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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. The Hecatonchires have the hundred hand facepalm, but it is Argus who has the hundred eye eye-roll.
  2. I hate to say it, but Monroe's list is quite good. The recurring, minor Avernites used to have fan favourites, in the days of the original trilogy, but they were demolished by A4 and A5. A4, because the recurring Avernites in it lost ALL connection to their previous characterization (Elspeth, Julio, I'm looking at you), and A5 because they just weren't in it anymore. Certainly Tor Gunston had fans, as did the aforementioned Elspeth and Nance. Let's not forget Anastasia and Mairwen (exceptions to the A4 rule above) either. Also, Scab and Asp -- at least one of them recurred, I forget which one. And Captain Johnson definitely had fans. I could go on...
  3. No, the timelines are reconstructed by us based on in-game evidence, largely by me and Milla. And the discrepancy Dantius was referring to is pretty big, involving the length of time since the Shaper backstory in G1 vs in G5.
  4. Dantdring makes a good point. The best place for this conversation to go is in the direction of casting the major characters with famous actors (who probably could not be paid enough to be part of Avernum McBeal). Here's my cast list for a creepy slapstick comedy revolving around the mages of Avernum: Erika -- Bette Davis Patrick -- Leslie Nielsen Rone -- Steve Carrell Aimee -- Whoopi Goldberg Solberg -- Christopher Lloyd Linda -- Madeline Kahn X -- Phil Hartman Mahdavi -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus Garzahd -- Tim Curry Rentar-Ihrno -- Agnes Moorehead
  5. Originally Posted By: Dantius Maybe creatures with O int are registered as neutral creatures fighting on your side, and thus are treated with the same rules as hostiles. This would make them have the same stats and abilities as enemies of their level. On the flip side of the coin, they are also controlled by the absolutely stupid AI. This is not the case.
  6. Irfan: posting the same thing in four different places is considered spamming. Additionally, hex editing is off limits for discussion as per the Code of Conduct. This is an official warning on both counts.
  7. Another Spiderweb matchmaking success story, and in a record number of posts too.
  8. No, wait. In the G4 scripts, hostile Drakons (and Ur-Drakons) get +4 to AP, that PC-created Drakons (and Ur-Drakons) do not get. Are you absolutely, positively, 100% sure you have seen this happen with PC-created Drakons?
  9. If it was just enemy drakons, I might blame the difference on differing definitions for default enemy and creation drakons. But the drakons you make have the same stats whether you control them or not. I assume you can observe the same phenomenon with Drakons of > 2 Intelligence, where you turn the AI on. Have you tried that? It would be useful confirmation.
  10. Jeff answered this for G3. The link used to be in G3 Strategy Central but was mis-relinked after the UBB upgrade.
  11. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity (Psychoanalysis is the Freudian deal, and it's an independent movement somewhere between a union and a religion, not simply a branch of psychiatric medicine or psychology... Freudian analysis is definitely not the only game in town.) This isn't really true. At one point psychoanalysis referred solely to the Freudian school and other versions had other names; Jung's was analytic psychology, for example. Today psychoanalysis is a field full of diverse practices and opinions. The vast majority of psychoanalysts, like the vast majority of psychotherapists, describe their psychological ideology as "eclectic," meaning that it incorporates ideas from different schools of thought. Although it differs from modern psychotherapy in more visible ways than most types of mental health provision do, it isn't particularly alien either. If you look at both ideology and methodology, the most widespread schools of psychotherapy -- like psychodynamic and client-centered psychotherapies -- have much more in common with psychoanalysis than they do with, say, cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  12. Originally Posted By: waterplant Then they will understand that God made Lilith how she is. Does nobody recognize the supreme irony of this line, given the religious tradition that considers Lilith to be Adam's first wife?
  13. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity The upside, however, is that if you keep on plugging, the chances that things will eventually swing your way are very high... The big issues in life may be lotteries instead of fair wages, but they're lotteries whose payoff odds are actually good, and if you keep playing you're very likely to win, eventually. For many people, yes. Not for everyone. To use your example about adult humans pairing up in a lasting way, the chances of this happening drop dramatically when you look at certain subsets of the population, for reasons that are easy to see with your model (whose structure I like): the opportunities are fewer and slimmer, so the odds of a situation stacking up in your favor is are also much slimmer. Based solely on mutually compatible gender preferences (and enough knowledge or assumed knowledge to act on them), for example, most straight adults encounter multiple orders of magnitude more potential partners than most gay adults do; to tie in a timely topic, the numbers are even scarcer for trans adults.
  15. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Your family will be different, but they aren't Muslim so I don't think they will stone you. Way to not take the situation seriously, and make an insulting generalization about Islam, at the same time.
  16. Quiconque

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