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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. A unique tale. Thanks for sharing it.
  2. In this particular case, I think topic drift occured because nobody had much else to say about the original topic -- it's not as if people weren't interested in it. I'm sure more comments will come as Jeff releases more details about the game and the game world.
  3. I met a member from an antique age Who said: Two vast and gothic asterisks Are in the topic. Near them, on the page, Half sunk, a shattered smiley lies, whose frown And wrinkled brow, and sigh of cold quitclaim Tell that its author well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these ascii things, The hand that typed them and the limp forehead. And in the signature these words are <i>: "My name is Terror's Martyr, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Oldbie, and DIE!!!!!!!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal flame, adroit and dry The overpunned replies go far astray.
  4. Those are out of order, so the whole quotation is misleading.
  5. The mechanics of this have been slightly different in each Geneforge game. In G5, you can make the better creations relatively early on, so they have quite an opportunity to gain experience and level up, and you will end up with stronger creations if you keep them alive.
  6. Given that it says "Roster" and has a small-ish set of info for one character, it seems likely that party size will accomodate at least 4 characters again.
  7. So... continent name coming from D&D campaigns. Does that mean we can expect the return of the GIFTS? Edit: It also occured to me that there is at least one CRPG named Avalon. Between that, Avernum, and the popular (for no reason I can fathom) Aveyond series (possiblty the most similar-sounding of them all), this name-space is getting crowded...
  8. I agree with Randomizer. The class and skill system will be a refreshing change, though based on the screenshots it looks like a simpler version of systems used in games like Sonny. I guess the use of multiple party members could leave some room for interesting mechanics. The name boggles me a little bit. First because it is one letter, and one sound, away from "Avalon", a mythological reference that is quite different but persists when hearing "Avadon" perhaps because it rolls off the tongue a bit easier. Second because it also sounds a lot like Avernum. Third because... I dunno, I just don't like it. *shrug*
  9. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires As far as I know only femmes lay eggs so unless Mel is crossgender (or dragons differ from other reptiles) that reptilian is female. Dragon Gender in Exile/Avernum
  10. Originally Posted By: Lilith also as far as the public consciousness is concerned it's still "right after the 9/11 attacks" Is it that way in Australia? It isn't that way in the U.S., where a series of major domestic problems (beginning with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and culminating in the ongoing financial crisis) gradually weakened the chokehold 9/11 had on public consciousness here. Or maybe my perspective is skewed by the fact that I teach kids who are too young to remember much about 9/11 at all.
  11. you really just need to make inbeforetheapocalypse.com already
  12. indie yes, shareware no, lilith. $25 via the same kind of commercial registration systems that larger companies use is hardly "shareware." the dev talks about the company / development the same way jeff talks about SW, in terms of "this game cost x tens of thousands of dollars to make" when that really is just putting the value he feels like on his time. except that's more believable when jeff pumps out 1-2 games a year.
  13. The new features couldn't possibly have accounted for much of that time. A food/water meter for a game that already had food items and other meters that update based on passing time, and where every single turn takes up the same amount of game time including when resting? Storing/loading rng seeds? Tweaking skills by updating a few constants and CSV files? Degrading/repairing equipment I guess could take a little time, but still it's just meters and skills. I know the content was only tested recently, and that's why I'm so confused. If Book 3 is seriously supposed to have a Blades type editor, it will be years and years away. Either that, or Basilisk already starting working on it and used it for Book 2, and THAT'S why it took so long.
  14. So this is the "Geneforge 3" of Eschalon... "wait a minute, didn't I just play this exact same game?" Okay, I guess there are bigger improvements, including especially the speed (which is still not perfect). And some obvious attempts were made to balance the gameplay, even though gameplay remains horrendously unbalanced... by which I mean, worse than overpowered Bless and the Tower of Magi donation bug from Exile 3, put together. It's still a fun game that combines some thoughtful elements with some boneheaded ones. I just don't understand how it took two and a half years to produce the sequel when it appears to have almost exactly the same chassis as the original.
  15. I still don't understand how I never hear about file corruption related errors with any product other than SW games. How is that?
  16. It amazes me that this bug is still happening. I thought it was fixed multiple games ago? What's the deal?
  17. You still get away scot-free if no one witnesses it. However, you now get several "free" steals even when observed, depending on the town. If you've reached "too much" people have seen you.
  18. The ending texts are buried in the executables, but they are buried in plain ASCII format. There are other aspects that are buried in formats that aren't really readable.
  19. Originally Posted By: Roy Dest in good strategic turn-based combat RPGs... the party itself uses AI to fight Uhhhh... no.
  20. It seems to me that you are conflating the mental processing that the brain is responsible for, with consciousness.
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