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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. And I'd like to apologize if it seemed I was painting a picture of you wanting us to do the work for you! That was just me being snarky and I didn't mean to imply that. Actually, you were pretty helpful: you described the situation clearly, gave relevant extra info like platform, and did not assume it was a random bug. That's way above average pretty much anywhere online. Anyway, welcome to the forums, Cerlis.
  2. Hi Alan Alan Steve, welcome to the forums! It's easy to miss, but it's actually been more than six years since this thread has been posted in. Since it's a pretty general topic, I've split your post into a new thread. We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion of Summon Shade.
  3. Honestly, it's going to take you less time to redo that one hour of gameplay than it will to get Sneff's dialogue results another way, deal with anyone else you may have angered, any other SDFs that may have triggered from that that you haven't realized, etc., especially assuming you don't want these 'cheat' effects to be in place permanently, so you'll have to undo them all at the end. (I mean, I guess if somebody else does all the research for you, it might not take less time for you )
  4. Yeah, given the NDA, I've removed your post, Arch-Mage Solberg. I obviously appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think we owe it to Spiderweb to respect their wishes. (Of course, beyond that, it's also a legal issue.) Edit: And the post in the other topic.
  5. Callie has broken hearts on actual current candidates. (Finally!) Let the floodgates blow open. And Dinti... I have some bad news for you. I have to inform you that President Trump is not the same person as Ivana Trump, either.
  6. Does the backer beta not have the same NDA as the earlier beta?
  7. You did not nominate that George Clinton. Also, no. Also, no.
  8. For past presidents, note that I'm evaluating what I'd think of them assuming the office today (as with everyone else), not what I think of their past performance when they were actually president. (Also, sorry presidential dads: I just don't care enough to learn a lot about you.) Emperor Wu of Han is fascinating but I kind of don't believe most of what's written about him enough to place him very specifically. Likewise, Cao Cao's depictions vary so widely that I don't know how to treat him. Zhuge Liang though: I played DOAE, and from what I can gather it didn't exaggerate, at least not beyond lore. I know what to do with this guy. Inanna, boy, here's another one where I am so very conflicted. But I've ranked her. Ranking An, on the other hand, would be like trying to rank a Deist conception of God. Lucca Simone de Beauvoir Robo Princess Leia Buffy Summers Zhuge Liang Henry Agard Wallace Micah Uncle Iroh Jean-Luc Picard Lady Gaga Erika Redmark Zuko Mary Poppins Socrates Sylak Eowyn Captain America Aragorn Katara Frog FDR Plato Graham Nelson Empress Prazac Abigail Adams Honor Harrington Lisa Simpson Thanos (comics) R2-D2 Ereshkigal Aristotle Magus Diogenes the Cynic The Kangxi Emperor LBJ Aang Lord Havelock Vetinari King Arthur Cleopatra (Shakespeare) Peter Gabriel Orson Welles Mary Shelley Eisenhower Epicurus JFK Kathryn Janeway Puddleglum Professor Oak Sherlock Holmes Ayla Cleopatra Jones Harry S. Truman Redbeard Zaphod Beeblebrox Julius Caesar Blaise Pascal Olga of Kiev Boudica Cicero The Doctor Toph Julius Martov Lord British Queen Elizabeth I Inanna Melanchion Mao Zedong Faramir Dumbledore Starrus Gladwell Manfred Redmark Bob the Builder Billie Holiday Ken Burns Eeyore Marle Le Petit Prince Multivac Sokka Pat Paulsen Seth MacFarlane Khan Noonien Singh Werdna Mal Reynolds Queen Elizabeth II Clifford the Big Red Dog Aslan Sir Topham Hatt James T. Kirk Henri III Ayn Rand Cleopatra (real) Daddy Warbucks Pat Sajak Cardinal Richelieu Sulla Lavos Pilgor the Goat Curious George Kikuchiyo Miss Piggy Lyndon LaRouche Captain Ahab Tiamat Lady Macbeth Benjamin Sisko Darth Vader Evil Abed Crassus Pompey Spider Rand al'Thor Caligula Yosemite Sam George Jetson One of the 7 dwarves (Disney) Guybrush Threepwood Boris Johnson Julie d'Aubigny Zapp Brannigan Pol Pot Grima, Wormtongue Yogi Bear Shaper Rawal Kylo Ren Harcourt Fenton Mudd George Wickham Ivan the Terrible Genghis Khan Morgoth The White Witch Hawthorne Hitler Emperor Palpatine Dorikas Elizabeth Báthory Kefka Smaug The Allied Mastercomputer
  9. Heh heh heh. Little do you know. Please feel free to be as obscure as you wish, on that subject -- though I may complain if you are inconsistent with your transliteration choices (as above) 😛 As for the list's character, I think I commented that I found Pilgor the Goat to be a pretty good stand-in for not having the office occupied at all. I can't promise I've been 100% consistent, given all the factors involved, but that should mean I consider anyone above Pilgor to be better than nothing, and anyone below Pilgor to be worse than nothing. Also: sorry for the delay. Would you believe I started a response almost two weeks ago and... oh, holy crap, that browser window is still open. Well, guess I should go finish that.
