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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Out of the four, though, one won't reach fruition until November of next year, two only apply to Blades, and one has nothing to do with scenario design whatsoever. That said, I'm pretty indifferent either way.
  2. Personally, I'd say scrap all the parameters, and leave it up to the designer. That way each scenario is judged on its merits, and those who are able to design the best scenario in the given time period will win. You might want to post a formal announcement topic as well.
  3. I cannot describe in words my desire to kill you.
  4. If I ever have to create graphics, I use Photoshop. Not optimum for creation of graphics, but for editing existing ones, it has no parallel.
  5. Throw it over, Kelandon. Send it to morgan@3-c.coop, or send it via AIM on morganwild32 .
  6. Excellent. The aesthetics were my first major gripe about the BoA editor (I've since moved on to other things), and now I can bear to look at the map editor. One small gripe, however. Just from looking at Babysitting in the new editor, the dungeon entrance is obscured by the size of the trees. I appreciate that not much can be done about this (apart from rotating camera view - a major work), but it is annoying. It would be nice to switch between 2D and 3D, however nasty the 2D version is.
  7. It's a lovely graphic, but I'm not sure how well it blends in with the background. I wouldn't know how to fix this, but I imagine the solution might lie in darkening Erika's red a bit.
  8. That particular "feature" of BoA bugs me to the extreme. I'm hoping that we can choose which kind of rectangle we want in future versions.
  9. I can't seem to work out how either Draw Walls or Rectangle Wall work. At all.
  10. I'd disagree - the purpose of many fights is to make you rethink your strategies. Generally, I think that having to work out a fight's weakness adds to the fun, even if you do have to reload a few times.
  11. *goes to school, relearns how to count*
  12. The code works fine - no errors whatsoever (I don't think Drakey encountered any either, when he tried it) in the scroll bar. As I said, the code works as it should, only causes the game to crash on reload.
  13. I tried both these things, but couldn't seem to get them to work (without good reason, either). Maybe I did something wrong, but I have tried it quite a few times.
  14. The co-ordinates print out at 24, 15, in range of the town's grid. This is not an out-of-bound error. This, originally, was being called from an item, so it's been used in a variety of places, all different co-ordinates.
  15. Char_on_spot returns the number of the character on the space. It returns -1 if there is no character there - but if you try and check for -1 in Boolean statements it gets all screwy.
  16. I tried that spyderbytes, but to no avail. I was personally thinking that it might be something to do with me calling a call within a call within a call. Maybe that's just one of the bounds of BoA. Jeff - I'm not sure I quite understand you - I'm doing all this within the bounds of a town. It works perfectly (I get the message fine), until I reload the save game.
  17. A monster_on_space(x,y) call, that returns 1 if there is a monster with a number greater or equal to 6 of any type on that space.
  18. As far as I know, there isn't a way of checking town size (at least not cleanly). What you say may be true, but I've used the same sort of calls to check if certain types of terrain and floors are five spaces in front of the character, and not experienced similar problems. Unfortunately, your solution produces the same results.
  19. I'm pretty sure it does that. Let me check. Yeah, it does. For the less technologically savvy of us, what does this type of error mean? Is it a specific fault of BoA's engine, or a scripting limitation? Yeah, that translates pretty well into Avernumscript. I'll try it.
  20. I just discovered a lovely little, if utterly fatal, bug in BoA. beginstate 20; if(char_ok((char_on_spot(char_loc_x(0)), (char_loc_y(0) - 5))) == 1) { message_dialog("Is this working?", ""); } break; Essentially, this piece of code checks to see if there are any monsters of any type five spaces north of the first member of the party. The code works fine, and if there is, the dialog "Is this working?" is displayed. However, once the piece of code is run, and the player then reloads his save game, BoA crashes and quits itself. I thought this might simply be a problem in my machine, so I mailed it over to Drakey, and he has exactly the same problem. If anybody would like to try it for themselves, to see if this is an across the board problem and not just limited to myself and Drakey's machines, then I would be grateful. Comments from Spidweb would be very helpful.
  21. Would somebody be kind enough to create me a fire terrain graphic? This is going to be used as a special attack, so what I would like is the flames to be a channel of fire, rather then a traditional fire, aimed towards the party. I have a very clear image of how this will look in my head, but I'm not sure how to convey it. If anyone would be kind enough to draw this for me (since my skill with computer graphics are poor at best), I would be very grateful.
  22. No - it's linking into a creature script, where the monster teleports away for five turns, then returns. Your's would be better alternatively, though.
  23. Are timers in any way possible in BoA? The most obvious way, as I saw it, was to do the following - inc_flag(0,0,1); if(get_flag(0,0) == 5) { code chunk } break; Unfortunately, when I put this in the START_STATE in a town script, it tells me I have an improper command. I figured this was because the game thought I was creating an eternal loop (though I wasn't - the code I'm using is a bit more complex then that), but I'm not entirely sure what to do about it. I also tried it with variables. Any ideas for making this work, or an alternative timer? Scrap that. I found me a workaround - beginstate START_STATE; if(get_flag(180,1) == 0) { timer = get_current_tick(); set_flag(180,1,1); } if((get_current_tick()) == (timer + 6)) { add_dialog_str(0,"This is working",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"Done"); run_dialog(0); } break; Where timer is (obviously) a variable.
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