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Enraged Slith

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Everything posted by Enraged Slith

  1. G1 had the best and most original setting, but its plot wasn't very immersive. After completing the original Awakened quests, the game basically fell apart. Joining the Awakened yielded no answers or direction except for "just travel around and report back." G2 has been a blast so far. I don't think I've ever played an RPG as open ended as G2 (all the Geneforge's are open ended), in fact, no other RPG I've played has ever been open ended. G2 is open ended, but the plot is immersive no matter which faction you join. I'd just buy every game and play them in order.
  2. This state is called when your party member walks to space, not when they physically land on a space. I'm trying to inflict a status effect on the specific party member who lands on the space, but the char_on_loc call wont work because the state is called BEFORE the character is actually on the space the terrain script is placed. How annoying. Here's the script, can anyone think of something I am doing wrong? Code: beginstate STEP_INTO_SPOT_STATE; guy = char_on_loc(my_loc_x,my_loc_y); play_sound(-17); if(is_combat == TRUE) set_char_status(guy,6,1,0,1); else set_char_status(1000,6,1,0,1);break;
  3. Thanks. I was thinking of writing up my own Phase Spider script for a scenario I'm working on, but remembered some guy had written one years back. I had no idea how cool it was. EDIT: I should note that the Web attack state for the Phase Spider script will not work if the target changes (it'll do the animation right but web the wrong person). The quickest way to fix this is to replace the "target" variable in the state with "get_target()." There's probably a more efficient way to get this done but I don't feel like messing around with advanced creature scripts.
  4. I\'m talking about the scripts Walker White wrote a few years back. I still have trouble with creature targeting and it sounds like he had the stuff down to a science. Can I find these scripts anywhere or are they lost forever?
  5. Music only helps if it is good though. Good game music is expensive and really weighs down on the download time. You're better off supplying your own music.
  6. What about them? I always use them as a Shaper, but ignore them when I play a loyal Guardian.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I wish I had known about that inc_flag() call earlier, as it would have saved me so much time
  8. Quote: And maybe the next Avernum game will continue the Bahssikava storyline. Buy and play Blades of Avernum then, and don't let Kelandon see this.
  9. Does anyone know how to get around this call since it doesn't work? It's basically the only thing keeping me from releasing my scenario for beta, which I need to get done by tonight.
  10. Thanks for the help everyone, I finally fixed every problem. The side effects I got along the way were pretty weird and amusing though. This scenario should be ready for beta testing tomorrow or the next day. I'll need help converting everything to be Mac compatable.
  11. I have ten creatures using the same creature script (all are hidden but one of course). Does the t variable only apply to each individual creature rather than them all as a whole?
  12. Thanks for the catch, I fixed that up. Script is doing some weird things now after tweaking. First, the failsafe works only on occasion. Second, after a certain point when I kill the creature, he keeps reviving over and over and over and over. I used no create creature calls so this seems pretty strange to me.
  13. Here's another problem. Though it gave me a bad head ache, I finally got this section of script to work. Essentially, what this script is supposed to do is: if this creature spots your party, he runs away to a new hiding spot (with a failsafe for making sure it isn't the same spot as last time.) Unfortunately, the failsafe isn't working, and the creature reappears the next turn (over and over and over and over.) If someone could get back to me on this question and the one above, I would appreciate it. EDIT: It isn't shown here but I've assigned all my variables. Town Script: Code: (startstate, yadda yadda yadda)if(myself == 49){ activate_hidden_group(2); } if(myself == 50){ activate_hidden_group(3); } if(myself == 51){ activate_hidden_group(4); } if(myself == 52){ activate_hidden_group(5); } if(myself == 53){ activate_hidden_group(6); } if(myself == 54){ activate_hidden_group(7); } if(myself == 55){ activate_hidden_group(8); } if(myself == 56){ activate_hidden_group(9); } if(myself == 57){ activate_hidden_group(10); } if(myself == 58){ activate_hidden_group(11); } if ((get_flag(2,15) < 4) && (get_flag(2,14) == 1)){ print_str_color("This script is working.",2); myself = get_ran(1,49,58); if(myself == myselfold){ myself = myself + 1; } myselfold = myself; t = t + 1; if(t == 1){ message_dialog(" } if(t == 2){ message_dialog("",""); } if(t == 3){ message_dialog("",""); } set_flag(2,14,0); } Creature Script: Code: beginstate START_STATE; if (t < 4){ if(can_see_char(1000)){ force_view_center(char_loc_x(my_number()),char_loc_y(my_number())); text_bubble_on_char(my_number(),"!"); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(20); text_bubble_on_char(my_number(),""); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); play_sound(-121); erase_char(my_number()); t = t + 1; set_flag(2,15,t); set_flag(2,14,1); } }
  14. The script is trying to say that unless a character is in one of those spaces he's going to die. Though you brought up a different problem that I hadn't noticed, this does not answer my original question. EDIT: Why didn't Jeff include a single call that checked to see if a SPECIFIC character was in a spot? Now I'm going to have to manipulate this script more than I wanted to. My head hurts.
  15. How is this not killing my final character in a party of four? pchar = 0, and, if I'm correct, a while statement runs until the phrase is false. Code: while (pchar < (party_size() + 1)){ if((char_on_loc(26,10) == -1) && (char_on_loc(26,11) == -1) && (char_on_loc(26,14) == -1) && etc...){ put_boom_on_char(pchar,0,0); run_animation_sound(51); kill_char(pchar,3,0); clear_buffer(); append_char_name(pchar); append_string(" is "); append_string("obliterated!"); get_buffer_text(teststring); print_str_color(teststring,3); } pchar = pchar + 1; }
  16. I have an unwanted town entrance and I can't find the button that erases them...
  17. Alright thanks. I saw the import towns option but I was afraid to try it, however it worked just fine.
  18. After a certain event, one of my towns is completely changed except for the terrain layout. To avoid having to painstakingly replace every piece of terrain and flooring, is there any way to make quick copies of a town?
  19. My favorite is saving in flight mode over a chasm, but not having enough turns of flight left to make it to either side. Can be fixed by the character editor, but always worth a good chuckle.
  20. I want IFM in this scenario. Put him in, or my favorite graphic may never find a home.
  21. Exile 2 has the best tutorial. Players who dont equip themselves at the starting armory quickly learn from their Nephilim neighbors how difficult it is to fight naked. Those who retreat and attempt to streak through the wilderness are quickly found and mauled to death by pretentious rodents. EDIT: This goes double for Exile 1 where you didn't even start out with food or gold.
  22. Code: text_bubble_on_char(41,""); text_bubble_on_char(41,"Where's Bobin?"); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(15); text_bubble_on_char(41,""); text_bubble_on_char(0,"Dead."); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(15); text_bubble_on_char(0,""); text_bubble_on_char(41,"Oh..."); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(30); Here's a bit of script from one of my scrapped scenarios. Just try to imagine a break after each "pause." This forum doesn't read them for some reason.
  23. Crawling forth from the deepest bowels of the Earth, it left a trail of destruction and delicious pastry treats in its wake...
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