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Everything posted by Aran

  1. I haven't had a chance to try it, and won't for the next few days, but that looks awesome! Quote: It only works if each pit square is in groups of at least two. One square pits shouldn't be an issue really - after all, they really don't occur that often in everyday town designs, and when they do, they rarely need to be walled in. Many thanks for that code!
  2. The idea is to have the levels change both ways - going up, and going down, the level is regenerated anew every time. Even after reloading from a saved game, the levels would be generated differently.
  3. With infinite variety for the cave design, a small cave would not be a problem. Even the 48*48 (that's the minimum for BoA, right? There were smaller ones in BoE, though) square would be big enough for a few rooms and tunnels, and a couple of monsters placed strategically. Add to that a bit of fancy stuff to randomly generate monsters - this could be called while the player explores, which should move it out of the initial thread of commands - and the level is done... Of course, it sounds way easier than it would be. Still, after November is out I might fiddle around a little with the editor and try out some of these concepts.
  4. I made this list for Geneforge I. It is likely outdated, though. On second thought, it isn't. I've compared the scripts, and there appear to be no differences worth mentioning. Edit: That, or I in fact made an item list for Geneforge II back then and just remembered it wrong. In either case, this is the item list you probably want.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Not every editor function has a corresponding script call. No, but the editor is open-source, and assuming that Jeff somehow coded an algorithm that sets these walls, it might be possible to use the same algorithm to set the walls in the game.
  6. The mage is usually named Daryl Mycroft, an expansion upon the standard name from Avernum. The other mage is Adrianna, Jenneke and Thissa remain the same, as does Frrr.
  7. There's a function in the editor that puts walls around an enclosed space, right? Perhaps one might adapt that somehow...
  8. It is always easier to port something you have coded yourself. Also... do you *have* the Angband code? Because I sure don't, and don't know where or how to obtain it if it is available anywhere... Edit: New idea! I could leave the walls out in the beginning, and then go over the map to check for boundaries between blackness and cave floor, and put walls in. Not sure if the 64k command thingy would kick in by that time though...
  9. Couldn't hold the ideas back any longer - I've started to make some basic functions that generate rooms in an ascii-format. Of course, coding functions like this in Avernumscript rather than PHP or Java will be a lot different - besides, walls are no longer separate floor squares unlike in the Exile engine. Still. Code: ############## #............# #............# #######################............# ###..................................# #......##################............# #......# ############## #......# #......# #......# #......# #......# #......# #......# ######## ############# #...........####### #####.####............# ###.....# #............# ##...##### #............# ######## #..### #............# #......# #.## #............# #......# #.# ############## #......# #.# #......######.# #.............# #......######## #......# #......# #......# ######## A function to create a room, and a function to connect two rooms via a single-space tunnel, randomly. It would need a lot of work even in the present form, and after that, porting it to Avernumscript would be something else entirely.
  10. Mh. It would probably be better to have full light in the cavern - it's impossible to have varying light anyway, and that will make it easier to redraw the outmap. This is getting interesting. Once I'm done with my Nano writing, I'll see if I can make some test or proof of concept thing for an infinite cave.
  11. So it's a safeguard against endless loops, I assume. Well, 64k is still quite a lot, especially considering that you don't need to call them all at once. Quote: Originally written by Shingai no Junkyousha: Well, what you could do is use rectangle calls to clear the whole town and then place the party on every sixth space or something. Then, you'd use the stairway node to place the party back at the beginning of the town. (Stairway nodes reset all terrain to the way you set it in the editor.) Every sixth space due to the range of LOS, presumably. Is it possible for the player to have a reduced LOS for some reason? By the way, is this noticable to the player? They do get moved around somewhat after all. Does the screen get redrawn in that time, or is the moving invisible? Oh... if the stairway nodes reset the town's terrain (does that include the floors, btw?), then I could just start out with a blank town and generate the dungeon on each entry after the stairway node, it would save the blanking out.
