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Everything posted by Thralni

  1. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: For the sake of your beta testers I hope its the second. I don't really know how that would help the beta-tester. they are all as in the first example that Kelandon gave, and I really hope you don't expect that I start changing it now. kelandon: I meant the AND-operators.
  2. The hardest part for me, was the alpha-testing. I know that probably sound weird, but I outright dreaded every moment of it. The coding and designing of towns merely got boring, but not hard. Frustrating, yus, but hard, no.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: By the way, if you have an excessively large number of AND operators, you can break them up. Code: if ((get_flag(50,2) == 1) && (get_flag(51,2) == 1)) is the same as Code: if (get_flag(50,2) == 1) if (get_flag(51,2) == 1) But the second one is probably easier to read, especially if there are lots of conditions. Oh... Is that how one writes them? I tried them multiple times, but I never succeeded in doing it the right way. Thanks, kelandon.
  4. Quote: Originally written by *i: Quote: Trust me, if somebody wants, he can make an anti-magic aggregate to cover all Ermarian. Prove it. *whistles for TM to come*
  5. Fine with me too, as long as you keep it at cannons, and not move on too full automatic shotguns.
  6. Well, it was the Nephilim part of the post the confused me.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Because Bahs exists, I advise others not to create another Bahs. Do you mean: "Not an other scenario in which you see what is the origin and history of ancient civiliziations" (which is the current plan for my next scenario), or "Not again hords and hords of mindless undead"?
  8. Yes, but at least every Mac having Stuffit could decode it, while not every Mac can decode .dmg.
  9. Aran, that was exactly why I reacted so surprised, as I thought that .dmg is a standard Mac file, not a Windows one. heck, even OS 9 can't read it, it can only read .img files with disk copy. was this something new Apple invented with the coming of OS X?
  10. .dmg too? I thought you needed Disk copy for that (or however its called in OS 10.4), which is a Mac application.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: There are secret passages. They stay secret! What a concept. Somebody has to tell you about them, or you must have high luck to find them. And some secret passages are worth finding. I've actually never approached it from that perespective. now you mention it, I have the feeling tis was a master move. I should put it in my scenario too, actually, only it will make the scenario impossible to finish
  12. Yes, that was the one. What is the character ID for actually. I can't remember using it even once. Although I can look it up myself, actually.
  13. There was a call, though I can't remember what it was, in which the personality was necesary. It had nothing to do with dialogue, though. When I'll have time I'll search for it.
  14. I'm very confident when saying this can not be done. The BoE editor doesn;t have a port function. The BoA editor has. besides, Avernum 4's engine is totally different.
  15. I made a page on my website on which you can find all my "custom" scripts. Go to my webpage (points at sig) and simply click at the mosty recent entry on the news ppage (located on the homepage). from there its all quite straight forward. However, the script don't seem to simply download to your hard disk, but the browser open then as an html file. Now this is not such a drama, one can simply copy and paste, but how can I cure this ailment?
  16. Thanks. I'll try it. Still nobody offering yo make me a .meg file of the BMP file that came with "falling star"? If somebody still offers help, PM me please.
  17. the twonscript error you mentioned (tried to call a nonexisting town script state), is given when the game tries to acces a certain state but can't find it. this doesn't mean that something is wrong with the script, but with the scenario .bas file. It means that a special rectangle has the wrong number declared to run a specific state in a townscript. So, if you have a special rectangle calling for state 34, but you don't have one, it will display that error. the error "no body declared" means that you forgot the line "body;" in your script. it should read: Code: begintalkscript;variables;int i,j,k,r1,choice;body; //You forgot this linebegintalknode 1;//put here all the other stuff
  18. Okay, if you say so. is there some interesting plot, or is it just good for real beginners?
  19. Okay... thanks. I found out how to do it with the graphics. however, could a Mac user make me a .meg file of "falling stars"? i tried two times, both times resulting in a system freeze of my Imac. If somebody could do that for me, I would be most grateful.
  20. I would like to play some of the BoE scenarios. So far I downloaded Of Alcritas: Tomorrow, an apology, falling stars, redemtion, of good and evil. Of TM the inn of blades and bandits, and the four chicken plague scenarios of "brave sir Robin." I also dowloaded the northen kingdom prologuw od kelandon. i have been dying to know what that is, for a long time now. I would like advice on which scenarios to play. I espacially would like to play history of Avernum related scenarios, in which certain things about monsters, mages and the like are explained. I already thought of playing one of the easy scenarios of Alcritas, followed by the chicken plague scenarios. EDIT: now wait a sec... I understand how to add the scenarios at BoA, but how exactly do I do that in BoE? Should I just drag out all important files (.exs and .meg files) and drop them in the exile scenarios folder? And how do I make a .meg file when its not included with the scenario? Just dump the whole graphic, with all small icons in it, in one resource file?
  21. No, you didn't. @TM: What am I supposed to answer? "You should learn a very powerful spell at the tower of Magi" or something of that kind?
  22. Be careful. Maybe JV will ban you for saying that.
  23. It is nice to see people enjoying a game that is very old. indeed, I can sympathize with that. I always keep playing dark catle for the Mac plus, and still enjoy it. Hacker, could you PM me please? Why I'll tell you in a PM I'll then send to you, okay?
  24. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Ehh. It's an 8 based on size and technical merit alone, even if it doesn't have a whole lot else going for it. Now, off to Avernum 4 this topic goes! ... Damn it, if only I'd had the foresight to prepare a humourous image for moved topics. How about this?
  25. I'm to paranoid to leave an open scenario unsaved for more then five seconds, so that's not my problem. however, before discovering the 3D-editor, I had problem placing terrain. I always placed the wrong terrain (espacially the closets and such, which only have graphic in the editor, as it would appear in the game, and not like walls and tables have them). It cost me loads of time to correct all these small mistakes.
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