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Originally written by Kryten:
The serviles have always reminded me of Habnabits .
They remind me of Kubaz . But really, I would expect serviles to be ugly. Why would you want to create something prettier than yourself unless you planned on having sex with it? As far as I know, there has never been a documented human/servile relationship, thus we must assume they are hideous, as you would not pass up someone willing to obey your every command otherwise.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's artistically interesting, but not too realistic: in the geneforge series they are not necessarily described as the raged/mad/angry creature you portrayed. I recall they are most of the times described as being afraid so I can't imagine the eyebrows showing fear with that expression the author drew here.


Even the freeborn serviles do not need to look always so angry...


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Originally written by Enraged Slith:
What do you mean? That's his happy face...
If this is not a sarcasm, I don't see how the happiness is portrayed there: the frown and the absence of a smile give me the reason.
I insist, that servile looks like a very angry warrior, piss*d and ready to attack. Whereas, I tend to imagine them either: afraid, humble, shy and never too direct when staring (they are normally described as being looking at the ground) or,
quiet, wise and under control (like the leaders of the rebellion who have not been under Shaper control).
I want that Paintbrush version!! mine (version 5.1) cannot do that kind of drawings frownfrown
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