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Here is a copy-and-paste list of all the quests and their descriptions in the game. If someone is making a walkthrough this might (or not) be useful.




1. Reach Southforge.

The entrance to Southforge Citadel is to the southwest, but you have been cut off from it by attacking Shaper forces.

Follow Greta’s orders and get to Southforge Citadel.


2. Use the Geneforge.

Go upstairs and use the Geneforge. The stairway up is in the northwest corner of the citadel. Follow Pol, and he will take you there.


3. Question Enemy.

Greta asked you to speak with an imprisoned Agent. Her name is Miranda. The stairway up to her cell is in the southeast corner of the citadel.

You aren’t sure why Greta wants you to interrogate her, though she did mention that, so far, Miranda has refused to speak with anyone.


4. Deal With Shaila.

A maddened lifecrafter prospective named Shaila has been attacking the rebels and will probably try to interfere with the evacuation. Greta asked you to hunt her down and do something to keep her from causing future trouble.

Shaila is most likely hiding in the Boiling Caverns, to the northwest of the citadel.


5. Escort Caravan.

Greta has ordered you to escort a caravan to Illya Province. The caravan is carrying Geneforge components and other items of great value and needs to be protected.

You can meet up with the caravan at Sinkhole Bridge, to the southwest of the citadel.


6. Find Northforge.

Now that Southforge Citadel has fallen, protecting the rebellion’s other Geneforge is of major importance.

Once the caravan has been escorted to safety, you need to proceed to Illya Province, find the rebel safehouse, and, from there, find out how to travel to the other Geneforge. Greta wants you to help protect it.


7. Calm the Fyora.

Swarns is a creation keeper in Southforge Citadel. There is an uncontrolled fyora in one of his pens. He asked you to speak with it and calm it before it goes rogue.


8. Return To Greta.

Now that your training is complete, you need to return to Greta to get your next orders.


9. Dassa’s Mines.

Dassa is an apprentice minetender in Southforge Citadel. She asked you to disarm the mines in the back room of her workshop. They were accidentally activated during the Shaper raid, and she doesn’t know how to turn them off.


10. Stolen Supplies.

Captain Zakary believes that someone is stealing supplies, and the rebellion doesn’t currently have any to spare.

He asked you to keep an eye on Egeland, the quartermaster’s assistant.


11. Stop Master Thell.

You met a servile named Joakim in Southforge Citadel. He told you of his former master, whose name is Thell. He lives in the southwest corner of the Forsaken Lands.

Apparently, Thell is a cruel master, and Joakim would like you to do something to protect the serviles still in his care.


12. Deathcap Mushrooms.

Dewan, the alchemist of Southforge, asked you to find a source of deathcap mushrooms for her. A good place to begin would be with someone named Yves, who lives in the southwest corner of the Forsaken Lands.

It seems unlikely, however, that Yves will give up his secrets easily.


13. Burkle’s Lock.

Jared is the new master of Southforge Citadel. He asked you to find a way to unlock the door in the back of his quarters. The previous master was inconsiderate enough to die without giving Jared the key.


14. Splinterfang.

Captain Trianus, the guard just outside the west gate of Southforge Citadel, has several tasks for you to perform to aid in the evacuation.

First, he wants you to kill an artila named Splinterfang. The beast usually hides in an abandoned farmhouse not far west of the gate.


15. Keeper Tycho.

Captain Trianus, the guard just outside the west gate of Southforge Citadel, has several tasks for you to perform to aid in the evacuation.

He asked you to kill Keeper Tycho, a human loyal to the Shapers who has been healing and looking after the hostile creations invading the nearby lands. You can find him wandering around Crenshaw’s Dell, to the south.


16. Help Dinitia.

Captain Trianus, the guard just outside the west gate of Southforge Citadel, has several tasks for you to perform to aid in the evacuation.

He asked you to find a scout named Dinitia. She is probably south of Crenshaw’s Dell. Track her down and assist her in whatever she’s currently trying to do.


17. Find Shaper Camp.

Captain Trianus, the guard just outside the west gate of Southforge Citadel, has several tasks for you to perform to aid in the evacuation.

His final mission is for you to find and get a good look at the camp of the invading Shapers. He believes that it is somewhere to the south.


