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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. After two days we're now at 42 surveys. That is probably the bulk of them, but I'd like to at least give a chance to people who are more likely to check the forums on weekends, so let's say this will stay open till Monday morning. Assuming today's slow trickle of submissions continues, that puts us on track to get fairly close to the 60 surveys we got five years ago.
  2. This isn't the first time we've told you this, but you have really wanted to hope it happens sooner. I don't blame you for being so eager, but this is the reality.
  3. FWIW, once Avernum 3 is out, Geneforge 1 is the most likely target to receive an update. That said, I would not expect it to be the next release after A3 -- that will probably be a new game. (And of course there's no guarantee Jeff will stick to past patterns and do G1 at that point, even if it is our best guess right now.) So I would not expect an updated G1 until 2019, probably late 2019. Also, I would expect significant game mechanics changes when it is updated, so even if it looks more like G5, it might not play like G5. That's been the case with all of Jeff's previous remakes (Exile to Avernum, Nethergate to N:R, and Avernum to Avernum Remake). And remember that G5 is already 9 years old and will be 11 years old, at least, by the time any G1 remake hits. That's over a decade of time for Jeff's design sensibilities to change.
  4. Specifically, that confirms the iPad release is early 2018. In the past desktop releases have come out at least a few months before iPad releases, though it's always possible that can change (especially given that SW's attitude towards iPad development has been fluctuating).
  5. It's about the same -- I think a few questions longer. A few of the earlier pages are shorter, but there was no seventh page before.
  6. We are now up to 30 responses after half a day! Woo. Nice to see some old faces popping back in for this too.
  7. 16 responses so far, after a couple of hours. An excellent start for sure! Nikki: I am now going to picture you as Jenell, constantly surrounded by animals. You're welcome.
  8. Nah, I appreciate having people around who, like me, care about small details and nuances of things.
  9. Come one, come all, to THE GRAND SPIDERWEB POLL, 2017 EDITION! It's been five years since the previous grand poll -- it's time to make your vote count! Choose your favourite game, rate the rest of them, and tell us a bit about yourself! This poll is a combination of a favourite game poll and a demographics poll. It is not a forum software poll, which will allow us to more easily see patterns and connections in the data. Are Nethergate fans older, on average? Do Alwan's fans support more conservative governments in real life? It should take 5-10 minutes to take the survey, and you can do so here: TAKE THE GRAND SPIDERWEB POLL! (And remember to hit "submit" on the last page, so your answers are recorded.) More Info: * Here are some of the interesting results we got last time around: 1 2 3 4 * Data will be analyzed in aggregate; no survey taker's combination of answers will ever be published, to respect your privacy. * The gender questions have been improved and all answers will be listed out this time (exact quantities will still not be given for answers that just a few respondents chose, again for privacy). * Some questions are the same as last time (to allow comparisons of change over these 5 years). * Some questions are new and, quite frankly, awesome. I'm very excited about this one!
  10. That'll be fine. Ice attacks definitely face the most "totally immune" enemies though they are a good choice otherwise.
  11. Male superheroes definitely are not "attractive" in the same way that female superheroes are -- where sex characteristics take priority. Instead we get hyper-muscly power fantasies for male readers. I read a great essay about this a few years back that I can't for the life of me find now, but it really took apart the nuances of how things are drawn -- where you do and don't get curves, what poses are chosen, proportionality, etc. Also, some teen/tween age boys do want pictures of pretty boys. And I'm willing to bet they are more represented among comic book fans than in the general population.
  12. Dinti, I edited your quote slightly -- sorry to intrude on it, but remember there is a different audience thisaways.
  13. We aren't talking about somebody who just wants to play a shorter, light-hearted scenario though. We're talking about somebody who's going to play all of them and just wants to choose the order that makes the most sense. Edit: Ha, ha. Well since you listed that one, obviously the link is the rakshasi.
  14. Wait, didn't this get discussed before? Old scenarios were designed with the limited 9x9 tile viewing window in mind. It is ridiculous to expand that for old scenarios.
  15. ...Now I remember you, Tarsus. From the "Racism in video games" topic on Shadow Vale. I thought you sounded familiar. Eesh. Or if you want to see how the work progressed. That's different from the author growing. Often there are organizational and thematic connections, whether or not they rise to the level of plot connections.
  16. Wonder Woman has superhuman powers. There's no reason the person in the second picture couldn't be agile and (the kind of athletic you are talking about) given superhuman powers. I mean, _Elektra_ was a spin-off of _Daredevil_ which was a serious atrocity to begin with. And no disrespect to Halle Berry, but I don't know why she ended up in those roles. Her being cast as Storm back in 2000 is one of the most frustrating casting choices I can think of.
  17. There were already multiple people taking on the role of Thor, which was sometimes handled in neat ways. e.g., when Eric Masterson was Thor, other characters weren't aware of the change, but he was very aware of being out of place: it was constant imposter syndrome for a while. So I thought it fit in pretty OK.
  18. I agree, seeing as 2x does make things look more pixelated to at least some people (especially since pixels are a lot bigger on some monitors than on others). If you're changing it at all, you might as well give people options rather than forcing them to do it one new way.
  19. Truly the spirit of Drakefyre is still with us. Mangos, melons... pineapple.
  20. Maybe, I dunno. If I open one of the 2x magnification samples and just set Chrome to go to 75% display size, it looks pretty OK to me.
  21. Now 11 is the same as 10. Anyway, what you are describing kind of sounds like a non-starter. Maybe you can make a big change, and transfigure the whole operation. But 4 or 5 customers over 2 years does not suggest a lot of potential.
  22. I suggest reversing the question. People don't automatically buy things when they see them. So rather than asking "why is nobody buying these" I would ask "what is going to make people want to buy these?"
  23. ADOS, there are other enlargement algorithms, there are all kinds of smoothing algorithms, etc. It might not be the best fit here, I dunno, but "you can't" and "impossible" are not true, and your 1.5x example is an example of the worst possible 1.5x quality.
  24. I believe that's also true of tier 3 creations, Random, IIRC. That was the whole impetus behind wanting to use that mental resistance shield with Drayks back when they did physical damage in G4.
  25. Definitely better, but now *nothing* is bigger, and I thought making things bigger was the whole reason you were doing this in the first place? Make the left pane bigger. Make the central pane bigger if you like. Also, are those 6 white icons PCs to select for the inventory pane? It doesn't make a lot of sense to have the PC selectable in 2 places right next to each other (that and the party stats pane). I think you can skip that row entirely. And again, I don't understand why the action icons are being made so prominent when they are easily the least important part of the interface.
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