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Everything posted by Thralni

  1. Okay, I have heard here some good things I will be trying, but I do have a question or two: Ephesos: Before I did it as it is now, I had all the modifications in the START_STATE, which didn't work. In EoR it seems to be working fine, though. So you first put it in the INIT, which didn't work proparly, but when you put it in the START, it did work? If so, is there any real difference between our scripts? Dintiradan: I'll try that, thanks. Lazarus: That really sucks. Exactly what i am doing, is getting the party in a town, they view a cutscene, they get out of town, and then the outdoors should be changed. *sighs* Niemand: In my experience, it never worked. I could walk to the end of the world, and still nothing would have changed, so... Anyway, I'm gonna try to change what was suggested here, and see if it works. I'll also put some debug call is, to see when exactly the INIT/START_STATEs are called, which hopefully will make things easier. I have no idea when I will gonna do that, though. tests are over (getting them back now *deep sigh*), but homework is already piling up. So yeah, *fun*
  2. I have problems with the outdoor terrain and floor modification. i have looked around, and in EoR for example, outdoor terrain modification does work, so i was wondering if there's some fault in my script. i have done it according to the relevant script of EoR, that is to say, the only outdoor script it has. here is my script: Code: //Outdoor Script for x = 2 y = 1beginoutdoorscript;variables;int choice;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;if (get_flag(16,0) == 9) { set_terrain(43,27,138); // All terrain modifications [it continues with many more terrain] set_floor(44,18,89); // All floor modifications [it continues with many more floors] }break;beginstate START_STATE;if (get_flag(16,0) == 9 && get_flag(121,3) == 0) { set_state_continue(15); }break;[states 10 to 14 have been removed as they are irrelevant]beginstate 15; set_terrain(43,27,138); // All terrain modifications [it continues with many more terrain] set_floor(44,18,89); // All floor modifications [it continues with many more floors]set_flag(121,3,1); // makes sure START_STATE doesn't trigger state 15 again, but instead is taken over by INIT_STATEbreak; flag 16,0 is set to 9 upon ending of the cutscene in which terrain is modified. The cutscene happens in town 18, not in the outdoors, and all that works fine. is there any reason why there should be a problem with this script?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Calphrexo: Quote: Originally written by Lokiron: I am on a regular, mundane WindowsXP PC. Thralni, I can't find the 3D Editor for windows on the page you linked. It's not where he linked. It can be found for Windows at its Sourceforge site. Yeah, I sort of almost assumed you used Mac, and the Windows editor is not the editor improved by niemand, so there.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Lokiron: I am on a regular, mundane WindowsXP PC. Ah, that's a shame... I can't recommend you any text editor for that, I'm afraid... other programs will work, though I don't think there is any updated Windows 3DEditor yet. I think you will have to use either the old one, or the 2D thing by Jeff.
  5. Okay, now let me see... Firstly, get the 3Deditor , as Morricone suggested. It is a very good program and an absolute must for a designer. If you use a Mac, I recommend to you Textwrangel , which is a free, powerfull text editor. I recommend it to all designers. I also recommend Alint, which is a script-checking program. It can check your scripts for any mistakes before you load it into BoA to test your scenario, and that way saves you loads of time. Get it here . So far for programs which I really recommend. There are others, but I don't think they will be very usefull for a new designer. Now for the scripting (the 3DEditor you will have to figure out for yourself, I'm afraid, but don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something.): First things first: With the normal editor you can get from the Blades of Avernum Editor site at SW: scenario workshop , comes a very handy manual, written by Jeff, listing all calls in BoA. if you want to see if a certain call exists. You can also look at the script reference . I also recommend Erik Westra's Cookbook , which explains how to code basic stuff. It is really very handy and it helped me a lot when I started WtRM. There are a couple of handy articles for designers at the Lyceum , Kelandon\'s page , and, not to forget, the relevant SW page . So, I hope that's enough to get you started. If you have any questions, we will be only to pleased to answer them.
  6. I have just seen the screenshots. I was exalted.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Infernal Flamming Muffin: Sorry to say this, but this belongs in the Tech Support Forum. As for help, I need more information. What Dikiyoba said, as for the information part: what OS and OS version are you running?
  8. If he is talking about a special rectangle, than I didn't have that problem...
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot about the fact that they should follow the party... There is a limit of six NPCs in the party, right? If so, it would be a little limited...
  10. In theory, one could actually make an SDF for creation energy, give the player a list of available creations to create with editional creations to be learned while playing the scenario, and that way the player could make creations. The fancy stuff that comes with it (the sounds and special effects) can be quite easily made, i think. I do think the creations will have to have a specific script that is tied to them, throughw hich one can enable a function that will make the player's ernergy SDF higher upon creation death. Getting the exact graphics from Geneforge shouldn't be a problem, as it has been done quite frequently. I don't see a problem, and I might even try it in one of my still-to-be-made scenarios.
  11. Sorry, but I' not going to participate in a discussion about how I might or might not have understood a certain call. Thanks, again, for the help.
  12. Quote: Originally written by *i: The "while loop" should be interpreted literally. It basically says: "Do this while this condition is met". I did take it literally, but instead of saying "it is met," I said "it is false." I didn't test it out yet to see if it works, but I will tomorrow, probably.
  13. Quote: Originally written by *i: At least for the top part of the code, y starts at 29, which is not less than 15, so the loop begins as false and is never entered. I suggest making it "while (y > 15)". That's exactly the thing I tried to do right. This basically means that my understaning of the command "while" is exactly the other way around: i thought that as long as it's false, it will be done, which doesn't seem to be the thing here. Thanks.