18. Nola’s Gold.

Nola is a scout hiding near the gate of Southforge Citadel. She asked you to sneak into the storage shed nearby and recover a gold bar for her. She intends to use it to fund her escape to Illya Province.


19. Help Shaila.

General Crowley wants you to find Shaila, a mad lifecrafter who is hiding in the Boiling Caverns. You are to contact her, offer to help her, and escort her to the docks outside the caverns to the east.

This act would greatly improve your standing with the Shapers, should you wish to work with them.


20. Turn In the Caravan.

General Crowley believes that you will be asked to escort a rebel caravan. When the caravan reaches the Cairn Gates, he wants you to signal to the Shapers that they are there. There is a signal fire by the docks to the north of the gates.

If you want to work with the Shapers, this act will greatly improve your standing with them.


21. Forsaken Spy.

General Crowley believes that a rebel spy is hiding somewhere in the lands west of his camp. Find him or her and give the general their location.

If you want to work with the Shapers, this act will improve your standing with them.


22. Rebel Rescue.

You met a rebel scout named Foyle near the Sinkhole Bridge. She asked you to rescue a band of hidden rebels. They are hidden in a ruined village on the other side of the river and led by someone named Serif.

It occurs to you that, if you wanted to impress the Shapers, you could kill the rebels instead.


23. Dumping Pits.

There is a mage named Mercedia in Therile Colony. She told you of some old Shaper dumping pits north of her colony. There is a trash pit inside that might contain valuable Shaper equipment.

She asked you to enter the Dumping Pits and find the trash. She was quite vague about whether a reward was offered.


24. Dillame’s Commander.

Now that you have begun to help the Shapers, you should report for your reward and for new orders. The best way to do this would be to enter Illya Province, go to Dillame, and find the general there.


25. Find Safehouse.

Whatever you have done in the past, you are still an illegally Shaped rebel about to enter Shaper territory. It would be very wise for you to track down the hidden rebel safehouse in Illya Province.

You don’t know where it is. However, if you were able to find a hidden rebel, you might be able to get a hint.


26. Find Sandia.

Shaper Rutenberg is the commander of the outpost west of the Cairn Gates. He asked you to locate Sandia, a servile who ran off. Looking to the west would be a good place to start.


27. Find Reiner.

Shaper Rutenberg is the commander of the outpost west of the Cairn Gates. He asked you to locate Reiner, a servile who ran off. Looking to the west would be a good place to start.


28. Uchitelle’s Package.

Urbina is a merchant in the outpost west of the Cairn Gates. She gave you a small package to deliver to someone named Uchitelle. His grove is to the southwest.


29. Finding the Anvil.

Uchitelle is a former Shaper who lives in a secluded grove in the southeast corner of Illya Province. He asked you to find some sort of magical anvil in the Sandros Mine, to the northwest of his home.

It goes without saying that the anvil is guarded by the standard assortment of traps and face-eating monsters.


30. Uchitelle’s Pest.

Uchitelle is a former Shaper who lives in a secluded grove in the southeast corner of Illya Province. He asked you to kill a creation that lives in the southwest corner of his grove. Disarming some traps may be necessary to reach the thing.


31. Stranded Rebels.

There is a rebel spy named Lilly working at the docks in Dillame. She told you that there was a band of rebels hiding across the river to the north. You might be able to help them. Or, if you wanted to aid the Shapers, kill them.


32. Pikkary Bandits.

Master Drex is a merchant whose caravan is stranded in Dillame. He is worried about a group of bandits that hunts around the Pikkary Bridge (to the west).

He would pay you well if you could find a way to keep them from attacking his caravan. Killing the bandits isn’t necessary. However, it may be difficult to find them.


33. Turabi Gate.

Master Drex is a merchant whose caravan is stranded in Dillame. He is worried about how he could get through the Turabi Gate, at the west edge of Illya Province, without being attacked.

He gave you a letter to deliver there. Finding someone at the gate who won’t attack you on sight when they see that you don’t have a pass might be a problem.


34. Melted Sands.

You met an alchemist named Gretchen in Dillame. She asked you to find lumps of melted sand for her. They can be found on the ground in the Barrier Zone, to the north. Of course, the creations that roam those lands might be irritated by your intrusion.


35. Fackler’s Papers.

There is a man named Fackler in the inn in Dillame. He is paying well for any Shaper notes you come across in your travels.

