not mean to offend you O Mighty Tentacle, but this topic should stay put.
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Tyranicus:
    Apparently, I'm one of the only people on these boards to have this opinion, but I like Avernum better than Exile.
    Not so... I've always been an Avernum person. Height differences add so much to the game (thus I infer that 3d is awesome). Thus, I'm a little angry with how A4 turned out, general 3d-ness aside. I miss height...

    I do agree with Alorael that A4 looks fine, however. The graphics are generally a huge step up from the rest of the series, and animations... did I mention animations? I've never played any Geneforge, but I like seeing animations in Avernum.

    And about music... I find that the background sounds actually enhance the mood quite nicely. A4's are particularly nice, and I've loved working with the stock sounds in BoA.
  9. Let's see... topics about Soul Crystals (I seem to remember there being more):

    HERE (Foley's Body was a bit arrogant about it)




    More on topic, Wizards and Evil High Priests?! Surely you can do better! Gazers beat Eyebeasts, Ur-Basilisks beat any drake, Demons beat Evil High Priests, Mung Demons beat Wizards. Elder Aranea pack a punch early in the game (spell-wise), and Vampires can summon more Vampires which can summon more Vampires...


    And in A3, Dark Wyrms are beyond evil.

  10. You kind of messed up. You really need to come in the back way, avoiding the main entrance to the Mages' Quarters. Secret passages, Move Mountains, and a puzzle are involved. Honestly, for a detailed walkthrough, I suggest you go HERE , or buy the A2 hintbook.


    As for the other questions...


    1. You need to go see Sulfras for the scepter. That's all I'm saying.


    2a. Lichs, no contest.


    2b. Come on, you can find something better than a drake/ice drake for a Soul Crystal, can't you?


    3. That's a good third of the endgame, so it'd be wrong to spoil it. Go find them yourself. (Though I will say that the Olgai Council is a good place to start asking questions)

  11. I have never used a curing elixir... nor have I ever used an augmentation potion, healing potion, strength potion, or shielding potion. For the most part, it's only speed and energy potion/elixirs for my party.


    It's so much easier to just give your main fighter the priest spell skills to heal himself. Alternatively, you can give your priest some speed potions.

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