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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Realmz also had one very unique problem related to that. The experience modifier was based on how your CURRENT total party level compared to the expected level for STARTING the scenario. This means, for example, that if a scenario expected to take 1st-level characters and provide enough content to get them to 6th-level... that for about 80% of the scenario, you would be facing an experience penalty, despite using the expected (and lowest possible) character level!
  2. No, looking at the source code for BoE answers that question a lot better.
  3. That strategy also works well on the Tale of Genji.
  4. Spiderweb's web site has an "Email Us" link: spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com Instead of being snippy with other users who are going out of their way to try and help you, you could take action yourself and email the company. Spiderweb is pretty good about getting back to its customers quickly. You will probably want to include the following information: - Game - Game version - Operating system - Operating system version - Computer model - Graphics card - Graphics drivers - Graphics drivers versions
  5. I'm not sure that that is _actually_ the best novella ever, but I sure can't think of any I like better.
  6. The in-game skill descriptions are NOT always completely accurate. Dexterity, however, should have no impact on hit rates for anything other than missile weapons.
  7. I wrote this http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=191189Post191189 about Avernum 6, but I believe it is exactly the same for Avernum 4 and 5.
  8. I believe I eventually went to dual-wielding, but the polearm skill -is- useful early when strong halberds are easier to find than strong melee weapons.
  9. Bow skills are less useful in A6, and the resistance bonus has been upped, so it is less clear-cut than in the past. I ended up going with Sliths for my singleton, after a lot of time spent in analysis.
  10. I don't know if this is the problem, but it's entirely possible that the outdated drivers were not an issue on your previous card, but are an issue with your current one. Updating them is worth a try.
  11. Randomizer, that is the worst pun you have ever made.
  12. The dialogue with Cienna about Shanker can set SDFs 74,17 and 74,18. The only place these are ever checked that I can find is when you are talking to Shanker, and they only change which dialogue options are available. So that's not it. It's probably file corruption. Redownload the game, copy your saved game, and see if the same thing happens on the new copy.
  13. Are you sure? Gladwell's geas is just a single SDF, and I am skeptical that that would lead to a crash... especially one that no one would encounter for the first 3 years of the game's release. I suspect something else is going on, perhaps involving file corruption.
  14. ILLITHIDS IN F-14s!!!1!!!! ...wait...
  15. On the other hand, if you're a good enough tactician to play on Torment, you're good enough to not have to worry about a handful of skills that you'll be behind in for half the game if you hold off on Arcane Lore or whatever. While trainers are unnecessary, so are most skills.
  16. Thanks. Based on your numbers, 40 AL does not give 76%, it gives 80% -- you have to remember that different pieces of resistance are multiplied together, not added. That explains the every 9th point occurance too, it is just 2% per point, dealing with the 6% from 2 Int.
  17. Originally Posted By: Randomizer That's mostly due to not enough beta testers. There are only so many things that you exploit in each play through. Some of them got caught. A good chunk of it is due to certain mechanics whose design is obviously imbalanced, even in the abstract.
  18. Randomizer: I assume singleton play is a reasonable option?
  19. What I really need is to see a character with 0% MR, and how much their displayed MR is with 1 AL, 2, and so on. Also, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to see if the 10-cap exists.
  20. And yet still totally unbalanced and plagued by ridiculous exploits.
  21. Can you confirm whether or not Arcane Lore actually increases displayed Mental Resistance, and by how much? If so, I should add that.
  22. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves Two huge and appalling (to me) threats to democracy in the US: unlimited corportate cash, and gerrymandering. How can these things be allowed? Yes, I know about Citizens United; what I don't understand is why there hasn't been more of an uproar about it. Like riots in the streets. And letting state parties essentially rig congressional elections seems to be a fine old tradition in the States. There are other ways to go about redistricting. There is a long tradition of political corruption in the U.S. Political "machines" aren't nearly as effective as they once were (even, and perhaps especially in Chicago) but they can still impact things: witness Harry Reid pulling out the remnants of the NV machine to help him squeak a victory out (in a race between two pretty unlikeable people). Or look at the efforts to suppress black votes in Ohio in 2004, or the shenanigans that accompanied the unconventional, non-majority elections of John Quincy Adams in 1824, Hayes in 1876 (the election shenanigans directly resulted in the early demise of Reconstruction!), and Bush in 2000, or the Teapot Dome and Watergate scandals. The CRAZIEST thing about this election was the Alaska senate race. Bureaucratic mix-ups and an intra-party feud led to two Republican candidates running, with the _incumbent_ as a write-in candidate. She raised massive amounts of money from corporations, plasted the airwaves with the spelling of her name, and after several legal battles in the last week and some behind-the-scenes manuevering by said incumbent's senator father, won the right to have people hand out extra sheets of paper listing the names of all write-in candidates. This seems unlikely to influence anyone's vote until you consider the environment: you walk into a polling place, where all political paraphernalia is banned, register, pick up a ballot... and an extra sheet of paper advertising the spelling of one candidate's name! A little suggestive if you ask me.
  23. What SoT said. Nonetheless, I refuse to support a bread-and-circuses tradition by participating in it.
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