Helping him with this quest will irritate the Shapers.


36. Shorass the Trakovite.

You met a man named Drewry in Dillame. He is something called a Trakovite. If you wanted to aid his cause, you should find someone named Shorass, who lives in Burwood Province. Alas, Drewry had no idea where Shorass might be.


37. Betray the Safehouse.

General Alwan of Dillame would like you to help the Shapers. If you want to do this, the first step would be to locate the rebel safehouse in Illya Province and tell him where it is.


38. Repair Moseh.

General Alwan of Dillame gave you a mission of great importance. You need to find a Shaper named Moseh, in a bunker in the eastern part of the Barrier Zone, and help to restore his sanity.

He mentioned that Shaper Duncan has some ideas for how this could be done. Duncan’s laboratory is in Rivergate Keep.


39. On To Aziraph.

General Alwan of Dillame told you to proceed north to the Fens of Aziraph. You can go to the Shaper camp there to learn how to progress north and find Northforge Citadel.

You received a note which will get you through the western pass into the fens.


40. Hunting Traitors.

Captain Kane of Rivergate Keep is eager to find traitors and rebels in Dillame. He’d like you to ask around and see if you can find anyone of interest. Of course, you will be paid well.


41. Heart of the Kiln.

You met an Agent named Mouawad in Rivergate Keep. She asked you to recover a gem from Purity Workshop B, which is west of Dillame and across the river.

The gem is a large ruby. If it still exists, it can be found inside a kiln somewhere in the workshop.


42. Kill Moseh.

Pirik is the acting commander of the Illya Safehouse. She can help you to escape Illya Province to the north, but first, you need to remove the obstacle blocking the way.

The mad Shaper Moseh lives in a bunker under the eastern reaches of the Barrier Zone. Find a way to remove or destroy him, and Pirik will help you escape.


43. Kill Eliza.

Pirik is the acting commander of the Illya Safehouse. She will reward you if you can remove or destroy Eliza, the Shaper who is defending the western reaches of the Barrier Zone.


44. Kill Shaftoe.

Pirik is the acting commander of the Illya Safehouse. She will reward you if you can remove or destroy Shaftoe, the Shaper who is defending the central section of the Barrier Zone.


45. The Aziraph Rebels.

Pirik of the Illya Safehouse advised you to continue your journey north to rebel lands. She told you to go to the eastern reaches of the Barrier Zone and go north into the mountains.

Once there, the stone she gave you should help you pass the traps there. Once through the pass, there will be a rebel camp that can aid you further.


46. The Mad Drayk.

Ozyss is a drayk in the Illya Safehouse. He is offended that the servile cult to the east would keep a malformed drayk as a pet. He wants the drayk put out of its misery. If a bunch of the serviles wound up dead too, he wouldn’t be bothered.


47. Shatter the Heart.

Darnor of the Illya Safehouse had a mission for you that will improve your standing with the rebellion. Go to the underground installation Purity Workshop B, west of Dillame, find the main kiln, and smash the large ruby within.


48. Spying on Turabi.

Darnor of the Illya Safehouse had a mission for you that will improve your standing with the rebellion. Go to the Turabi Gate, north of the safehouse, and sneak close to it. Inspect it to see how strong its defenses are.

You may need to look at it from multiple angles to collect enough information.


49. Gibbons’s Canisters.

You can get Gibbons, in the Illya Safehouse, to make more canisters for you. All you need to do is bring him rings of puresteel. These are hard to find, but he had ideas for where a few of them might be located.


50. Eliza’s Power Supply.

Eliza is an Agent in the bunker under the western Barrier Zone. She asked for your assistance in repairing her systems.

In the chamber to the north, her power supply is malfunctioning. She gave you precise (if complicated) instructions to repair it.


51. Eliza’s Intruder.

Eliza is an Agent in the bunker under the western Barrier Zone. She asked for your assistance in repairing her systems.

There is a rogue in the waste disposal room to the southwest of her chamber. It is an unpleasant distraction, and she’d like for you to remove it.


52. The Mad Mind.

Shaftoe is a Guardian in the bunker under the ruins of Thornton in the Barrier Zone. He is being troubled by rogues, and your help in destroying them would be appreciated.

The first rogue is one of his servant minds, in the farthest alcove to the northwest of his chamber.


