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Free Creations

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Free Creations/Characters..characaters you can treat as a pet but doesn't cost any Essence..fun isn't it?


But..at some point..they are gonna leave you..I just don't know..is there a Free Creation that doesn't leave you no matter what you do?


Greenfang in Southforge Citadel leaves you if you helped Shaila or will attack you if you attack Shaila..Khur in Illya Safehouse leaves if you convey to Alwan the Safehouse location..there's another one in the Poryphra ruins..I forgot his name..does he leave you too?

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I see, thanks Randomizer..an out of topic question if I may..how much reputation do you start with?


My gameplay is almost based upon Slarty's guide in getting the good rewards (Woot for the Stasis Shield!)..but..I'm looking at the guide and it just doesn't add up..


Chapter 1

+2 Let Tycho go

0 Help Serif's rebels escape

+2 Betray Burkes

-2 Intimidate Master Thell

+5 Walk Shaila to Forsaken Docks

-3 Guide Caravan through Cairn Gates

TOTAL: 102


See? If your reputation starts at 100..the total will be at 104 but instead, it's 102..what's up with that?

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You start at 100 and go from there. There are a few other things that you might have done that count and you haven't thought of in you calculation. For example how you deal with Miranda's information when you are sent to interrogate her. Giving Captain Trianus the informaton about the Shaper's Camp to the south.

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All of them are restricted to certain areas, usually a zone or chapter area like the rebels that you can only use in the Fens.
You can keep them untill you go north. Otherwise you can take them anywhere...

Edit -and where does the one from Poryphra ruins leave you? I have grown attached...
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