  10. Hmm. Yeah, definitely missing the 2 traits from level 30. I guess the good news is level 30 is the only trigger for this, since it's the very last time you gain traits. Any other time you just wait 2 levels.
  11. AHA. Okay, so you have 3 levels worth of stat/skill points, correct? Since you get those once every 5 levels in the 30's, that means you have points from levels 29, 30, and 35. And you should indeed have gotten a trait point at level 30 (or 2 points if you are human). Huhhh. If you don't mind, can you count the number of traits this character does have, just so we can confirm the math? (No idea if editor affects steam achivements. For in-game medals, I believe it only affects the current session of the game, so you should be able to use the editor, save, quit, then reload and have no problem with the medals.)
  12. This is a very nasty bug and is likely to affect all containers in areas you haven't yet reached. Unfortunately, the only option I am aware of is to revert to a save from before you encountered the bug.
  13. OK, I am now very confused. You're saying the following sequence happened? 1 - At a previous level, you used skill points but put off using trait points 2 - At level 35 you gained skill points, and did not have the chance to use trait points afterwards If this is what happened, you can just use the editor to add whatever traits you should have gotten. Enable it on the title screen then in-game use shift-D and type "editor"
  14. I don't know about the issue itself, but you should be getting more skill points next level -- it's every 5 levels after level 30 -- so that should solve your specific problem here anyway.
  15. Hmm. How many traits do you have acquired, total, including multiple points in traits? (And what game is this for? A:EFTP, A2:CS, or A3:RW?)
  16. Again, you can always go to the traits screen manually. It doesn't have to "pop out" on its own. Are you saying that (1) you are on the traits screen and there are no + buttons visible to select traits? Or that (2) you can't figure out how to get to the traits screen?
  17. You can always go to the traits screen manually. If you do that, are the points still available? I think it only "pops out" automatically when you actually get new points for traits.
