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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. There are more. *scratches head* Where'd they go?
  2. What happened to the rest of the drawings?
  3. Quiconque


  4. Agreed. This is not as bad as the change in Drayk damage types in G4.
  5. Not never ever, just almost never. REALLY cheap spell levels are OK for spells you will use tons, but that pretty much limits it to Bolt of Fire, Minor Heal, and the like.
  6. Quiconque


    I initially wondered why he had A4 and not A5, then realized it was probably due to thinking the A4 art would sell better than the A5 art. A4 did have good cover art.
  7. Gladwell probably unlocked a door that you already picked open.
  8. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=189958#Post189958
  9. If I had any PDNs left to spare, and it didn't break the character limit, mine would now be "The Old Woman with Only One Slarty"
  10. Candide is great. Truly a wonderful piece of work.
  11. Vlish are not quite as overpowered in G2 as in G3. They are still good, but they aren't head and shoulders better than other creations in that game. With a Guardian in G2, though, putting ALL your points into Parry is really the way to go.
  12. Yup. The "bug" part is that you can actually do that at any time, it is just easiest to notice at the start of the game when you have 80 skill points to play with. It's kind of an innocent bug in that you can ignore it if you want, or exploit it if you want -- it doesn't force itself on you.
  13. Quiconque


    Your pattern is definitely more striking. This is particularly clear because mine isn't unrelated. Mine involves modular arithmetic. So I think yours is better. After an hour mucking around in Excel with SoT's discovery, I believe I have the answers: Click to reveal.. 22nd number = 106 Millionth number = 1,263,168 Billionth number = 1,290,788,532
  14. This has pointed out about A6 a few times as well. Area of effect spells do not receive any reduction. It is irritating, but it doesn't seem like it is a priority. Oh well.
  15. Quiconque


    I got a different 22nd number, and an algorithm: Click to reveal.. The 22nd number is 12. If my algorithm is correct, the millionth number is 6 and the billionth number is 17. The second problem is ridiculous and stupid.
  16. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I'm still grumpy no one HTML-enabled my 2112th post. It has now been HTML-enabled. Among other things. Hey, be careful what you wish for.
  17. Actually, there's one way to win, and I'm about to do it for all of us. You're welcome! :-)
  18. There's a lot of randomization in this game. Sometimes you just can't win.
  19. Yeah. That's the problem with being an adult.
  20. Quiconque

    Number 1 .

    the day the mods all died... singing bye, bye miss avernite deadeye drove my lizard to the wizard but the wizard was dry them goblin boys were drinking skribbane and high singing this'll be the day that I die this'll be the day that I die...
  21. Yeah, in A4, A5, and A6, there is no gameplay reason to ever use a human character, as Nephils and Sliths have significant advantages with essentially no penalties, given how experience and levels work.
  22. Hah, I remember that game. I never really liked it, but what a milestone.
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