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Enraged Slith

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Everything posted by Enraged Slith

  1. Congratulations Moonspray, I think you set the record.
  2. Yeah sure, I was fooling around when I found this problem. beginscendatascript; begindefineitem 448; it_variety = 17; it_protection = 1; it_bonus = 8; it_encumbrance = 0; it_floor_which_sheet = 1002; it_floor_which_icon = 7; it_inventory_icon = 8; it_icon_adjust = 11; it_value = 2000; it_weight = 10; it_ability_1 = 3; it_ability_str_1 = 1; it_ability_2 = 56; it_ability_str_2 = 3; it_name = "Cloak"; it_full_name = "Robe of the Rain"; begindefineitem 449; it_variety = 2; it_damage_per_level = 3; it_bonus = 5; it_weapon_skill_used = 25; it_protection = 4; it_floor_which_sheet = 1036; it_floor_which_icon = 0; it_inventory_icon = 1; it_icon_adjust = 75; it_ability_1 = 3; it_ability_str_1 = 3; it_ability_2 = 12; it_ability_str_2 = 1; it_ability_3 = 57; it_ability_str_3 = 3; it_value = 6000; it_weight = 50; it_magic = 1; it_name = "Staff"; it_full_name = "Rod of Magery"; begindefineitem 450; it_variety = 13; it_protection = 24; it_bonus = 18; it_encumbrance = 2; it_floor_which_sheet = 1037; it_floor_which_icon = 8; it_inventory_icon = 9; it_icon_adjust = 72; it_value = 7000; it_weight = 150; it_ability_1 = 65; it_ability_str_1 = 5; it_ability_2 = 54; it_ability_str_2 = 4; it_ability_3 = 82; it_ability_str_3 = 1; it_ability_4 = 13; it_ability_str_4 = 2; it_name = "Ring Mail"; it_full_name = "Archangel's Mantel";
  3. I created a few custom items. They worked fine, except that the third and fourth ability of one item, attached itself to the other items, with less abilities. What could I be doing wrong?
  4. If the bandits banded together they would win. First all supply routes would be cut off, due to the danger of traveling roads. Then the bandits would slowly pillage each town and demoralize the opposing forces. Then, with sufficient towns and reinforcements, they would kill off all the dragons and such with superior numbers. They can also steal the horses. Edit: Come to think of it, haven't bandits always won? Think of Rome, arguably the most poweful empire to ever exist. Bandits/Raiders were one of the biggest contributions to its decline.
  5. If Jeff ever makes another Exile/Avernum game, Vahnatai will not be anything more than NPCs, unless the game is set underground. Vahnatai will die if ever exposed to sunlight.
  6. Quote: Add something like Slithzerakai and Nephilim with their own stats, and let those characters join your party? Wait, what? You can already have Slithzerikai and Nephilim in your party. Just click on the race portrait in the character creation screen. Quote: Can you make it so that when you create a party, you can get different races? Only if you are good at hacking and programing.
  7. Go to the BoA Editor folder and look at the "BoA Editor Docs V12" application. It is a giant help file. Then look under "Creating Custom Objects." From there you can explore creating custom creatures, items, floors, etc. It is not hard once you learn how. Copy the templates Drakefyre posted and copy them in Notepad, Wordpad, etc. Then fill in the blanks.
  8. have you noticed any other weird things happening to your other files and games? There might be a bug in the computer.
  9. or if you can wait, buy BoA for full price and then get BoE for 15 dollars.
  10. You wrote it in second person... "you," as a main character is generally not a very good idea, even when rewriting a story; I find reading second person stories extremely annoying. I'd look over it, and change "you," to something like Billy Bob. Are you taking the in game messages and copying them on word?
  11. Considering I want to at least make one decent scenario, and my scripting skills are almost ziltch, that would be awesome. *drools*
  12. Where is a good site to find BoA graphics and submit some?
  13. I wouldn't see the point of them because they wouldn't be able to fly indoors, and because if they were flying then they couldn't be hit by meleers, which would make the game way too easy. And if they could be hit by meleers, then that would probably defeat the purpose of flying.
  14. I didn't bother reading much of this because it is four pages, and who has that time during 2:00 AM!?!?!?!?!?! This game doesn't need any new creations (if that has been brought up), but a way to mutate your creations. Like put points into clawbug, then put points into a... Fyora, and you have a multi-"classed" monster. It would add more strategy. Of course what this game really needs is scantily clothed babes.
  15. I use AOL and they like to play pranks on me. Every so often the font size for each site gets bigger or smaller. Right now the font size looks like its about 18. Size 18 font + Forums = AUGH!!! How do I change it?
  16. If Nethergate had sold well, then there would already be a Nethergate 3.
  17. Okay I had the same problem, and still do, but my shortcut is the only one that is messed up. I just load the game off of the start menu and it's fine.
  18. Hire an expert, save your most important files. Or beat it to death with a baseball bat and then buy a new computer.
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