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Lauren CW

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Posts posted by Lauren CW

  1. I played a lot of *bands back in the day, and a little bit of ToME more recently. I enjoyed the DW-rogue and the archer classes immensely, sword and board also worked out well. I rarely play casters in roguelikes, I don't have the patience.

  2. which means you have to wait until level 21, hence "a long time to come together"

    It's still not significantly different from a regular gun-using build, but not at all detrimental because you don't have to deal with the negative penalties of fast shot all game.

  3. that build is powerful and all but it takes a long time to come together because fast shot is actually pretty disastrous until you get sniper/slayer. hitting even twice as often isn't enough to make up for missing out on crits from targeted shots

    Mutate into fast shot after you get sniper/slayer.

    The main reason I cant stand Fallout is because melee doesnt work and the game is more focused on guns. While the game has a decent premise, guns cross the line for me as I much prefer fantasy with bows and crossbows. Guns dont take skill to use, look at the real world and you will see. You dont need skill to use a firearm, only thing that factors in is who shoots first and at what range. With fantasy there are many more factors to put in and bows actually take skill to use.

    As other people have said, you're doing it wrong. The only problem I have with melee is waiting for their bodies to slide to a stop.

  4. Here's what I got so far for games that are unplayable-


    Fallout 1, 2-terrible

    We will never, ever be friends.



    I would have enjoyed Fallout more if the inventory management wasn't such a pain and I hadn't felt the compulsive need to pick up and sell every single piece of garbage I came across.


    In fallout 1, the trick is you raise your barter to the point where your stuff is worth more than theirs. Get a bunch of SMGs or something, and trade them half of them. Proceed to take anything you actually want from shop keepers.

    In fallout 2, killing bands of raiders is extremely lucrative. Also there are shopkeepers in San Fran that have all the high end stuff on tables that you can steal from. I stash neat items in the car, and only carry what I actually use because of how easy it is to get a hold of anything you need.

  5. If I spend more than 30$ on a bottle of dough (Not sure why dough would come in a bottle...) I am spending too much money on something I could do myself for cheaper, and with probably better results.


    I unfortunately lack similar knowledge and experience when it comes to distilling my own booze. :(

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