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Lauren CW

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Posts posted by Lauren CW

  1. When playing as an Agent, I find that getting INT up to about 10 before item bonuses is usually enough, about 6 in endurance.


    -3 to attack skills means about 15% less chance to hit and 3 die less.

    Say you have a dagger doing 2-12 damage. That's 2d6. You have 4 strength, and 3 melee weapons. That's another 7d6, for a total of 9d6. Now subtract 3 for the armor penalty, and 15% chance to hit.


    It is entirely viable to play any of the games canister free. Some may be a little tougher, but if you're playing on normal it shouldn't be a big deal.


    I would advise getting your mech and leadership to about 8 before bonuses in each game. You rarely need more than 13, and you can use infiltrator gear to get there. I am thinking about doing a geneforge playthrough sometime soon, and I have a ton of notes for character building and min-maxing. Maybe I'll compile them together and post them. I usually spend about an hour going through all my notes and strategy central before even starting a playthrough, mapping out how much of what I will need.



    Also, I never listen to music while playing Spiderweb games. I prefer the ambient noise, especially in the Geneforge series, to immerse me.

  2. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some of the best games have had a minimum chance to get hit, and it usually is 5% or 10%. Im playing Fallout 1 right now and its the almost exact same thing. The highest chance to hit an enemy for my fighter is 95% and likely the lowest chance to get hit is 5% but its almost impossible to get there and unneeded. Jeff's games have taught me to abuse the hardy tank build which works in many rpgs ;)


    It's actually really, really easy to get to 95% hit chance in Fallout, even at absurd ranges with targeted shots. Getting your dodge up isn't as easy, but with proper armor and a level of lifegiver early on, you should be able to tank everything except high damage crits, which can kill you no matter what you do or how prepared you are bar cheating.

  3. l5nkK5J.jpg



  4. I didn't even know there was a status thing 'til you mentioned it. I tend to stay away from all the crazy profile features. They seem like a hassle, one more thing to check up on and such. I already have a facebook I don't like.

  5. I would suggest starting with the first one and moving on as well, largely due to the plot, but also because it's easier to start with a clunkier engine and have new features added that are very nice, as opposed to starting with more advanced engines and slowly losing the nice features as you go backwards.


    I have played every single Spiderweb game, and the Geneforge series is my favourite by far.

  6. YOu might look into the strategy central links at the top of the board. They have several character builds there, though some might be outdated.


    I don't think they have item builds really, but you could look through the item lists and it should be fairly evident which items would go best with each build. Shapers like to stack +creation stats and shaping levels, as well as some healing craft and blessing magic/mental magic.

    Agents tend to stack pure battle or mental magic and spellcraft as high as possible. Guardians stack strength/dex, endurance, and whichever combat skills apply.

  7. I enjoy typewriters as well. In my kindergarten class there was an activity time, basically an in-class recess and I would always go and play with the typewriter. It's been years since I've used one, but I always felt they were classy.

  8. So, can you still change your title to whatever you want?

    I believe even moderators stick to receiving custom titles from others and not simply giving themselves whatever title they wish.

    I am not entirely sure though, and this is a good question.

  9. I enjoy PBR and Rainier. Quite a bit actually. It's light enough that I can drink it all night with my buddies, as opposed to higher quality beer which makes my tummy full quite quickly. And because it's more watered down, I am significantly less likely to get hung over.

  10. I do quite enjoy Gin, but only as a mixer. I like it with stuff like root beer or OJ+beer.

    I put a splash of beer in a lot of my mix drinks actually.

  11. I used to drink whiskey when I was younger. I have had a bottle of pretty much every type they carry at local liquor stores. I still enjoy Jameson, but not much else.


    Tequila is my happy drink. Whiskey is my unruly drink where I flirt with people I shouldn't and break/steal public property like road signs.

  12. Tequila, tequila, tequila. Specifically, Tarantula Azure or Silver Patron.


    I get "girly" drinks when I go out to bars usually though like Mai Thais or Dirty Girl Scouts etc, and drink rougher stuff at parties.



    Also, I just noticed the Oosquai tag. Clever :)

  13. I eat meat only when I have no alternative.

    I like bread, sandwiches and toast are nice, as is plain bread every now and again.

    I like really sweet things, but I seldom eat them as I have little desire to.

    Vegetables and fruits are awesome. Avocado is like the best vegetable ever.

    For dairy, yogurt is amazing. Can't get enough. Same with cheese. It's awesome. But I dislike milk. It makes me feel icky.

  14. I find it unusual when people card me for smokes, but I tend to buy them at the same places enough to where the people know me.

    When I'm getting alcohol, I have my cash and ID ready before I go to purchase. I think it's ridiculous for people to get upset over being carded, because that's their job.

    I have recently started drinking wine, because I can take half a bottle in one night and get a buzz. I'm getting to old to get really drunk anymore.

  15. This thread makes me sad. I think I've been here for twice as long as Trenton… My posting frequency has been pretty minimal lately. (You're welcome.)

    I laugh at this.

    Not you, just this statement.


  16. I was very worried about the change, and I am still not sure how I feel about it yet.

    But I would have loved it if they made some mention of the fact that Alicorns are in fact immortal, and none of the other mane6 are alicorns. What happens in 40 years?

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