53. A Pair of Rogues.

Shaftoe is a Guardian in the bunker under the ruins of Thornton in the Barrier Zone. He is being troubled by rogues, and your help in destroying them would be appreciated.

The other two rogues that are distracting him are called Krazo and Mystithus. They are hiding in the ruins of Thornton, above Shaftoe’s bunker.


54. Hunting Nakel.

While passing through the Western Rise, you met a Guardian named Horace. Like many you meet, he asked for your help.

A Trakovite named Nakel traveled through the pass and escaped into the Fens of Aziraph. Horace wants Nakel hunted down and killed.


55. The Poryphra Ruins.

General Crowley gave you instructions to slip into Burwood Province. Once there, you can receive further instructions in the ruins of Poryphra.

Poryphra is (was) a port city in the northeast corner of Burwood Province.


56. Locate Khyryk.

Agent Miranda wished for you to find a weakness in the defenses of Shaper Monarch. She wants you to rescue a Shaper named Khyryk, who is being held prisoner in Grosch.

Khyryk is probably hidden in the tunnels under the southern half of the village.


57. Kill Shaper Monarch.

Agent Miranda told you to destroy Shaper Monarch. This devastatingly powerful madman is generally found in the northern half of the ruins of Grosch. Once this is done, recover the papers Monarch stole from the Shapers and return with them.


58. The Shaper Spy.

Agent Miranda asked you to contact a Shaper spy and return to her with his report. His name is Captain Archibald, and he is in the rebel camp. Agent Miranda is in Aziraph Camp Gamma.


59. The Missing Scout.

Agent Miranda asked you to find one of her scouts (or his body). His name is Kristol, and he was scouting in the ruins of Grosch. Agent Miranda is in Aziraph Camp Gamma.


60. Convince the General.

Mizhera is the leader of the refugees in Aziraph Camp Gamma. She desperately wants to take her refugees north to Burwood Province. Before she can, however, she needs someone to convince General Crowley to let them leave.


61. Mose’s Assurance.

Mizhera is the leader of the refugees in Aziraph Camp Gamma. She desperately wants to take her refugees north to Burwood Province. Before she can, she will need to learn of a way for them to travel north safely.

Mose is the leader of the refugees in the rebel camp. Maybe he can help.


62. The Lost Serviles.

You met a man named Zinser in Aziraph Camp Gamma. He is the servile keeper, and he is very concerned. Eight of his charges were recently abducted.

He asked you to find out what happened to them, but he fears the worst.


63. Rescue Khyryk.

General Greta of the rebel camp will not leave for the north (nor allow you to) until Shaper Monarch has been disposed of. The first step, she believes, should be to rescue one of his prisoners.

The prisoner is a Shaper named Khyryk, who is probably being held under the southern half of the town. He may be able to tell you more about Monarch’s weaknesses. If there are any.


64. Monarch and the Papers.

General Greta of the rebel camp will not leave for the north (nor allow you to) until Shaper Monarch has been disposed of. You are to slip into Grosch and destroy him. He is usually found in the northern half of the town.

In addition, you are to find some papers Monarch stole from the Shapers and bring them to Greta. They may be useful to the rebellion.


65. Derenton Freehold.

General Greta has left for Derenton Freehold, which is on the coast in the northwest corner of Burwood Province, and she wants you to meet her there. Once there, you can continue the search for Northforge Citadel.


66. Contact Vecsey.

Commander Ellsworth, of the rebel camp in the Fens of Aziraph, told you that they have a spy named Vecsey in the Shaper camp. If you get the chance, you should meet Vecsey and get his report.


67. Talk To Ellsworth.

Mose, the leader of the refugees in the rebel camp, asked you to speak with Commander Ellsworth and see if you can get his permission for the refugees to travel into Burwood Province.


68. Swamp Herbs.

Should you find any swamp herbs while traveling in the Fens of Aziraph, you can bring them to Stubbs for a reward. She is in the rebel camp.


69. Lost Rebel Supplies.

Master Jared is the ranking lifecrafter in the Aziraph rebel camp. Not far to the south, the rebels tried to create a laboratory in an old mine underground. A nasty escaped creation chased them out.

Jared asked you to recover some valuable supplies from the abandoned tunnels. In particular, he wants demon’s bile, some mandrake tincture, an eyebeast’s eye, and a bar of pure gold.