  12. What does this "command limit" entail - the commands you can execute in a certain town throughout the game, or the commands that can be run while the player is in a certain town (reset when he leaves), or what? Setting the town to blackness and forcing an automap redraw this way would be a possibility - blackness would take the place of unexplored terrain. But combined with the functions that generate the dungeon (which will likely use a lot of commands), it'd be a lot of stuff for the script to do. Where are the limits?
  13. Perhaps it would even be enough to have a special set of "unmappable" terrains and floors. Since the cave would only need cave wall, floor and perhaps a few special features, it would not take a lot of slots. I'm currently thinking (vaguely; I haven't got a solid plan yet) about how one could implement a randomly generated dungeon or even an infinitely continuing dungeon as in Adom or Angband. Generating a dungeon randomly was basically impossible with nodes, but I haven't yet learned enough about Avernumscript to know that it is hopeless in BoA as well.
  14. I see. Nasty. What happens when a script makes changes to the town while the player is inside it - is the automap immediately redrawn, or only once the player goes through that part of the town again?
  15. Is there some way to reset the automap of a town after the players have already explored it? I don't need to block the automap feature completely, I just need the game to "forget" this area has already been explored. The call could even be made once upon entering the town; I don't need to reset the map while the player inside the town. This is because there are substantial changes to the town, and I can't have the automap showing the previously explored, but now changed areas. I'm trying to avoid having to generate a new town for this, since it needs to happen at least several, if not an almost unlimited number of times - is that possible?
  16. The problem, presumably, is that if you knew the exact differences between a registered and an unregistered version, it would be possible to convert the latter to the former, which is a no-no. It's true that there are many programs that do this already, but it's also true that their making - or even methods that might facilitate their making - shouldn't be discussed here. Which is kind of ironic, since what you're actually trying to do is *prevent* people from gaining registration benefits with your tool. But I guess that's the way it is...
  17. The makers of Fox News are trying to control your mind. There is a secret mindwave radar in Area 51 that is broadcasting subliminal messages. Do not turn on your Television, or watch these channels. Do so at the risk of becoming a mindless, drooling slave at the hands of the right-wing media and the communists. ONLY WEARING A HAT MADE OF TINFOIL WRAP WILL PROTECT YOU. ... Alternatively, it might just be a bug in the Antivirus software.
  18. We don't usually revive threads older than a week without having something of value to add. If it helped you or is what you were looking for, then why not just use it and leave the thread where it is? Emoticons are overrated...
  19. Heirs to Thesis is actually an interesting scenario title. Not the least because it combines the titles of an Alcritas work with a future TM work. (Assuming TM does call it "Echoes: Thesis". In the context, I wasn't sure)
  20. You can very likely create them with Linux. Which doesn't fix the problem, but Linux emulators (Cygwin?) are a whole lot easier to come by than Mac emulators, as well as typically free. Still, Kel's approach is least hassle. Ask someone.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Drakefyre: I believe that there are 10 28-day months for a year of 280 days. The Avernum series mentions eight months of 35 days, which, coincidentally, comes out to the same number of days (280).
  22. Here\'s a world map I made from rough conjecture, whole cloth and spit. No, none of the continents besides Valorim has a shape designed by Jeff. Here\'s another topic about Ermarian.
  23. If you think about it for a while, you will realize that in a pre-space technology era, it does not make one bit of difference to the inhabitants (who are the ones inventing the name) whether they live on a moon or on a planet. Especially given that they quite possibly still believe their world is flat and supported by a giant tortoise. --- However, living on a moon with a very slow rate of rotation (like our moon, where night and day last two weeks each) would explain why one can cross a continent on foot in around two days.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Drakefyre: Quote: Originally written by Puerperal Fever: The Exile series refers to the native language of humans as being English a couple of times as well (a note in the nephil fort in E1 and an obelisk in Vahnatai lands in E2). Don't know if this was fixed/changed for the Avernums. There was also a Spanish person in Exile I. What identified him as Spanish - is the word "Spanish" actually in the game?
  25. Might have been a slip. Jeff, after all, is from Earth. Side note: Wiki is down right now for technical reasons. I won't be able to fix it till next weekend.
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