  18. In Ranks Everything, probably. In Ranks Everything for President, probably not.
  19. Again for the sake of not putting this off any longer, I'll be leaving some out for want of ease of looking up. Archimedes: not enough is known about him, really. Still no actual candidates or past U.S. presidents... Lucca Simone de Beauvoir Robo Princess Leia Buffy Summers Henry Agard Wallace Micah Uncle Iroh Jean-Luc Picard Lady Gaga Erika Redmark Zuko Mary Poppins Socrates Sylak Eowyn Captain America Aragorn Katara Frog PlatoGraham NelsonEmpress Prazac Abigail Adams Honor Harrington Lisa Simpson Thanos (comics) R2-D2 Aristotle Magus Diogenes the Cynic AangLord Havelock VetinariKing ArthurCleopatra (Shakespeare) Peter Gabriel Orson Welles Mary Shelley Epicurus Kathryn Janeway Puddleglum Professor Oak Sherlock Holmes Ayla Cleopatra Jones Redbeard Zaphod Beeblebrox Julius Caesar Blaise Pascal Olga of Kiev Boudica CiceroThe Doctor Toph Julius Martov Lord British Queen Elizabeth I Melanchion Faramir Dumbledore StarrusGladwellManfred Redmark Bob the Builder Billie HolidayKen Burns Eeyore MarleMultivac Sokka Pat Paulsen Seth MacFarlane Khan Noonien Singh Werdna Mal Reynolds Queen Elizabeth II Clifford the Big Red Dog Aslan Sir Topham Hatt James T. Kirk Henri IIIAyn RandCleopatra (real) Daddy Warbucks Pat Sajak Cardinal Richelieu Sulla Lavos Pilgor the Goat Curious George Kikuchiyo Miss Piggy Lyndon LaRouche Lady Macbeth Benjamin Sisko Darth Vader Evil Abed Crassus PompeySpider Rand al'Thor Caligula Yosemite Sam George Jetson One of the 7 dwarves (Disney) Guybrush Threepwood Boris JohnsonJulie d'Aubigny Zapp Brannigan Pol Pot Grima, Wormtongue Yogi Bear Shaper Rawal Kylo Ren Harcourt Fenton Mudd George Wickham Ivan the Terrible Genghis Khan Morgoth The White Witch Hawthorne Hitler Emperor PalpatineDorikasElizabeth Báthory KefkaSmaug The Allied Mastercomputer
  20. Re the Cave Lore question -- I wrote that guide for the original release of the game, where money was more limited because the second level of training in a skill or spell cost double what it does now. I still don't think you get much out of training in Cave Lore, but there is more wiggle room with money, so I don't think it's an awful idea either. I still would advise against putting manual points in there, but you do get a few magic items and xp items out it -- meh. Your thinking about trade-offs with pieces of armor is pretty much on the money, especially early on when hit chance is very relevant. Later in the game, once you have high stats and good investment in basic skills, you may reach the point where that doesn't matter much (for non-mages anyway). Also, you eventually start finding great pieces of armor that don't reduce hit chance.
  21. In G4, Servile melee/magic builds are neck-and-neck with Infiltrator magic builds.  It's a different emphasis. This question hasn't been explored for G5 due to the Agent getting the dumb resistances, which is certainly enough to make the difference.
  22. Also, I strongly disagree about Infiltrator beating Servile for a melee-oriented build specifically in G4 (or G5, though Agent in G5 is another question due to the stupid inherent resists). In G4, Servile melee/magic builds are neck-and-neck with Infiltrator magic builds. It's a different emphasis. The Servile is potentially much tankier (leading to the "turtle mage" appellation back when G4 first came out), to the point that he can eat multiple mine blasts and survive. The Infiltrator is much more reliant on Mental Magic, but of course Mental Magic is superb. Infiltrator melee/magic builds are definitely inferior to Infiltrator magic builds, for the reasons alhoon enumerated. It follows then that they are also definitely inferior to Servile melee/magic builds. In G5 you have another consideration, which is that you could run a mostly-solo Sorceress, with greater use of disposable meatshields in place of the Agent's stat pickups in Parry and better HP and so on. The big problem here is, again, that the Agent gets those massive resistance boosts.
  23. 1) I just edited it out by hand. Feel free to re-edit the post (you should be able to now) to replace whatever formatting, line breaks etc. you intended. I had to edit the raw HTML so a bunch of stuff got lost. Grammarly royally screwed up the HTML of the post, and it actually eliminated functionality from all buttons on the page that appeared below your post. (If we were still on old UBB, I fully expect the whole site would have gone down over this :P) I have no idea why it did that, but it was not good. It would appear that there is a bug in the way Grammarly interfaces with this (at least) web form. I would use caution if you continue to use it with web forms. 2) Spell energy rarely matters. It just doesn't. That should not inform your class choice at all.
  24. Hi there, Can you share the following info so we can understand the situation better? Thanks. 2. What operating system are you using (Mac or WIndows?) 3. Did you download the game through Steam, Good Old Games, or another third-party distribution platform? Also, can you share the exact error message wording?
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