70. Four Wingbolts.

You met a refugee named Leopold camped near a road in southern Burwood Province. He offered you a humble reward if you could kill the four wingbolts lurking nearby.


71. Freeing the Shades.

There was a ghost lurking in a cave in southwestern Burwood Province. Spooky. It seemed to want you to free three ghosts in the nearby crypts. Your best guess is that freeing them involves chopping them to bits.


72. Mad Serviles.

Shaper Krogstad is the infiltrator posted along the Valeya road. As you passed, he asked for your assistance. There is a band of mad servile cultists across the river to the southwest. In true Shaper fashion, he wants them crushed.


73. Field Sabotage.

Agent Yngrid is the infiltrator posted southwest of the Valeya ruins. As you passed, she asked for your assistance. The rebels placed a network of energy fields in the plains to the north.

She wants you to reach their controls and sabotage them so that they won’t detect glaahks. This may require some skill with tools.


74. Talk To Chon-Ryss.

Litalia wants to send an envoy to Quessa-Uss, city of the drakons. It would be very dangerous to do this without asking permission from these proud and unpredictable creatures.

She asked you to get this permission from Chon-Ryss. This drakon lives in the northeastern corner of Derenton Freehold.


75. To Quessa-Uss.

The drakons are planning to do something to the Shapers. Something huge and devastating. Also, for reasons that are unclear, they have abducted General Greta.

Litalia told you to travel to Quessa-Uss, far to the southeast, and meet with the drakons. Find out what they are doing and what happened to Greta. And try not to provoke a war between the drakons and the humans while you’re at it.


76. Go To Northforge.

The drakons have agreed to let an outsider travel to Northforge Citadel and assist in their great project. Litalia chose you. Travel east to Northforge Citadel, in the Grayghost Mountains. There is a pass leading into them not far north of Quessa-Uss.


77. The Poryphra Shapers.

There is a hidden Shaper camp in the Poryphra Ruins, east of Derenton Freehold. Litalia would reward you if you could wipe it out.

Of course, this task is almost insanely dangerous. Nobody would hold it against you if you found somewhere else to be.


78. More Puresteel.

In Derenton Freehold, the drakon Orois Blaze offered you the use of several canisters. Of course, these greedy creatures give nothing for free. You must pay for the canisters with rings of puresteel.


79. The Impudent Drayk.

In Derenton Freehold, the drakon Orois Blaze told you how the drayk Sakdoss was insulting to him. Only the drayk’s death will give satisfaction.

If you could find a way to goad Sakdoss into attacking you and then dispose of her, Orois Blaze hinted at a reward.


80. Jailbreak!

Mage Manohla of Derenton Freehold is authorized to give a mission to you. There are several rebel prisoners in the Shaper keep in the Western Morass, to the west.

Break into the fort, free the prisoners, and escort them out. It would be wise to move quickly. It will not take long for the fort to get reinforcements.


81. Hunt the Infiltrators.

Commander Ossissess is a cryodrayk in Derenton Freehold. She told you how there are five Shaper infiltrators lurking in different regions of Burwood Province. Find all five of them and kill them for a generous reward.


82. Dishonored Drayk.

Commander Ossissess is a cryodrayk in Derenton Freehold. She told you how a drayk named Shorass lives by the river to the east.

Ossissess feels that Shorass has beliefs that dishonor draykkind and that only his death will set things right.


83. Derenton Diplomacy.

General Alwan is currently camped in the Poryphra Ruins. He wants you to infiltrate Quessa-Uss, city of drakons, and find out where Northforge Citadel is.

The first step is to go west to Derenton Freehold. Once there, speak with Litalia and somehow get permission to enter Quessa-Uss.


84. Quessa-Uss Espionage.

General Alwan is currently camped in the Poryphra Ruins. He wants you to infiltrate Quessa-Uss, city of drakons, and find out where Northforge Citadel is.


Now that you can enter Quessa-Uss, go there. Find out where Northforge Citadel is and what the drakons are planning. And, if possible, infiltrate the drakon laboratories and copy the specifications for the new creation they are making.


85. Infiltrate Northforge.

General Alwan has given you orders to go to Northforge Citadel, up in the Grayghost Mountains. Get inside, act friendly, and learn what you can. Then, when the Shaper attack comes, help out.

