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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Well, I can see why; I see no way to avoid mate in 2-3 moves...
  2. Is there stuff missing or did MosquitoSlayer resign? (I'm not so familiar with PGN.)
  3. You lasted two moves longer than I did in my last match against Sylae.
  4. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    As not-a-lawyer, I get the impression that legal systems are very close to immeasurably vast, ancient and undocumented software projects. Written by committees over generations, full of convoluted code nobody understands, in outdated language, largely surpassed by and poorly applicable to modern situations, and full of complicated cross-references and contradictions. (Okay, so kind of like religious texts.) In a metaphor that is probably ludicrously divorced from reality: Letting corporations implement the Sueable interface from scratch might have been too difficult, so they extended the abstract LegalPerson class instead.
  5. As I said in the other thread, I'd love to participate but am working for the rest of the month. Have to hand in my bachelor thesis soon. (In fact, I'm about to go offline entirely). I don't know the time schedule of this tournament, but if it goes on for a while, then it might be possible to match up some late entrants and have them make up the pace with more frequent games later.
  6. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    So you'd have to sue whoever was in charge? (Though I admit keeping track of individual responsibility inside a corporation would be difficult at best.)
  7. Next few weeks will be work-heavy, but I'd join after December 3rd.
  8. Yo, I heard you like desktops...
  9. If you have no webserver, pick one of the dozens of image-hosting services that have proliferated in the past few years...
  10. I might become a TF2 player if I could get the darn client to work in Wine. As it is, my best hope is probably this.
  11. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    So let's assume it went further than campaign donations. Would limiting the freedom of expression for corporations lead to stricter advertising standards and factual reporting by news organizations? How would that be a bad thing? I'm not someone who considers corporations the root of all evil or something. I just don't see how society benefits from the legal fiction that they are persons, and lots of ways in which it actively harms society.
  12. I use no Desktop icons, but Wine generates some automatically. That results in the paradox that all icons on my Debian desktop are Windows programs. Also, I've abandoned Gnome in favor of LXDE on enki (the desktop). metis (laptop) still has Ubuntu 11.10 and Gnome 3.
  13. I just ran "ssh --coffee", and a few seconds later my mom entered the room with a cup of coffee. IT WORKED O_O
  14. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    Quick, let me google for 2016 polls.
  15. Thanks, I had no idea you could use SSH for SOCKS tunneling. Very useful for the reverse - tunneling into college network from home for access to scientific journals. So far I forwarded X, opened Firefox remotely and cursed at the latency.
  16. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    To be accurate, I didn't compare. I used a metaphorical allegory. But seriously, I just like Kafka
  17. Wait, when you say "one senate candidate" are you referring to Todd Aikin in Missouri, Tom Smith in Pennsylvania or Richard Mourdoch in Indiana? Though specifically, I admit it was Aikin who said the bit about rape not causing pregnancy. Smith was the one who compared rape pregnancy to having a baby out of wedlock, and Mourdoch was the one who said rape pregnancy was a divine gift. Fairly sure I'm leaving out a few others who may or may not be running for senate. It's gaffetopia.
  18. Aran

    Election Day Poll

    As Sylae awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, she found herself transformed in her bed into--- (Apologies to Kafka.)
  19. What happens if John Smith gets elected? Edit: Well, I suppose politics would get a lot more awesome.
  20. Replacing the electoral system with a popular vote for presidential elections would just mean that the winner will always have at least around 50+ε% of the popular vote as opposed to the occasional 50-ε% (for 0<ε<1). It might make the elections more exciting right up to the end, and cause campaign spending to be more, well, evenly spread, but it won't ultimately do anything against the fact that ~49% of people will still be outvoted on election day, and ~95% will feel inadequately represented by the given options. Where a national popular vote could really help is in the US Congress. If the state representatives were supplemented by federally elected ones, you could vote for pretty much any party and have your vote influence the outcome (and not harm the major party you consider the lesser evil). Getting smaller parties into the legislature would probably ensure that no single party ever got an absolute majority again, and all issues would have to be multipartisan ones.
  21. Aran

    Forty-Nine Days

    Only a few episodes in (and leaving out all the deleted ones) I haven't gotten to any decidedly unfriendly stuff. But the heavy-handed "believe in what you don't understand" message in S1E15 was jarring. Respecting people with religious belief does not entail respecting belief, let alone adopting it, in my view.
  22. Aran

    Forty-Nine Days

    Many of the links no longer work, though.
  23. So are they all, all honorable men.
  24. Aran

    You got me! No, wait. Okay, okay.
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