  14. I have been trying to use a while call instead of making hundreds of seperate calls. Problem is, that it doesn't work: Code: // Girl comes by relocate_character(28,22,30); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); y = 29; while (y < 15) { relocate_character(28,22,y); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); y = y - 1; } relocate_character(28,22,15); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); relocate_character(28,23,14); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); relocate_character(28,24,13); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); y = 12; while (y < 2) { relocate_character(28,24,y); play_sound(49); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); pause(3); y = y - 1; } erase_char(28); // erase woman pause(10); What's happening now, is that the woman takes one step and then it stops. This happens at both occasions where I used the while call. What I want to happen, is a girl running past the party. Can anybody point out the problem?
  15. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: Bug found. A number of the portraits and scenario icons would not appear. Will be fixed in next update. - Jeff Vogel I just meant to write you about that... Oh well.
  16. I will not be able to test it now with my scenarios, but I will download it anyway, so i can starts when I have some free time. Thanks for making a Universal binary. It was only yesterday that I wondered when "this Vogel guy would make a UB." So thanks for the quick response.
  17. Somebody mentioned height labels earlier, and it got me to think the folowing: Woulnd't it be nice to know what the exact height of terrain is, also in the 3D view? I often make mistakes with this, which results in enormous irritation. If you could make that, I would be extremely thankfull. I would have tested, but a week of exams has started. If it is still needed by then, I can start testing by next tuesday.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Niemand: (I'm also making good progress on a feature that I had hoped to add, but hadn't wanted to get people's hopes up about in case I couldn't do it. It appears I can do it, and that feature is: unlimited undo and redo for drawing operations! So far it works with the pencil, paintbrush, paint-bucket, spray-can and rectangle drawing tools, and before long it should work with all of the others and heights as well. No more having to reopen the .bas file to get rid of a change you didn't want to make! What a terrific idea. That's exactly what i wanted to be in the editor all along!
  19. I would find it very nice if a special rectangle, upon placing it, will start with number 10, and not 0. I don't know if this is really manageble, but I would find it veyr handy if I could define, in the editor tiself, where the locations are of all those small apps (like the dialogue editor and the graphics adjusterand alint), so i can click a button that will open them. That's instead of navigating the whole way to my hard disk to finaly find the program. The eyedropper sounds like a magnificent idea.
  20. Ephesos: Those screenshots look very good! I'm getting eager to see more of it. And I have uploaded some screenshots of TNS:E. Just follow the link thralni.ermarian.net, search in the news section for "12 - 12 - 2006," and click on "here." It doesn't look extremely pretty, I know, but that will probably come later. Something else to say about my scenario is that it will be for more puzzles and logical thinking than fighting, considering the place this scenario takes place in.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Ishad Nha: Importing Blades Of Exile Scenarios The way to increase the number of BoA scenarios is mass – production: importing Exile scenarios into Avernum. If you really want to be an author but have zero literary talent, then porting is the way to go. Ditto if you are an author and want to import one of your great Exile hits into the Avernum world. It is magical; choose the Import option and a few seconds later an entire scenario appears all at once! Admittedly there are still some bugs to be worked out, a 3D editor is needed that can be compiled on any common compiler. Before this can happen the porting process commands will need to be revised. Easily enough done by a three – way reference: BoE Editor Help, the Bl A Fileio.c source file and BoA Script Reference. (The Bl A Fileio.c file is the one that actually contains all the commands used in porting, it is found in the official editor’s source code. Its analog in the 3D editor is Bl A Fileio.cpp.) At the end of the day, BoE and BoA are very much different games, so the process will require a lot of manual effort, it can never be automated. Don't hold your breath... It was tried twice, and I heard that it was a total disaster. Something about towns that had to be totally redone, same for dialogue?
  22. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: I saw the title of this topic, and I thought to myself "I love how these topics pop up every few weeks, and they're always by people who've never touched the editor and never..." Oh wait, it's Thralni. Don't really know what to understand from that... Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: ...pretty islands... I'll get a screenshot up on my site later. As it's you saying this, I believe you. I'm curious for the screenshots.
  23. I made this topic because of two reasons: 1) The depressing "future of BoA" topic; 2) pure curiousity. The fact is that quite some new scenarios have been released. All the authors of these scenarios: Thanks. You have done a good job. Now it's time to look into the future. Will you, or are you already making a new scenario? From some people I already know they are making new stuff, from others I suspect it. I myself have been busy with my secon scenario for some time now. Go here , and look in the "news" section for the latest entry, which also has the link to the scenario section. The page describes the intro story of the scenario. I will also put screenshots there from time to time. I can't say anything about when it will be released, judging by how long WtRM took me. I also won't say anything about the plot as yet. i think the plot will be better then in WtRM, which was a standard "kill the plague" scenario. After I read all the reviews about Exodus, I have the feeling that my second scenario (The Nephil Search: Escape) will be a bit like Exodus in some aspects. However, and I am completely honest about this, in order not be affected by anything in Exodus and take over any idea, I will not be playing Exodus until I ironed out all of the plot of my scenario! I have respect for Kelandon and Exodus, and I don't want to find myself in the same situation as Solberg found himself... So, again: do you have any plans for a new scenario, and iif so, have you started yet? Are you willing to say anything about it?
  24. In all cases like these, the error either lies in line X itself, or before line X. In this case, I quess you got the error upon entering the town?
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