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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Quiconque


    Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity That's why the Aztecs lost. Their language constrained them from making important intellectual advances like bad puns. For the record, that is totally not true of Nahuatl. Also, remember how good slings were in Nethergate? Just imagine the power of the atlatl.
  2. You guys really need to use email for this stuff. (Which it looks like Ephesos is doing with his new one.)
  3. Quiconque


    Why, there they are both, baked in that pie; Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred.
  4. Bump, in case a purge comes along when we're not looking.
  5. Quiconque


    The GIFTS in Nethergate (and in Exile/Avernum, obviously) is the one bona fide crossover from any of Jeff's games. IIRC, there are one or two other shoutouts in Nethergate that were also in Exile -- Starcap was one, I think.
  6. Thank you, Nikki. I understand being quoted out of context, but responding to one sentence with a point that was already addressed two sentences later is a little ridiculous.
  7. While it's true that the power of the creations is bigger than the power of the extra XP, you also have to realize that due to the sharp precipes used in the experience scaling formula, even the maximum penalty for having 7 creations will have very, very little impact on your final level.
  8. There are a significant number of people here who prefer Exile to Avernum. Some bought Avernum anyway; some, like me, didn't. In terms of SW customers in general, we are a small minority, but on these boards we are a large minority. (It was something like 55-45 on the poll I ran 4 years ago, and it's probably shifted further towards Avernum since then as the forum population has shifted.)
  9. Dikiyoba's gender is not he or she, but apparently it is bright red. You learn something new every day.
  10. Originally Posted By: Lilith Fundamentally, it's really hard to implement a power/versatility tradeoff in a balanced way without a class-based system. What's wrong with a class-based system? No, really. Have classes -- or races -- that deterministically determine attribute growth. Then do skills as you have. That way there is no problem with powergaming the attributes, but you can still have the interesting (and in-character) attribute-skill interaction. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Alec suggested I set my next RP in E/A2, which would set me free to muck about with the canon of someone who won't notice or care. If you do this, I will (1) notice (2) care (3) put that aside because the setting might actually tempt me into participating, at least if you're going to do it justice. And no, my character would not be a slithzerikai ninja, despite the temptation. :-D
  11. Probably the latter. Nethergate had sets of joinable NPCs: one warrior and one magic-user who would join the Romans, and one warrior and one magic-user who would join the Celts. Both sets were always present, the wrong set just wouldn't give you the time of day.
  12. My impression (and it is only an impression) of the German educational system is that it manages to keep education in sight a sight better than we do.
  13. Tenure *definitely* yields higher pay and less work. Well, less required work, anyway.
  14. No -- what I'm saying is that the data is ambiguous. New series and old vs new games are two of many conflating factors. I agree that people appreciate the incremental improvements, but that doesn't stop some of them from preferring the older games, at the same time.
  15. That's the smartest explanation of rank and title I've heard.
  16. Dantius: I know your "crazy" comment was not meant to be taken too seriously, but please remember that we need to respect people who have different group memberships and opinions. "Here are two types of people I disagree with; I'll throw in a third and call them all crazy" is not a good reason to make a post.
  17. I agree with the 3 for 3 on new series. However, those new series were released in 1994, 1997, and 2001... in the first seven years of SW's existence. It is now 2010, and SW has been around for sixteen years. Those of us who hold Exile, Nethergate, and Geneforge to be shining examples are also likely to prefer most of the games from that first half of SW history, to the games from the latter half. So the historical record really points in both directions.
  18. As has been the case with every post-BoA SW release, there are things here that sound exciting and promising, and things that are disappointing. Unfortunately, that makes it very hard to tell whether this is going to be a Geneforge 4 (hooray!) or an Avernum 4 (boo.).
  19. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES There are three characters that can join your group in any given game, presumably out of a total of four since all four classes will be represented. Two can join you, since the third would presumably be yourself. Two can join you at one time, but Jeff has stated you will "need to" (his words) play with all four classes in each game, which implies a minimum of four characters: yourself plus three others.
  20. Correlation is not causation: and there are an IMMENSE TON of physiological, psychological, and sociological factors that are related to dietary choices, so...
  21. There are three characters that can join your group in any given game, presumably out of a total of four since all four classes will be represented.
  22. I own Samurai if you ever feel like a game.
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