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Playing as a shaper

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Update 1/3/10: Im back! I will create a better one. Send me ideas of classes to make and I will make them!



I edited the Gf4itemchars script so that lifecrafter's are shapers, so shock troopers are agents and the warrior is a guardian. And also you might i mean YOU MUST back your files up, yes it happens sometimes. Oh and some creations are actully shapers/warriors/Agents ect thing is this also affects hostile monsters for example: Shaping a battle alpha makes a guardian while fighting a battle alpha your fighting a guardian. Oh and for the people that like to cheat, I have already loaded an editor code into it, click the sign at the docks for it.


Class changes V1




Servile-Townsman/Woman *this one is wierd if you have a weapon he will change into a woman until you unequip it.I suggest Females should take the female due to she is the only one of the 2 to wield a weapon *She looks like she is punching lol but hey she can cast spells* And males should take the male due to he can cast spells *note: Spells like acid or burning spray will lag your game and your character disappears*






Shock trooper- A drakon *I ran out of original stuff T_T but hey you allways wanted to play as a drakon tongue ... the downside is like the townsman he becomes an eyebeast or gazer what ever it is when a weapon is equiped. frown *


Shaper Mitchells Play as a shaper v2 hack


Coming soon!


Working Northforge Geneforge

Who said you CANT use it twice. Coming soon


Download site!

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  • 2 months later...

Im working on version two should be done soon. Im taking pm requests for the Servile character slot though only ONE will be used. Anyother characters of my hack will stay the same, human creations can be shaped again too. My second hack will be a working 100% Northforge Geneforge I tried my beta version and it worked. Suggestions? Pm me!

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Plus, all those magic animations are just fun, as well as being able to take down large numbers of enemies in just two or three strikes. But anyhow, mostly I agree with Brock: In Geneforge I tend to prefer being a lone agent (no connection intended, though I do tend to play the agent/lifecrafter more frequently). Creations are amusing but caring for them, or losing XP because of them, is not.

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Being on topic is overrated.


(Actually, looking back, I now see that the digression was my fault. I won't apologize for it! I'd warned you all ahead of time.)


Anyway, okay, back to topic: I really haven't spent enough time, myself, messing around with the scripts... maybe I just didn't feel any great need to but.. hey.. what's a computer for if not to mess around with stuff?


I think I might actually do some character switching. It might be nice to play a gazer, for example, like Dikiyoba's fyoras.


...Or to play with a townsperson's form... that would be nice, too. I can get rid of those damn uniforms.


EDIT: Also, Mitchell: Please edit that URL so it's more easily accessed? It needs the ol' http:// fix. Thanks. In the meantime I'll be checking out the link with no help from the SW forums.


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On the rare occasion I use creations, I actually have several unique creations that I simply re-shape.


Loki, the loyal battle-scarred Cryoa.


Thor, The Immensely strong Ur-Drakon.


Zombor, The Rotdhizon.


Smash and Crash, The pair of battle Alphas. Smash is missing his left eye and is intelligent (for a battle Alpha), and Crash has no nose because it was bitten off a while ago.


and a few others.


When i re-shape them, I keep everything the same, including mental attributes. Don't ask why-I'm not sure myself.


EDIT: not all of their names ares stolen from other sources:))

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