If you have trouble entering the Grayghost Mountains, there is a secret route into them near the fields east of Poryphra.


86. Aid the Infiltrators.

Guardian Koerner is an old warrior currently hiding in Poryphra. He dislikes you intensely, but he’s happy to use you to further the ends of the Shapers.

There are five Shaper infiltrators scattered throughout Burwood Province, spreading trouble and undermining the rebels. Find them, talk to them, and give them whatever help they request.


87. Kill Litalia.

Guardian Koerner is an old warrior currently hiding in Poryphra. He dislikes you intensely, but he’s happy to use you to further the ends of the Shapers.

He asked you to go west to Derenton Freehold and kill Litalia. This mission is, of course, ridiculously dangerous.


88. Freehold Papers.

You met a particularly loyal and obedient servile named Kiki in the Poryphra ruins. She asked you to examine some rebel records in Derenton Freehold and report their contents to her. They are in three boxes in Litalia’s chambers.


89. Safehouse Papers.

You met a particularly loyal and obedient servile named Kiki in the Poryphra ruins. She asked you to steal some rebel records from the Illya Safehouse. They are likely to be in a particularly remote and well-guarded chamber.


90. The Rogue Trall.

Guardian Kantor is currently keeping something resembling order in the pile of rocks that was once Valeya. Unfortunately (for him), a rogue war trall has taken up residence near the city’s best anvil.

In typical Shaper fashion, he asked you to slay it, with vague promises of a reward in return.


91. Cultist Raid.

You found a Guardian hiding in a cave not far west of Quessa-Uss. His name is Dameron. He wants to infiltrate the drakon city. Sounds suicidal to you, but it’s not your business.

To help him get in, he asked you to kill the chieftain and the shaman of the cultist village not far to the east. Since the settlement is full of insane, magically talented serviles, this might not be easy.


92. Drosstro’s Chambers.

Learned Hartl is a tired and bitter servile in Khima-Uss. A drakon named Drosstro took control of the village from him.

He suspects that something unpleasant is happening in the caves behind Drosstro’s meeting hall. He asked you to sneak in and investigate.


93. Cake.

Kallaloo, the servile baker of Khima-Uss, expressed to you a great desire for cake.


94. Szmani’s Odd Cave.

You met a servile named Szmani in Khima-Uss. He told you about a suspicious cave in Frostwood, to the southwest. There are traps outside it, and he has seen fresh footprints and heard mysterious sounds.

He asked you to travel there and find out who or what is in the cave.


95. The Servile Spy.

The Shapers have slipped a servile spy into Khima-Uss. Her name is Dalia, and she asked for your help. She would like for you to sneak into the drakon chambers of the Grayghost Gates, to the west, and see if you can steal any useful papers or maps.


96. Byoress Blood Debt.

Gesselin Freehold is the cryodrayk settlement east of Khima-Uss, and it is ruled by Ssaroyen. If you wish to pass, he has two missions for you.

First, a cryodrayk named Byoress owes a blood debt to their clan. Byoress is in Khima-Uss. Ssaroyen wants you to collect on that debt.


97. Unwelcome Visitor.

Gesselin Freehold is the cryodrayk settlement east of Khima-Uss, and it is ruled by Ssaroyen. If you wish to pass, he has two missions for you.

A drakon emissary is approaching the freehold from the west. You are to greet the intruder and get them to leave. Diplomacy and violence are both acceptable options to the cryodrayks.


98. Test the Unbound.

Much to General Greta’s annoyance, the drakon Warmaster Karikiss insists that you prove yourself before you can be allowed to take part in the final Shaping of the Unbound.

You must test several Unbound to make sure that they can function in battle against a full Shaper. This test will take place in the hall in the northwest corner of Northforge Citadel.


99. An Odd Disturbance.

Before you can witness the final Shaping of the Unbound, Warmaster Karikiss asked you to investigate a strange disturbance in the warrens of the complex, to the west.

Go there, explore the caverns where the citadel’s power is generated, and report to Karikiss what you find.

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That was unnecessary. -X- suspects that you just copied it out of the hintbook. And don't say that you were being nice to the people who don't have it, either. The less Spiderweb sells, the longer it takes for new games to come out, and the worse said games are. So stop. Before you set off a chain-reaction.

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